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2020 — The Year That Took A Crap On Everyone

2020 — The Year That Took A Crap On Everyone published on

It all started when a Chinaman went atchoo.
Soon the entire world had caught the sweet and sour flu!
Downhill the situation went at a frightening speed,
mostly because Xi-nnie the Pooh kept the Chinese virus well heed!

Now the economy is in decline and the future is quite screwed.
I have other ways to put it, but they are all way too rude.
Everyone and everything, we are all afraid to touch,
and the authorities won’t let us go out much!

Then a man waving a counterfeit note
found a rabid piggy kneeling on his throat!
Soon half the country was authentically on fire,
as BLM unleashed an orgy of idiocy, chaos and ire.

When Antifa discovered guns things got quite gory.
But according to the media, everything is hunky dory.
Left and right — mostly right– folks are dying like flies,
all due to various plutocratic liberal media lies.

And now it seems the USA is going to be run
by a man for whom sniffing children is lots of fun!
His brain is gone and he doesn’t know what he’s doing,
so pretty soon his election we will all be ruing!

By December the world will be barely ambulatory.
There’s only one conclusion to be reached and it ain’t a pretty story
— the world died in 2019 and now we are all in purgatory!

AOC is making a list and she’s checking it twice…

AOC is making a list and she’s checking it twice… published on

…and if you’ve been naughty she’s going to do things that aren’t very nice. I’m not one of these clowns who buys the idea that AOC, with her fake accents and expensive watches, is any kind of socialist, but it sure looks like she might be a bit of a Stalinist. Notice how neither of these tweets exclude normal, well-meaning folks who may just have been doing what they thought was best. She’s not just threatening the puppet masters, she’s threatening the puppets!

And she isn’t alone in her hatred. Not only has the tweet gotten over 200 thousand likes, but some Democrat psychos have apparently set up an entire site called the Trump Accountability Project dedicated to punishing the infidels…

The sheer evil of these people aside, they are also very stupid. They are once again raising the stakes, escalating the arms race, bringing a gun to a knife fight, and that means it won’t be long before the right wingers start similar initiatives to destroy the lives of their political opponents. In the long term, it does nobody any good, but in the short term it makes “liberals” like these feel important and self righteous and as we all know, today’s “liberals” are all about the feels — reason be damned.

Janelle Monae has matches and kerosene…

Janelle Monae has matches and kerosene… published on

…and she’s coming after your Trump-supporting ass. Now, in less violent times this would be just hyperbole, metaphor, and so on. But at a time when people are literally being murdered in the streets for supporting Trump, i think it safe to say this can be taken as an incitement to violence. And look at how many likes it got before she deleted it — more than 20 thousand. That’s today’s so-called liberals for you — rage and violence in defeat and rage and violence in victory. And after she deleted it she didn’t mention it again, much less apologize for it, she just posted stuff about how wonderful love is! It’s enough to make you throw up.

I don’t think he meant THAT kind of coyote…

I don’t think he meant THAT kind of coyote… published on

I swear, when i saw this i thought it was a satire account. But nope, she’s a real politician — a Democrat, of course. Even funnier is that she works as a lawyer and investment adviser despite being, apparently, literally retarded. So retarded that even after people made fun of her she still didn’t get what she’d done wrong! Now, how would someone this intellectually challenged end up in a position of power? Well, it ain’t because she’s a white male, that’s for sure! If you don’t know what the term “coyote” means and you work as an accountant or at Wendy’s, fair enough. But if you don’t know and you work in politics, you are simply incompetent and need to be kicked out onto the street.

Black Women — Finally Getting Ahead In The White Man’s World

Black Women — Finally Getting Ahead In The White Man’s World published on

I would like to apologize for the title, but somebody had to make that joke…

Believe it or not, this fucking thing got posted on Instagram and when it was reported the company responded that it was fine and dandy like a decapitated head full of candy.

Let’s guess what would happen if i posted this photo of Sargon in Blackface…

Not only would it get taken down but i would probably be banned and Instagram would send BLM round to my place to separate my head from the rest of my anatomy. This is America now, folks, and if Trump loses the election it will only get worse. Anti-white hatred will be institutionalized, normalized, and then glorified. Will it lead to the kind of genocide we saw in Haiti? Probably not, as American blacks don’t have the numbers, don’t have the guns, and can’t aim for shit, but there will be an attack here and there, and lots of folks will die that shouldn’t. As usual the Plutocracy’s tactic of “divide and conquer” will have nasty consequences, but only for the poor folks. And no, it doesn’t matter if the post turns out to be a troll job as the point here is that Instagram had no problem with it. And as for the wits on the social media asking if they ate the bodies, that’s racist. After all, they’re black — not Chinese.



Vote Trump – only HE can stop fat black women hacking your head off.