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New Canuck PM Admits “I Am A Feminist Cunt!”

New Canuck PM Admits “I Am A Feminist Cunt!” published on

It’s official, those beaver-humping fools up north have elected a feminist cunt. And yes, I know we all like humping beavers, but in our case they are only figurative beavers, the canucks like to fuck the actual furry, wood-chomping animal. Of course, the figurative type of beaver could also be described as a furry, wood-chomping animal…Oh, hell i’d better stop trying to explain before I get myself in deeper. Deeper in beaver, you might say…

Making it clear to everyone that his balls reside somewhere in his wife’s purse, Justin Trudeau, the country’s new head eunuch, loudly declared…

“Yes, Yes. I am a feminist. Proud to be a feminist. My mom raised me to be a feminist. My father raised me, he was a different generation, but he raised me to respect and defend everyone’s rights, and I deeply grounded my own identity in that, and I am proud to say that I am a feminist. The things we see online, whether it is issues like Gamergate, or video games misogyny in popular culture, it is something that we need to stand clearly against.”

Of course his mom raised him to be a feminist – she’s literally crazy! What his dad’s excuse is, I don’t know. Probably just being yet another pussy-whipped Western male. Trudeau the Younger also claims dad raised him to respect and defend everyone’s rights, but seems unable to see the conflict between respecting everyone’s rights and sponsoring a female privilege movement that has spent decades shitting all over men and the lower classes. I don’t know much about this guy, but I think I am getting a whiff of yet another pseudo-leftist servant of the plutocracy. The kind of clown who will defend the female privilege movement, multiculturalism, and political correctness while refusing to do anything about the ever-expanding corporate octopus.

The PM continued in what is, no doubt, a very high-pitched voice…

“I think there’s probably an awful lot of factors that come together to shape societal behaviors, certain types of music — you know, there’s an awful lot of misogyny in certain types of music, there’s issues around pornography and its prevalence now and its accessibility.”

In other words, “Black men, unlike white men, are allowed to use music to criticize The Superior Sex, and that’s something that has to stop. Also, I am deeply disturbed that the easy availability of porn makes it too easy for men to stay out from under some woman’s thumb!”

Pretty much official, then – the Canadians have thrown out a conservative cunt in favor of a feminist cunt. And can you believe the picture in the linked article? Would they have put up a picture of a female PM in a bikini? Hell, no! That would be sexist!

Click here if you want to see a male feminist getting his panties wet.


I apologize for the absence of Justin Bieber references in this piece, but I couldn’t think of any that aren’t already out there. Oh, wait, here’s one…

Question – “What’s the difference between Justin Bieber and Justin Trudeau?”
Answer – “We have incontrovertible evidence that Bieber still has his bollocks!”


Some Times The News Is (Mostly) Good

Some Times The News Is (Mostly) Good published on

It seems that schools in England are to be given guidelines on what kiddies and teachers can and can’t say to one another. While I might usually condemn this kind of thing as Orwellian ( for example, when it’s some PC bullshit about gendered pronouns or forcing boys to wear pink tutus and hold tea parties for their stuffed animals) in this case I think it a good thing.

For something coming out of a modern education system, the guidelines seem pretty sensible, and unexpectedly pro-male. Amongst the banned crap will be…

Telling boys to “Man up”
Calling boys “sissies”
Calling children or each other “cupcake”
Boys telling girls to “make them a sandwich”
Teachers saying to boys “don’t be a girl”.
Calling girls who study ‘male’ subjects “lesbians”

In a world where praising females and pissing on males is de rigueur, it is refreshing to see a ban not only on telling girls they are dykes for liking math, but also on telling boys to “man up” because they aren’t being the cold, stoic lumps that the plutocrats would like them to be. Kids are incredibly malleable, and such an enforcement of gender stereotypes is bound to have a detrimental effect on them reaching some sort of emotional and intellectual maturity. Hell, this shit works even on men and women, can you imagine how much more powerful it is on the young and impressionable? So to this, I say, “Good! It’s about bloody time!”

Of course, social conservatives are bound to be outraged by this — note, for example, the quotation marks around the word sexist in the linked article’s title! But what else can be expected from people who have oatmeal for brains? Far as I can tell, nobody is going to force kids to do things they don’t want to — nobody is going to force Johnny to play with dolls and Janey to play with trucks, so I don’t see the big deal.

Not surprisingly, the whole thing is being touted as being primarily about the girls because females are always the primary victims of anything bad that happens. Prostate cancer, for example, is an area in which the primary victims are women because many end up with men who are either dead or impotent! This is how our sick, twisted society looks at everything, but we mustn’t let the gynocentric language surrounding the initiative blind us to the potential benefits this will have for boys.

I was especially pleased to see this bit…

“Clare Thomson, of the Institute of Physics, who helped to draw up the guidelines, told The Sunday Times: “Even low-level comments are potentially an issue with teachers using phrases such as ‘man up’.”

It’s good to see that not only are the kids being told to stop being such little shits, so are the teachers. As for the whole “man up” thing, it is as offensive and fucking retarded as it gets. What, a man is less of a man because he doesn’t do what you want him to? His balls drop off if he doesn’t follow your orders, do they? The phrase is pathetic even when used on a man, but on a boy? Why the fuck should he “man up” when he isn’t even a man!?!?! He’s a boy, a child, and he has the right to be so without some piece of shit trying to shame him into being something he is not.

The news isn’t all good, hence the title of this post, as some schools have decided to enforce these new guidelines by setting up squads of little feminazis to go around harassing kids who break the rules. How’s that for the modern definition of sexual equality? Only the girls get to police the new rules, and who do you think they will go after more eagerly – the boy jerks or the girl jerks? Can you imagine if this was about racism these schools appointing white-only groups to police it? These particular schools, wherever they are, are clearly being run by sexist, anti-male, white-knighting dweebs who should be fired so they can go do something that involves less power over the young. Cleaning toilets or jumping off cliffs are activities that come to mind, though I’m not sure anyone will pay them to do the latter.

Article here.

Rich White Woman Shot Dead By New York Police Officer

Rich White Woman Shot Dead By New York Police Officer published on

Ms Lilly Weiss, 34, of Manhattan, got lost on her way to the Hamptons and made the mistake of stopping off at a Harlem 7-11 to ask for directions. While there she also decided to buy, for undisclosed reasons, a sole cucumber. When she returned to the parking lot, Ms Weiss was promptly blown to kingdom come by Officer Lee Whey, who was deeply dismayed to find out the race, class, and sex of his victim.

Speaking through his legal representative, Officer Whey stated…

”I am deeply sorry for this tragic mistake. As Ms Weiss was sporting a dark tan and it was Harlem, I thought she was black. Furthermore, someone up the street had told me there was a homeless,black drag queen called Rastus hanging around and as you can see from the autopsy photos, Ms Weiss wasn’t the prettiest of women. This, combined with the fact that she was at the time wielding what appeared to be a loaded cucumber, led me to mistake Ms Weiss for a black man. Also, she had a really mean look on her face, which further convinced me of both her maleness and her blackness.”

When it was pointed out that, according to eyewitness accounts, Ms Weiss was smiling broadly when shot, the officer claimed “Er…I thought she was eating watermelon?”

While the matter is investigated by his brother officers, Officer Whey has been put on leave. He is believed to be spending it in the Riviera, in the company of several Playboy playmates.

Female Journalists Outraged At Being Denied Cheap Thrills

Female Journalists Outraged At Being Denied Cheap Thrills published on

A couple of Peeping Thomasinas have taken to Twitter to complain bitterly that they failed to cop an eyeful after a recent NFL game. The two lascivious creatures tried getting into the men’s locker room, only to be stopped by some old fuddy duddy who was, apparently, under the impression that not all males like to have their members stared at by members of the Superior Sex.

One of the women, the bizarrely named Graham Watson, screeched hysterically…

“I have covered male sporting events all over the world and it took coming to Indianapolis to face my first gender discrimination.”

I wonder what she would call male reporters being asked to wait while an usher checked with a women’s team if they were allowed to come in? Common sense, that’s what she would call it. But her female privilege stops her seeing it that way when it’s men whose privacy is being respected.

In typical Amerikan fashion, the NFL teams involved completely failed to stand up for their sex by actually apologizing to the perverted women for not allowing them to get their jollies! Here’s an unlikely headline – “WNBA Apologizes For Not Letting Men See Players With Their Pussies Hanging Out!”

Ms Watson later tweeted…

“I do want to note that we were eventually allowed through, but by the time we got inside there wasn’t a naked cock to be seen. Very disappointing! Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go Google for “naked jocks with big cocks.”

Feminist indignation at its finest here.

Kewpie Doll Steps Out Of Line, Gets Eaten Alive By Angry Birds

Kewpie Doll Steps Out Of Line, Gets Eaten Alive By Angry Birds published on

Ain’t it just grand when the feminists turn on one another over the most minor of things? Emma Watson, the disgusting little dwarf who gave that shameful “HeForShe” speech at the UN, has just made the mistake of saying that some of the best feminists are men! While I see that as yet another gross insult to the male sex, the pinheads and reprobates who litter Twitter saw it as some sort of attack on feminism. Or it had something to do with race. Or something.

Amongst the more coherent tweets are such pearls of wisdom as…

“Emma Watson is a problematic fav. I love her but she needs to educate herself and stop trying to get male approval with her white feminism.”

Puzzling, as in the piece there is no mention of race. My guess is that “white feminism” is just another nonsensical SJW term that has nothing to do with what is actually happening.


Love the all-caps, madam. Combined with your atrocious mangling of the English language it truly makes you look like someone who should be taken seriously.

“Emma Watson’s views shouldn’t be considered feminism, anything that questions black women and seeks male approval is NOT feminism”

What? Which black women did she question? It’s almost as if Twitter feminists live in a completely different reality to the rest of us…

As for Watson herself, she claims to have “experienced” sexism because most of the directors she has worked with have been male. Yeah, and most of the nurses and school teachers I have encountered have been female, so I guess that I also have “experienced sexism.” What a schmuck.

There’s also some crap caption under the video in which it is claimed that she said “It was seven men and me”! That doesn’t seem to be in either the video or the print, but it makes you wonder what the hell young Emma is getting up to in her spare time. Emma Watson – actress, feminist twat, human bowling ball.

Watson and other idiots here.