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How The University of North Dakota Screwed Over One Young Man

How The University of North Dakota Screwed Over One Young Man published on

Four years after being falsely accused of rape by Jessica Denise Murray, Caleb Warner is still suffering.

The biggest mistake of Caleb’s young life came along on the 13th of December 2009, when he attended a frat party at the University of North Dakota. That’s where he met Jessica Denise Murray, the evil little turd who would proceed to fuck up his life for him. Caleb and snake-girl hooked up, as is apparently the custom these days, and before you know it he was being accused of rape! And to think, he didn’t even have to go down on her in front of a mobile phone camera!

And what was little Jessica’s motivation for making such an awful claim? Was she psychotic? Brain damaged from too many episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians? Possessed by the devil? (Don’t laugh, over 50% of Americans believe demonic possession is real.) No, she’s just a massive asshole. Seems that after a second hook up a few days later, Murray decided Warner should be her boyfriend. When he declined her offer, she treated him in a most unfriendly manner by telling the University that he had raped her! The university then set up “a disciplinary hearing,” no doubt the kind of affair where all the members of the tribunal wear hoods to cover their faces. The standard of evidence was one that added up to taking Jessica’s word for it, Caleb’s lawyer wasn’t even allowed to speak and, not unexpectedly, Caleb was judged to be a rapist and thrown out of the university. Meanwhile, the cops were carrying out a real investigation and they came to the conclusion that the only real criminal involved was Jessica. Being as dumb as she is evil, Jessica Denise Murray had gotten her stories mixed up, and had even sent Caleb a text offering to have it off with him after he supposedly raped her – rape must be quite a tasty dish, considering how many “victims” end up going back for seconds. These incongruences led to the police charging Jessica with making false allegations. Like Tawana Brawley before her, Jessica fled the state before she could be arrested so she has yet to pay for her crime, and unless she’s stupid enough to go back to North Dakota, she never will.

You would think that at this point the men and women in the hoods would humbly apologize and let the boy back into the Uni, but such is not the way of misandry. Despite the cops clearing the boy, the University held onto its finding that he was a scumbag rapist. Almighty Academia had judged the boy guilty, and logic and evidence could take a hike. The Uni even went so far as to claim that the police warrant for the arrest of turd-girl would not be “substantial new evidence” and that the police were making — wait for it — “an unproven allegation”! As opposed to the proven allegation against Warner, I suppose… When the cops are more rational than the people who run the Universities, that’s when you know things are truly and totally fucked up. Seriously, folks, don’t send your kids to Uni unless you want their brains turned into politically correct mush.

After this grotesque reaction, Caleb’s mother and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) teamed up to get the situation righted, and more than a year after the kangaroo court, the University was forced to vacate their decision and totally clear the boy. By then, though, Caleb was so traumatized by the entire experience that North Dakota U. was the last place he wanted to be. And you know how it is with these things, the mud sticks. As we saw with Amanda Marcotte and the Duke Boys ( I sympathize with them, but their show is shit,) and with Sarah Fick and the infamous case at Ohio University, there will always be scum who will continue to brand the accused a rapist even after he is cleared. So Caleb never went back, never got his degree, and even now finds it distressing to even drive past the Uni, the place where he was lynched by a cabal of feminist and pseudo-intellectual dirtbags who probably can’t even spell justice, much less administer it. That’s University life for young men these days, their entire future teeters on a precipice, and all it takes to send them crashing onto the rocks below is one evil little scumbag, a scumbag like Jessica Denise Murray.


Main source, which you will notice didn’t mention the criminal’s name.

Secondary sources


Public Head Job Not Rape, Says Grand Jury

Public Head Job Not Rape, Says Grand Jury published on

Remember that weird thing a week or so ago where this guy went down on this girl while other people filmed the entire thing, then it ends up on the internet and the girl yells rape? Turns out the smiling girl in the video was actually a willing participant! Who would have thought it?

According to the authorities, not only does the video show her smiling and pushing the guy’s head towards her crotch, but at one point the guy actually asks her if he should stop and she says ‘No, go ahead, continue.’! This is what it has come to, a guy can do something sexual with a girl who is smiling, who actually asserts her consent in front of witnesses and on camera, and he can still end up being portrayed as a rapist by feminist-led lynch mobs. This is how rabidly anti-male western society has become, all it takes is a woman’s word and a young man is looking at a very bleak future. And make no mistake, this is not Puritanism, this is misandry. If the sexes had been reversed and she had gone down on him while he smiled and said it was fine with him, who the fuck would have taken him seriously if he had yelled rape? Nobody, that’s who. Women don’t lie about rape, and every man is a secret rapist, that’s what feminism has taught society over the last few decades and a huge number of people have taken the message to heart.

But such proven cases of false rape accusation do nothing to stop feminist hatred. All the evidence says it wasn’t rape, but the loons at Hollaback continue to assert it was. According to someone called Sarah Fick the jackasses at her branch of Hollaback are “very disappointed” at the outcome. Ficke also claims that the girl’s obvious consent means nothing and that…

“If she was drunk at all, she was too drunk to consent,”

But…but… the boy was drunk as well! So both of them were too drunk to consent! OMG, they are both rapists! Yet mysteriously, Fick neglects to call for charges to be laid against the girl for having raped the boy! By Fick’s standards, they are both rapists, yet she wants only one of them charged! Funny how in feminist eyes a female who is drunk can’t consent but a male who is drunk can consent. Are they trying to imply that men are somehow superior? No, what Fick and her kind are about is “empowering” women by giving them the ability to yell rape every time they do something pervy and regrettable. And if the idea that only a drunk woman is unable to consent gets a few female rapists off the hook, I’m sure Fick won’t be crying too loudly about it.

Fick also claims that…

“If she was too drunk to remember anything, she was definitely too drunk to consent.”

Ah, but here is the thing. Was she too drunk to remember, or is that another way to absolve herself of blame? We have only the word of a girl who is now a proven liar, and even if the memory loss is genuine how do we know she was already that drunk at the time of the recorded incident? After the incident, she and the boy went off to his room and stayed there for three hours ( like Assange’s accusers, yet another rape victim who likes hanging out with the rapist after the crime), and that’s more than enough time to imbibe enough booze to make the whole week disappear. Again, it’s a typical feminist attempt to absolve women of blame while at the same time branding an innocent young man a dirtbag.

The news that there won’t be any charges is welcome, but there are still a couple of troubling aspects to this. First, the girl is not being charged with a false rape accusation that could have gotten the boy himself raped –  I hear rumors about that kind of thing occasionally happening to handsome young men who end up in jail – despite it being the one crime which we know for certain did take place. Today’s punishment is tomorrow’s deterrent, and by not punishing the girl for the evil thing she did, the law is telling other girls of equally low morality that they too can make such accusations with impunity. The second worrying aspect is that the University is conducting their own investigation. Given how low the standards of “evidence” are in such situations, it wouldn’t surprise me if the marsupials on the University Court simply took the girl’s word at face value and threw the boy out of school. Chances are, of course, that we will never learn the result of that particular inquisition as the media’s attention will have moved on to the next salacious bit of Hollywood gossip, or news of Beyonce photobombing yet another innocent fan.



Baxter and his buddies are coming for YOUR jobs

Baxter and his buddies are coming for YOUR jobs published on

That’s Baxter, not Dexter – you can tell the difference because the former will soon have a lot more blood on his hands than the latter. Baxter is the new face of working class obsolescence, a new kind of industrial robot who, along with his clones and descendants, is expected to roll out across the manufacturing world in the next ten to twenty years.

Notice how I accidentally called it a him? That’s probably why they gave it a human name rather than, say, Model XT85, it makes us more likely to accept its intrusions into our lives. Probably part of the reason for the cartoon eyes as well – that way he’s cute, like Number 5 or WallE. Awww…

What makes this motherfucking toaster so dangerous to the human worker is its low cost. The current generation of industrial robots cost about $100,000 per unit, plus about $400,000 to program and reprogram the thing during each unit’s lifetime. Apparently, the programming has to be done by an entire team of nerds who went to MIT, and them guys don’t work for McDonald’s-type pay packets. Baxter, on the other hand, costs only $22,000 and requires no skill to program. That’s where the huge difference really lies, the programming costs – from 400k to zilch! A plutocratic bastard can’t ask better than that! Once out of the factory, Baxter is, for all practical purposes, self-programmable. You press a button that puts him, I mean it, into learning mode, then you move its arms and claws around to perform the required actions, put it back into work mode and it now does the new motions all by itself. Apparently the main reason manufacturing isn’t already mostly automated is the cost of programming, and thanks to this weapon of mass unemployment that particular problem no longer exists. Even at this early stage, Baxter could be used to replace millions of workers, imagine what its successors will be able to do.

Here’s Baxter with his creator, Amerikan mad scientist Rodney Brooks. I hope it crushes his fucking head…

In the video posted below this article Brooks claims his creation won’t take away jobs! Yes, Rodders, that’s why companies will pay 22 thousand a piece for these things, because it won’t save them money on wages. They’re doing it so their workers can sit on their asses drinking tea, because that’s what corporations are – benevolent entities who like to give their money away. Of course they are going to take away human jobs, that’s the whole point to a mechanized workplace! And Brooks knows it. While claiming that Baxter won’t take human jobs, Brooks also boasts that it will make workers more productive. I’m no economist, but I’m pretty sure that in most circumstances making workers more productive means less work hours will be required, and this in turn means that either less workers will be needed or that full time workers will become part time workers. I know there are industries that fail to keep up with demand and that, for a while at least, those folks won’t be losing many jobs, but as most industries are already meeting demand more productivity will equal less workers. Coming from a man who seems to know something about the way business works, I can only conclude that Brooks is yet another in a long line of disingenuous brainiacs who know the evil they are working and simply don’t care.

And don’t go thinking that you can always learn Mandarin, move to China and get a job there. Oh, no. Not only is Baxter itself cheap enough to replace even a low-paid Chinese worker, but companies like Delta are working on even cheaper robots. At the behest of Foxconn ( the people who manufacture ICrap for Apple ), Delta is working on robots that will cost about $10,000 each and which Foxconn claims will be rolled out into its factories in 2014. For roughly the same cost as a human worker who works 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for one year, Foxconn will have a machine that will work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for 5 to 7 years. That’s the kind of saving none but the most benevolent of companies would pass up, and Foxconn is anything but benevolent. These are the people who drive their workers to suicide so often that said workers are now required to sign a pledge promising that they won’t commit suicide! And in case that doesn’t stop the selfish bastards from splattering themselves all over the sidewalk, the tech giant has gone to the trouble of placing nets around their multi-story buildings! I guess they do care, after all. Sniff, sniff…

Then there’s Eliza (another humanizing name for a cold piece of metal, you will notice,) a piece of machinery soon to be the bane of Indian call centre operators everywhere, or at least in India. Eliza (as in Doolittle – a machine that will make lower class workers redundant named after a lower class character. Snark much?) is a “virtual service-desk employee” created by some bastard outfit called IPsoft. If you are having some sort of IT problem, you just phone or email this thing and in two thirds of cases it will solve the problem without any help from some useless meatbag. Two thirds may not sound great to you but it’s good enough for companies like ING and Morgan Stanley, and at least one American company  has already replaced services previously provided by India’s Tata Consulting Services with Eliza. Think about it, already this thing is costing jobs – imagine what will happen when they finally develop it to the point where it gets virtually everything right and has a nice, human sounding voice! All they have to do is throw in a stereotypical “Oh, my goodness gracious me!” accent and you won’t even know that there are now millions of Sandeeps and Kumars looking for new jobs!

And this is only the beginning. In thirty or forty years tech will probably be able to take middle class jobs as well as working class ones. Even if artificial intelligence remains an unrealized nightmare, it is probable that computers will continue to make inroads into white collar jobs. Even before that happens things will become grimmer for the middle class. As the working class’s jobs disappear, its smarter members will retrain and go gunning for the middle class jobs. The number of white collar jobs is not expected to grow significantly – it may in fact shrink –  so there will be a greater number of workers competing for roughly the same number of jobs and this will almost certainly result in lower salaries. In twenty years, you may very well be getting 30k a year for a job that today earns you 70k a year, and you will be bloody glad of it!

So if things are so bleak, what’s the point in even going on about it?  If most of the jobs are going to disappear and there’s nothing we can do about it, why even mention it? Why not stick our heads in the sand and hope that we don’t get our asses kicked? The answer to this is simple – while there seems to be nothing that can be done to avert the thunderstorm, there is still time to buy an umbrella. Use your resources while you still have them, and use them wisely. Do you have a job that makes you more money than you need to survive? Then take the money and stow it, don’t blow it. Better yet, invest it in things that will still have a real, concrete value if the economy totally tanks and money becomes worth about as much as toilet paper. While you still can, buy at least a car, preferably a van or a mobile home. What would you rather, being unemployed and living under a bridge, or being unemployed and living in a van or Winnebago? I know which I would rather do. And if you’re lucky enough to be making a substantial amount of surplus moolah, buy a fucking house and fill the basement with food that takes years to go off (white rice, cans, dried beans, army rations), as well as blankets and clothing, the kind of thing you may not be able to afford in another twenty years. Sounds like Prepper paranoia to some, but it’s damn good advice – an asteroid may not be about to hit the earth, solar flares may not be about to kill all our electronics and plunge us into chaos, but poverty is coming, unemployment is coming, the darkness is coming. You can prepare for it, or not, it’s up to you.

Just so you know I didn’t pull all this out of my ass, here are some sources.

Article Recommendation From A Lazy Bastard

Article Recommendation From A Lazy Bastard published on

I’ve been meaning to write a piece about an incredibly destructive and oppressive thing called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but as I am too busy fantasizing about Miley Cirus, I will instead just give you a link to one of the best and most succinct summaries i have read on this piece of utter bastardry. I would have called it “Corporate Bastards Plotting to Screw Us All Again,” but the writer went with “TPP: The Most Sinister Corporate Power Grab Yet,” which is accurate enough. If you haven’t heard of this thing before (most people haven’t) brace yourself – the darkness is closing in.

Get ready to freak out here.