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Trans issues broke up Cornell West/Greens alliance…

Trans issues broke up Cornell West/Greens alliance… published on

…according to Jill Stein. This is a couple of months old, but it’s still a great example of WHY Identity Politics has been turned into such a big thing.
I post this here as an example of a concrete and undeniable example of just how much IdPol hurts the Left and the liberals. Let’s face it, for all his flaws, West is a far more compelling and charismatic figure than Stein so they would probably be doing better with him at the helm, but he isn’t down with aspects of the trans ideology so that potentially successful alliance got a bullet to the nogin. Make no mistake, folks, THIS is why the MSM pushes all this trans crap — it sure as hell isn’t because they care about trans people, that’s for sure.

Jews — Not Actually In Charge

Jews — Not Actually In Charge published on

Due to the Zionist genocide i, like so many others, have been looking into the whole Jewish power thing. I was actually going to do a couple of loooong toons about it, but as nothing very spectacular was found i decided to instead make this quick text post, just for the record. A lot of these figures are approximate as i checked this shit over the period of a few weeks and my memory is crap.

The gist of it is, basically, that it turns out that the Jews don’t run the world. Well, duh. Hell, they don’t even seem to run the Western World. Make no mistake — they are clearly overrepresented in most avenues of power, but they are still a minority. Since i take a liberal view of the world i didn’t bother much with the management class — a.k.a the politicians — but went after the plutocrats who own the motherfuckers previously mentioned.

Worldwide, four of the ten richest people are Jews so they ain’t doin’ too badly, but still not ruling the world. And of course, all of those are in the Western world so that’s where they would be exercising most of their power.

It also turns out, despite the well-worn stereotype, that worldwide not a single one of the top ten banks is run by Jews. Funnily enough, the most over-represented group there are the Chinese. Three or four of the top ten are Chinese banks.

In terms of hedge funds, which i don’t know much about but which get mentioned a lot by the Far Right because Blackrock is headed by Jews, once again we find Jews to be a very small minority worldwide. I think it’s like one or two of them headed by Jews.

I also took a look at the top ten richest dirtbags in a few Western countries and while Jews were overrepresented they were almost always a minority. In the UK, it’s one or two. In Australia, it’s two or three. In France it’s four out of ten, which is pretty surprising. In Germany, it’s none out of ten, which is not pretty surprising. Where it gets interesting is America….

Turns out Jews are SIX of the ten richest Americans. How about that! Not quite running the world, probably not even America, but clearly a very, very powerful group in the US. I also checked out the top 25, and of those, eleven are Jews so almost fifty percent. Beyond that i didn’t go, so for all i know all of the other 75 in the top 100 could be Jews, or maybe none of them. Frankly, i refuse to look up THAT many Wikipedia bios.

Another thing about the US is that the great majority of  the MSM is owned by four conglomerates, three of which have Jewish CEOs. Two of those — including Comcast, which is the biggest — are also owned by Jews. I have no way of quantifying this, of course, but it’s probably a good guess that Jews therefore control about half of the MSM.

Funnily enough, the most stereotypical area of Jewish power — the banks — is, in America as in the rest of the world, mostly gentile. As i recall, it’s only one or two of the ten biggest American banks that are run by Jews. Lots of Irish folks, though, which was surprising.

When it comes to the ten biggest American hedge funds, most are run by gentiles, though Blackrock is the biggest and totally owned and controlled by Jews so that’s the one the Far Right focuses on. Of the others in the top ten, only one or two more are Jewish.

In politics, they have a minority, with less than 10% of the Congress being Jewish. Contrary to what some Far Right loons claim, they do NOT make up two thirds of Biden’s cabinet! Hell, ten of the sixteen cabinet members are either Black, Asian, or Native American! And at least a couple of the Whites are Catholics, so while Blinken gets a lot of attention, it is a heavily gentile cabinet. I don’t take the Israel lobby’s power into account in all this as their power is grossly exaggerated. Even Trump is only getting 10-20 % of his campaign funding from the Zionists, and he is an exception. Sure, they bribe a lot of politicians lower down the ladder, but that’s not what keeps America on Israel’s side — that boils down to the fact that Israel is America’s unsinkable aircraft carrier in that region. Or, as Joe The Cabbage once put it, if Israel did not exist America would have to invent it to further its interests in that area. Look it up, there’s a video. Amazing how these guys can just admit shit, isn’t it?

So there you have it. Jews aren’t to blame for all of the world’s woes, only for some of them. And even then it’s the powerful Jews, not the Jew on the street — Shlomo Sixpack has about as much power as Joe Sixpack, which is to say none. But facts won’t stop Jew-haters ( the real kind, not the “genocide is bad even when done by Jewish people” kind ) because facts never stop any kind of bigot. As a White Supremacist character by the name of Salty Cracker was going to say at the end of the toon, “it’s just more fun to blame it all on the Jews.”







We are living in an era of unprecedented irrationality

We are living in an era of unprecedented irrationality published on

Don’t let all the high tech fool you, we are living in an era of unprecedented irrationality.

Think about it. Back in the Dark Ages they believed garbage that could not be proved but also could not be disproved, crap like witches, werewolves, demons and such. You can’t prove that your sheep got sick and died because your neighbour is a witch who has put a curse on them, but you can’t disprove it either. Maybe the sheep got sick because of bad luck, maybe they got sick because of a curse — there’s no way of proving one way or the other. These days, though, millions of people believe things that can be disproved. Take for example what i see as the spearhead of this descent into madness — the whole trans thing. You can’t prove that Ellen Page isn’t a witch, but you can prove that she isn’t a man — you just break into her gynecologist’s office and steal her records! And yet millions of people now believe she’s actually a man called Elliot Page! This is a level of irrationality that would have had even the low-IQued peasants of the Dark Ages going “dude, you need help!” Yet here we are, stuck in a clown world where even otherwise smart people buy the idea that woman = man, man = woman, and pretty soon that up = down.

This is where we are now, and since irrationality largely serves those who rule us, i don’t see this doing anything except getting worse.

Another horrific first

Another horrific first published on

Some racist idiots in Spain are about to get 8 months in jail. Now, what did these fools do? Did they beat up a Black man for being Black? Did they destroy an Asian man’s car? Did they chant “die, Whitey, die” at some White soccer player? No. And LOL to the last one because we all know ain’t no way anyone would be jailed over that. No, they chanted some unspecified racist things at a Black soccer player. That’s right. Words. Mere words. And they are going to jail for it. Nobody should be jailed just for saying offensive shit, but this is the world we live in now.

The Black guy in question, clearly a stereotypical meat-headed jock, thinks this is great. Of course he does, he’s head-butted too many soccer balls during his career so he probably thinks this has something to do with “muh social justice” and genuine concern for Black people. Which brings me to my second point, which is that only morons think the rich White men who own and run Spain give a fuck about the Blacks! Hell, they don’t even give a shit about the other White men, much less about groups they aren’t a part of! No, this is about scaring people into saying as little as possible, it is about sending the message that non-Whites are special, and above all it is about setting a legal, social, and psychological precedent for what they know will be a very tumultuous future. How long until pissed off Spaniards start chanting “kill the rich”? The way things are going, a couple of decades at the most. Now, if mere racist insults justify jail, what would “kill the rich” justify? That’s right. Jail at best and execution at worst. Trust me on this one — Spain’s rulers are not doing this out of anything other than self-interest.

We are all swimming in it, folks…

We are all swimming in it, folks… published on

This one pretty much sums up the way i feel about the future. It really is that bad. I honestly can’t think of one thing that hasn’t gotten worse for the lower classes in the last few years and i see no sign that there will be a reversal in our fortunes. I was playing with the idea of doing a text post titled something like “Sorry, folks, but we are all fucked!” but i’m just not that fond of writing blog posts any more. Eventually, this much more succinct way of saying where i think things are going popped into my head, and a few hours later here it is. I guess all we can do is brace ourselves for a very nasty future and try to prepare by going out and buying a figurative wetsuit and snorkel.