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The goal is to kill without being seen to kill

The goal is to kill without being seen to kill published on

Some people think that if the Establishment was really trying to kill Trump they wouldn’t keep failing. Not true.

What is true is that if the Establishment was really trying to kill Trump without caring if we know it’s their doing, then they wouldn’t keep failing. But can you imagine how big a disaster it would be if he got taken out in a way that makes it clear it was the Establishment? Imagine if Trump were assassinated by a guy who got him right between the eyes with one shot and then disappeared into thin air, leaving no fingerprints or any kind of evidence behind! EVERYONE would know it was the CIA or similar, and there would be such a huge backlash that it would probably carry Vance (who, i assume, would then be taking Trump’s place on the ballot) right over the line, and probably win the Republicans huge majorities in both the House and the Senate as well! Major fuckup.

They can’t have that happening, so instead they practice stochastic terrorism by spending eight years telling every angry loon in America that Trump is the devil, then tracking him until they know he’s ready to strike, and then telling the Secret Service to become selectively incompetent on the date.  That way, they hope, they can get him taken out while still being able to say “hey, we didn’t do it. It was just some crazy guy.” Many of us would — and do — see through that, but nowhere near as many as would see through similar claims regarding a clean, professional hit that would succeed in — as Trump himself put it — exploding his head like a watermelon!


Trans issues broke up Cornell West/Greens alliance…

Trans issues broke up Cornell West/Greens alliance… published on

…according to Jill Stein. This is a couple of months old, but it’s still a great example of WHY Identity Politics has been turned into such a big thing.
I post this here as an example of a concrete and undeniable example of just how much IdPol hurts the Left and the liberals. Let’s face it, for all his flaws, West is a far more compelling and charismatic figure than Stein so they would probably be doing better with him at the helm, but he isn’t down with aspects of the trans ideology so that potentially successful alliance got a bullet to the nogin. Make no mistake, folks, THIS is why the MSM pushes all this trans crap — it sure as hell isn’t because they care about trans people, that’s for sure.

Not AIPAC, but rather empire…

Not AIPAC, but rather empire… published on

People seem to think that the Dems support Israel because they get a lot of money from the Zionists. I don’t buy this. Far as i can tell, less than 10% of their funding for this election comes from the Zionists, and i find it hard to believe that the people who make the decisions are risking losing the White House to hold on to 10% of the money they need to run the campaign. Think about it. From a practical standpoint, which is better for the Dems, losing 10% of the funding and gaining back millions of voters, or keeping that 10% and losing millions of voters who will stay home? Obviously, the former is the better option yet they are choosing the latter. Harris may be Dan Quayle in blackface, but her handlers are not fools, so why are they doing this? Same reason the Republicans support Israel — because it is America’s unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Middle East, because as Biden once put it, if Israel did not exist America would have to create it to further its interests in that part of the world. THAT is the most likely reason that the Dems are willing to lose the White House to keep supporting Israel, it is simply what their corporate masters want them to do. They, like the Republicans, are simply managers for the people who actually own America, and they know that you don’t fuck with those people.