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Mad Mandy Blithers Again

Mad Mandy Blithers Again published on

This time the woman who is a veritable gift to those of us who love to mock feminists is putting forward the idea that…

“Feminists will agree to quit it with the misandry jokes if anti-feminists cease making scurrilous accusations that feminists are motivated by man hatred.”

This presupposes a couple of things. The first is that all the “male tears” crap on things like mugs and Jessica Valenti’s beach attire are “jokes.” Coming from women who don’t have extensive records as man-haters these could be seen as such, coming from harpies whose misandry is well established there has got to be more to it than so-called humour – if Ben Stiller makes a joke about his dad hoarding pennies it is one thing, if Mel Gibson makes a joke about Jerry Stiller hoarding pennies it is another one altogether. The other idea we are supposed to take for granted is that accusations of man-hating are “scurrilous.” Well, I guess that they are, in the sense that they are insulting, but Mad Mandy obviously means more than this, she means that they are untrue. The entire thrust (pardon the phallocentric language) of the piece seems to be that feminists don’t hate the menz. She keeps repeating the point over and over…

“ After all, all anti-feminists have to do is promise not to tell lies,”

“Anti-feminists don’t like these gifs? Simple: Stop pretending that one has to hate men in order to believe that men should not be unfairly privileged over women.”

“We should be having a public debate about whether or not it’s acceptable for conservatives to routinely lie about feminists rather than argue with them directly.”

“…the lies anti-feminists tell about feminists are many in number!):”

Yep, the idea that we are lying when we say that feminists, as a group, hate men is a big one with our under-medicated miscreant, so let’s remind ourselves of what feminists actually do out there in the real world. First, they claim that misandry is not real. We know this because Mandy does it herself right here…

“Indeed, that this even has to be discussed shows how misogyny is a real thing and misandry simply is not.”

The very denial of misandry is itself an act of hatred against men, as its purpose is to cover up the multitude of ways in which men get screwed over by society. The fact is that misandry is no joke, it is not only a real problem but also one that inflicts much more damage on its victims than misogyny does. While misogyny is the realm of disturbed outliers like Elliot Rodger, misandry is the province of governments, corporations, and mainstream media outlets. Misogyny is rare, misandry is pervasive. If misandry is funny, misogyny is downright hilarious.

But there’s a lot more feminist man-hating going on out there. Some of it is relatively minor, such as the way feminists use everything from cartoon characters’ wrist sizes to some people’s dislike of cats to make it seem as if women are some sort of oppressed group who need even more privilege than they already have. Some of the acts of hatred are far more obvious, so obvious as to be totally undeniable. This includes things such as getting their stooges in the Swedish government to pass laws which make violent crime against women a bigger sin than violent crime against men, then trying to get their stooges in the U.S government to do the same in Amerika. Then there’s the Argentinean law that makes the murder of a woman (but only when by a man) a greater crime than other forms of murder, the fact that most Amerikan feminists these days support the passing of the ERA with the Hayden rider, which would mean that the so-called Equal Rights Amendment would be a Female Gravy Train Amendment instead, the fact that feminists see 60% of degrees going to women yet still push for more female graduates, the fact that British feminists want to do away with women’s jails, but not men’s, and so on. Believe me, there’s a shit load more I could list, just consider this a sampler of modern feminist evil, like one of those small boxes of chocolates but with less cocoa and a lot more strychnine.

Marcotte the Mad then proceeds to give a whole list of “lies” that us mean anti-fems are out there telling about the poor old feminists, a list which ends with this corker…

“Just any generic screaming that feminists are out to “get” men that is tossed out because you see women pushing for more equality and you don’t like it.”

In other words, men have no real concerns, they just don’t like what Marcotte calls “equality.” And if you want to see what she and other feminists mean by equality, just back up a paragraph or two to the above sampler of modern feminist evil. That’s equality, is it? Yeah, equality as defined by lunatics, blithering idiots and other types of feminist, and, of course, Mad Mandy herself.

Burger King Manatee Goes Ape Shit

Burger King Manatee Goes Ape Shit published on
Victoria J. Duran – this is what a feminist really looks like.

In a fine example of what really lurks at the heart of modern feminism, some psycho burger flipper called Victoria J. Duran has been caught on video going totally psycho at the sight of some young men protesting against abortion. While the whole abortion thing is complicated, I have already made my views known and am not about to go into it now.

What matters is that these kids weren’t doing anything objectionable, yet this massive 250lb piece of turd decides that she’s going to get all agro at them. What kind of dirtbag does that? Look at the photo, she’s not only twice as heavy as the kid, she’s also taller! How scuzzy a person do you have to be to get verbally abusive and physically intimidating towards someone so much smaller than yourself? But this is no surprise. This is how most feminists would behave if they had size on their side, and let’s face it, were it not for the law and the witnesses she would probably have beaten the crap out of those kids. Of course, if one of the pro-lifers had been her size or bigger she would probably have pissed herself and then waddled back to Burger King as fast as her slime trail would allow her.

If the sexes were reversed in this disgraceful situation, if a 250 pound man had verbally abused and menaced a bunch of pro-choice women half his size, the feminists would all be calling for the man to be jailed, yet I have yet to see feminists call for Victoria J. Duran to be locked up, or even mention her for that matter. Just more evidence that this nutjob isn’t the only one of her ilk who thinks menacing people half your size is okay as long as you do it for the sisterhood. And there’s no doubt she’s a feminist, as opposed to some other type of abortion supporter, as she spews all the usual bullshit we have come to expect from her sort…

“You’re just a white fucking privileged, racist fucking male, who doesn’t stand for women’s rights,” the raging moron screams at one point.

She then proceeds to use the Gillardian definition of misogyny and to point out that males have no right to talk about abortion and such…

“You’re just a bunch of misogynistic motherfuckers…no uterus, you have no right to talk about it…understand me motherfucker?”

Bigoted and anti-male, as well as verbally, psychologically, and physically abusive – poster girl for modern feminism right there, folks.

According to county records easily found online, Victoria J. Duran has been charged with assault and criminal damage but, being a woman, is unlikely to get into any real legal trouble over this. As I see it, the best bet in terms of making this woman regret her actions would be to cause Burger King a huge amount of bad PR and force them to fire her. Oh, look, here’s a contact form!

Video here. It’s at The Blaze, so I suggest you cover your nose when going in.


Feminist Darling Marion Zimmer Bradley was a Pedophile

Feminist Darling Marion Zimmer Bradley was a Pedophile published on

For those who don’t know, Bradley was a very well-regarded fantasy and sci-fi writer who is best known for re-writing Arthurian tales from a feminist perspective – which is to say that she was a renowned bullshit artist. For example, she re-wrote the villainess Morgan le Fay as a well-intentioned woman fighting to save a Celtic matriarchy ( no such thing ever existed ) from the evil hordes of patriarchal Christianity. Yes, she did the “Maleficent” thing before Disney did.

Recently Bradley’s daughter , Moira Greyland, a professional harpist and singer, has come forward claiming that mommy dearest sexually abused her from the age of 3 till she was about 12. In an email to some writer I’ve never heard of Greyland states…

“The first time she molested me, I was three. The last time, I was twelve, and able to walk away. I put Walter (Bradley’s husband, himself a pedophile) in jail for molesting one boy. I had tried to intervene when I was 13 by telling Mother and Lisa, and they just moved him into his own apartment. I had been living partially on couches since I was ten years old because of the out of control drugs, orgies, and constant flow of people in and out of our family ‘home.’ None of this should be news. Walter was a serial rapist with many, many, many victims (I named 22 to the cops) but Marion was far, far worse. She was cruel and violent, as well as completely out of her mind sexually. I am not her only victim, nor were her only victims girls.”

Greyland also claims in some poems that Bradley beat her senseless, tried to drown her in the bath, and stoned a cat to death!

One must always be wary of mere accusations, no matter how heartfelt they seem to be, but in this case the evidence supporting Greyland’s claims is very strong. The first thing that rings alarm bells is that Bradley was knowingly married to a man, Walter H. Breen, who had, by the time they married, already been convicted of child sexual abuse. And there’s no way this guy could be seen as a pedo who made one mistake then got his urges under control and tried to live a normal life. This guy was a NAMBLA member who habitually defended pederasty as being perfectly okay, he even wrote an entire book on it called “Greek Love!” And Bradley knew about all this and defended his behavior!

What kind of woman marries such a man? The kind of woman who thinks there’s nothing wrong with child molestation, obviously. Seriously, ask the women you know if they would get hitched to such a creature and they’ll probably tell you to fuck off. On her choice of husband alone Bradley is rather suspect, then there’s the fact that she herself had been involved with the lesbian group Daughters of Bilitis when she was younger. Being gay or bi doesn’t support the idea that she was a pedophile, but it does provide evidence of sexual interest in females and it is a female who is making the accusations. All this, combined with her daughter’s testimony, adds up to, if not a certainty, then a probability that Marion Zimmer Bradley was indeed a pedophile. So, having established that Greyland is probably telling the truth, why does this matter to anyone other than Bradley’s victims? It matters because it’s a high profile example of female evil at a time in Western history when such things are swept under the rug in order to shore up the rapidly deteriorating myth of female superiority. The more Marion Zimmer Bradleys the world is made aware of, the less inclined people will be to treat women better than they treat men. It matters also in that such stories help to keep children safe by warning those around them to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior even when such behavior is being carried out by women.

This whole thing makes me wonder how common this kind of sexually abusive behavior is amongst feminist women. Could that be why there is so little feminist objection to the Vagina Monologues section entitled “The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could”? You know, the one in which the rape of a 13 year old girl by a 24 year old woman is depicted as “a good rape?” Could it be that feminists have something personal to gain from the portrayal of the sexual abuse of girls by women as a positive thing? Would we even bother asking that question if these were men who supported the depiction of the rape of a 13 year old girl by a man as a “good rape?” We wouldn’t, and there you have your answer. Don’t be surprised if similar claims are made by those close to them once Eve Ensler and her cronies have kicked the bucket.

And let me quickly address the question of whether or not the greatness or popularity of an artist’s works can excuse bad personal behavior. There are several answers to this…

“Sure – if your bad behavior is not bathing for weeks on end or picking your nose and then wiping it on someone else’s tie.”

“Maybe – if your bad behavior adds up to punching a few people in the nose or having their car towed to the wreckers without their permission.”

“No – if your bad behavior is killing, raping, torturing or permanently maiming any person, be they child or adult.”

And that last one is what is pertinent in this case. I don’t give a fuck if you are a great, such as Polanski, a supposed great, such as Bradley, or a hack, like Mark Wahlberg, if you cause someone serious, permanent damage in anything other than defense of yourself or others you are trash and the world will be a better place once you are rotting in the dirt. People who think otherwise are simply allowing talented individuals to get away with being scum. Greyland herself provides evidence that this attitude that we shouldn’t be knocking others’ idols is part of what allows such people to get away with their crimes…

“One reason I never said anything is that I regarded her life as being more important than mine: her fame more important, and assuredly the comfort of her fans as more important,”

Well, fuck that. Trash is trash, and if the evildoer’s fans can’t handle the truth about their idol they need to grow the fuck up and stop worshiping people who, as human beings, are rarely better than the rest of us – and who are some times much, much worse.

Only 19 Times Per Day

Only 19 Times Per Day published on

Quick, how often do you think a male in his late teens to early twenties thinks about sex? Every few minutes? Every few seconds? Nope, turns out that even at such a hormone-rich stage of their lives the average man (boy, really) thinks about “getting some” only 19 times per day. That’s around once an hour, not counting sleeping hours. And that’s the other thing – he thinks about sleep more than he thinks about sex! Same with food!

This all goes against the oft-repeated malarkey about men thinking about sex (read “women”) every few seconds. Mind you, not many intelligent men need an actual study to know that we don’t think about sex every few seconds (I’ve been awake for three hours and, until someone mentioned the linked article, sex hadn’t even crossed my mind. Food had, though. So had work and taking a piss. How’s that for a real measure of male priorities?) but not everyone is intelligent and not everyone is a man. I’m pretty sure even some of the few smart women out there have found themselves believing the bull about every few seconds – let’s face it, how the hell would they know otherwise? Where this figure of every few seconds came from I don’t know, but it’s repeated all over the place. I recently ran into it in an award winning pop psych book that didn’t bother to either prove it or refute it but simply stated it as a given. And this is a book that is described by the publisher as “a thinking person’s guide!” Needless to say, my copy of this book is now lining the bottom of a neighbor’s budgie cage.

The reason why it is important to debunk this ludicrous myth is that it is simply an anti-male twist on an old anti-negro meme, namely that blacks are a bunch of animals who are driven by nothing but base urges and who will fuck anyone, or anything, at the drop of a belt. Nowadays, try this bullshit on black people and most thinking people see it for the pile of turds that it is. Try it on men and even the usually intelligent folks are apt to swallow it like a free steak dinner. And, whether they care to admit it or not, it will lower their estimation of men, just as it diminishes blacks in the eyes of the few who still choose to believe that particular lie. Rutting, sex-obsessed animals, that’s all that men are. A kind of proto-human ; half homo sapiens, half “walking penis,” to paraphrase Valerie Solanas. Why shouldn’t women be allowed to run the world? They wouldn’t be hindered by constant thoughts of dry humping the nearest couch! And why shouldn’t men be kept from sitting next to unaccompanied minors on airplanes? If you think about sex every few seconds, sooner or later you’ll get desperate enough to fuck anyone! Right?

Article here.