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I don’t think he meant THAT kind of coyote…

I don’t think he meant THAT kind of coyote… published on

I swear, when i saw this i thought it was a satire account. But nope, she’s a real politician — a Democrat, of course. Even funnier is that she works as a lawyer and investment adviser despite being, apparently, literally retarded. So retarded that even after people made fun of her she still didn’t get what she’d done wrong! Now, how would someone this intellectually challenged end up in a position of power? Well, it ain’t because she’s a white male, that’s for sure! If you don’t know what the term “coyote” means and you work as an accountant or at Wendy’s, fair enough. But if you don’t know and you work in politics, you are simply incompetent and need to be kicked out onto the street.