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Is Donald Duck a Sexual Harasser ?

Is Donald Duck a Sexual Harasser ? published on

Is no one safe from the hysteria surrounding sexual harassment? What has the world come to when an innocent duck can’t go about his day’s work without being accused of groping some hysterical cow?

Yes folks, in the most surprising allegations of sexual harassment since Homer Simpson was almost lynched by that young feminist and her friends, Disney icon Donald Duck (that’s him in the photo, looking down the poor bitch’s cleavage) stands accused of groping a human female, something which in this case strikes me as akin to bestiality.

It is alleged that the foul fowl grabbed the breast of one April Magolon, who claims to be so devastated by the tragic event that she now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder! As a result, Magolon supposedly has to endure nightmares in which she is goosed by a duck, and has developed an inability to take her dog for a walk in any park which has a duck pond!

One would think that given the slight nature of the alleged slight and the capacious size of  Disney’s coffers the suit would be dismissed as mere money grubbing. But instead it’s going to court, where I not only hope that Donald and his employers win but that they get their court costs paid by the accuser. PTSD from being groped by a duck? Not bloody likely!

As you have probably divined by now, I find the allegations difficult to accept. After all, what possible sexual interest could a duck have in a human female? If Mr Duck had been accused of surreptitiously fondling Daisy or making homoerotic advances towards Daffy  (it would certainly explain that sailor suit)  I might give this some credence – as it is I think this will soon be thrown into the same BS basket as the case of  Anita Hill vs Elmer Fudd.

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Haschka off Hook

Haschka off Hook published on

Good news for once. In what may be a sign of Australian juries taking a more understanding approach towards men who kill abusive wives, millionaire builder (yeah, that’s right, he builds millionaires ) Frank Haschka has been allowed to go free after a second jury failed to reach a verdict in his murder trial.

Haschka’s case has now been “no billed”, which means there won’t be third trial over what Haschka claimed was a killing in self defense after his wife attacked him with a knife. Not only did Frank claim his wife had been abusive towards him for years but so did his son, who testified that his mother had thrown knives at his father and that her behavior caused him, ie the son, to leave home.

It’s the son’s testimony that clinched it for me. If not for that it could have been just another abuse excuse, but as it stands it looks as if Mrs Haschka had it coming, so good riddance to bad rubbish.

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