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Apparently, Roger Ailes is Somewhat Unpleasant

Apparently, Roger Ailes is Somewhat Unpleasant published on

Turns out the hideous land-whale who runs Fox News is not as cuddly and lovable as the people who host his channel’s shows. A new bio by some guy called Gabriel Sherman claims that Roger is basically running the Republican party, though he doesn’t like it very much (presumably they are too much like communists for his taste,) and that he has a panic room under his house in case there’s a zombie apocalypse. Sherman also claims that Ailes offered some female producer an extra one hundred dollars per week if she would have sex with him whenever he wanted! Eeeew! Sure, at his age that means once a year, but even that would be one time too many for anyone other than a senile manatee with a bad case of macular degeneration.

Also revealed is that Ailes is a fan of master Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl and that the real reason Glenn Beck was fired from Fox was that Ailes kept challenging him to donut-eating contests which the younger man always managed to win.

As for an official response from Faux, this is what one of their spokespuppets had to say…

“While we have not read the book, the only reality here is that Gabe was not provided any direct access to Roger Ailes and the book was never fact-checked with Fox News.”

In other words “As is typical for Fox News, we are talking about something that we know nothing about.”

More here. It’s Alternet, so if you see anything on the sidebar to do with gender you had best ignore it.


“No Tits, Please, we’re Swedish!”

“No Tits, Please, we’re Swedish!” published on

In an attempt to debunk the widespread notion that Sweden has  become an international joke, some rabid feminist weasel called Susanne Eberstein has decided that a rather fine painting depicting a slightly naked woman must be removed from the Swedish Parliament’s dining room!

G.E Schroder’s “Juno” has apparently offended the grotty-looking Eberstein by emphasizing how grossly unattractive she is. Face it – if you looked like this woman does you wouldn’t want to be standing underneath a painting of some luscious, creamy, female concoction would you? Like standing Rodney Dangerfield next to a painting of a bare-chested Brad Pitt — most unkind. Not to mention smelly, given how long old Rodders has been dead. And yet, I suspect Rodders smells sweeter than Eberstein does, at least on the figurative level.

At first, in their typically gynocentric fashion, the Swedish authorities made excuses for the aesthetically inferior by claiming that it was simply time for a new painting to take its place on the wall, but eventually the feminist in question, who is also – no doubt through some sort of affirmative action –  the deputy speaker of the parliament, made it clear that there was a more obvious reason for this act of censorship…

“I think it is more a feminist issue. It’s tiresome (looking at) a bare-breasted woman when I sit at public dinners with foreign guests. I think it feels a little hard to sit there with men who look at us women,” blithered Social Democrat Eberstein, while salivating her way through the latest issue of Hustler’s “Hot, Hung, and Young!”

The thing that amazes me about this line of thinking is that she would be under the impression that any man, either than one with severe macular degeneration, would be prompted by this…

…to think of this…

I’ve got news for you, my gorgon-headed friend, to most men you and this woman come from different planets. She comes from the planet Venus, and you come from the Planet Of The Sadly Deluded Middle-Aged Women.

Typical Swedish silliness here.