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We are living in an era of unprecedented irrationality

We are living in an era of unprecedented irrationality published on

Don’t let all the high tech fool you, we are living in an era of unprecedented irrationality.

Think about it. Back in the Dark Ages they believed garbage that could not be proved but also could not be disproved, crap like witches, werewolves, demons and such. You can’t prove that your sheep got sick and died because your neighbour is a witch who has put a curse on them, but you can’t disprove it either. Maybe the sheep got sick because of bad luck, maybe they got sick because of a curse — there’s no way of proving one way or the other. These days, though, millions of people believe things that can be disproved. Take for example what i see as the spearhead of this descent into madness — the whole trans thing. You can’t prove that Ellen Page isn’t a witch, but you can prove that she isn’t a man — you just break into her gynecologist’s office and steal her records! And yet millions of people now believe she’s actually a man called Elliot Page! This is a level of irrationality that would have had even the low-IQued peasants of the Dark Ages going “dude, you need help!” Yet here we are, stuck in a clown world where even otherwise smart people buy the idea that woman = man, man = woman, and pretty soon that up = down.

This is where we are now, and since irrationality largely serves those who rule us, i don’t see this doing anything except getting worse.

Rantings Of A Swineherd

Rantings Of A Swineherd published on

My manager now has a Substack. Partly it’s his way of saying “fuck you” to the fascist scum trying to shut it down, and partly it’s a place to say things that don’t fit in anywhere else. Virtually everything posted there will be for free or available on one of the websites.

Roll up to hear the Rantings Of A Swineherd!

I don’t think he meant THAT kind of coyote…

I don’t think he meant THAT kind of coyote… published on

I swear, when i saw this i thought it was a satire account. But nope, she’s a real politician — a Democrat, of course. Even funnier is that she works as a lawyer and investment adviser despite being, apparently, literally retarded. So retarded that even after people made fun of her she still didn’t get what she’d done wrong! Now, how would someone this intellectually challenged end up in a position of power? Well, it ain’t because she’s a white male, that’s for sure! If you don’t know what the term “coyote” means and you work as an accountant or at Wendy’s, fair enough. But if you don’t know and you work in politics, you are simply incompetent and need to be kicked out onto the street.

Cheaper than Ipecac syrup…

Cheaper than Ipecac syrup… published on

You know those times when you eat something that’s gone off and the only solution to your woes is to make yourself puke, but the fingers down the throat just aren’t working? I give you the answer to your problems…

Bloody ‘ell! Yes, it’s Lizzo, that icon of everything that is healthy and wholesome. And this came from some Daily Mail article in which she was described as “curvaceous”! No – curvaceous means you have curves, what this woman has are lumps! If anything, she’s lump-aceous!

Now, if you want to be fat enough to get stuck in a freight elevator, that’s your business. But when you are rich and famous and therefore influential, you should not be acting as if looking like a beached whale that’s been left out in the sun too long is a good thing. After all, unlike the rich, girls stupid enough to follow this Lizzo girl into the realm of morbid obesity can’t afford to pay someone to wipe their asses! Think about it, this woman literally cannot wipe her own ass, and she’s being held up — with great difficulty, admittedly — as some sort of role model! It’s madness, that’s what it is.

And then there are the coming medical bills. Fine for Lizzo, she can get a million dollars worth of surgery at the first sign of high blood pressure, but the poor girls can’t! They’ll get diabetes, and heart attacks, and strokes! And how you gonna look sexy when both your feet are missing and half your face is down to your knees? You ain’t. Shame on Lizzo, and shame on the Daily Mail for promoting this crap. They’ll be promoting heroin addiction, next.

I KNEW there was something sinister about bagels…

I KNEW there was something sinister about bagels… published on

Ah, the joys of hanging out on Gab, where everything is the fault of the Jews! Seriously, you can’t make this shit up. Apparently, the Jews are fucking us over by getting us to eat non-Aryan food. Tacos and Sushi rolls are bringing about the downfall of Western civilization and nobody is doing anything about it!