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Michael Binkley and Dad, from “Bloom County” mid ’80s

Michael Binkley and Dad, from “Bloom County” mid ’80s published on

For those not familiar with Bloom County, Binkley was constantly waking up his long-suffering dad in the middle of the night to tell him something or other. This is one of the few times when it was actually something important…

A Fine Example of Rape Culture

A Fine Example of Rape Culture published on

A Guest Post By Daisy Duchess, President of the National Organization of Feminist Weasels.


Rape culture. You want an example of rape culture? How about this fucking disgusting, sexist, misogynistic article in the UK’s Daily Mail?

Some bastard rapes a woman paid to walk his dog, and all the article can go on about is how the rapist is some hunk who looks like Brad Pitt and that the rape should be blamed on his meds. This, this is why women who are raped don’t come forward, because they know they’re going to be treated like a joke. Fuck the Daily Mail, fuck the police and fuck all the commenters at the newspaper’s website.

Here is the story in its entirety. If you must give those bastards a visit there’s a link to the original article at the bottom of the page.


An English dog walker is claiming that a sex-crazed Brad Pitt look-alike stabbed her after she refused to have sex with him for a third time.

Nicole Standish told police that Christopher McHamish – a stunningly handsome man in his 30s — had already forced her at knifepoint to have intercourse and perform oral sex.

Standish claims that when she returned Muffy the dog to McHamish’s home he asked her to bring the dog in and then demanded that she have sex with him ( “she” meaning Standish, not the dog.) When Miss Standish refused, the handsome hunk allegedly pulled out a knife and forced her to undress. Police investigating the claims say that McHamish’s behavior may have been caused by a combination of medication and too many Ding Dongs – several empty boxes of the chocolaty treat were found in the man’s kitchen.

Miss Standish claims that her life has been made a living hell by gal pals who keep ribbing her about the fact that she actually had to be forced to have sex with the mirror image of someone once dubbed The Sexiest Man Alive.

Ms Standish, a small mousy woman with a disproportionately large tuckus,  told us…

“It’s awful, I’m a local celebrity now, every one is talking about me. They don’t understand why I refused such a good looking guy, but unless you’re some sort of rutting dog you don’t just have it off with everyone you meet, no matter how good looking they are. And once he takes out a knife and starts yelling at you, well it’s pretty bloody hard to get in the mood then, isn’t it?”

Miss Standish managed to escape after she barricaded herself in the bathroom and phoned the police. She was then taken to  hospital suffering from more than half a dozen stab wounds.

“We are interviewing both parties to discover what could have happened,” said a police spokesman.

Original article here

The Blob Strikes Again

The Blob Strikes Again published on

Ever wonder why William Bennett is so big and fat? It’s because he’s full of shit.

In a grotesquely offensive article, the animal responsible for sending countless of harmless men to jail for minor drug offenses so that corporate scum can rake in the moolah has now chosen to enforce the notion of male disposability by holding up the men who committed suicide at the Dark Knight Rises shootings as paragons to be emulated – but only by other men. Yes, the same man who criticizes his fellow Americans’ lack of discipline while stuffing his face like a rabid warthog wants us to take his opinion on moral matters seriously. And make no mistake, Bennett’s praise is not for bravery or sacrifice in themselves, it is all about gender….

“By all appearances, these men believed that a man has a responsibility to protect a woman, even to the point of death.”

And it is that which Bennett is praising – the belief that a woman’s life is simply worth more than a man’s. And does Bennett bother to give any argument as to why it is a good and “honorable” thing for men to die for another simply because that other is a woman? No, of course not, the closest he gets is this…

“ They put the lives of the women before their own, an old fashioned notion to be sure, but certainly an honorable one (if you have any doubt, ask the survivors). “

Yes, the evidence for his opinion that these were honorable ( as opposed to self-loathing and self-destructive ) actions is someone else’s opinion that these were honorable actions…

Bennett then compounds his sins by adding shaming tactics to his intellectual dishonesty…

“This is especially important given the state of many men today. Record numbers of men aren’t working or even looking for work. Record numbers aren’t marrying or even acting as fathers to their children. These men need heroes to imitate who they can relate to in everyday life… They need heroes like the Aurora three.”

So you see, men can make up for their woeful state by giving their lives for the nearest woman. Note also the way that male unemployment is implied to be the common man’s fault – as he isn’t “even looking for work” – rather than that of the plutocratic scum who have spent the last 30 years sending manufacturing jobs overseas, nor something to be blamed on the recent financial meltdown. No, it’s the average Joe’s fault and he must make up for it some way – even if it means giving his life for the nearest member of The Important Sex.

Still in doubt as to just how much importance Bennett attaches to males seeing themselves as lesser than females? He apparently thinks it is one of the best things in the world, perhaps even better than donuts and gambling…

“… we should hold the Aurora three high. It is only by telling their story that this code of honor will survive for future generations of men. “The world is forwarded by having its attention fixed on the best things,” Matthew Arnold wrote….”

Misandry meets conservative buffoonery here



In Praise of Male Disposability

In Praise of Male Disposability published on

In the wake of the “Dark Knight Rises” shooting rampage, some in the media have decided to treat several men who died saving others as heroes. Quick, guess what the “others” have in common! That’s right, they are all female!

How’s that for inequity? How’s that for disposability? These guys appear to have sacrificed themselves for these people primarily because of their sex. After all, where are the guys who jumped in front of their best mate, or their dad or brother? And above all, where are the women who died saving their boyfriends? This isn’t heroism, this is male disposability at its worst and by praising it society is encouraging it.

Cheering these men’s actions is as reprehensible as it is stupid and discriminatory. Imagine if this was a cinema where roughly 50% of the patrons were black and the other 50% white, then imagine that everyone who decided to act as someone else’s bullet-proof vest just happened to be black and everyone who benefited from their sacrifice just happened to be white. Anyone with any sense would be thinking “Well, this is clearly a society that teaches both blacks and whites that white people are worth more than black people.” But because the disparity runs against not a politically protected group but against a group that enjoys neither the protection of the Right nor the victim status granted by the Left, not only does no one complain – they actually encourage the continuation of such disparity by praising the men who were foolish enough and unfortunate enough to fall for a lifetime of anti-male propaganda telling them to die for the nearest woman whenever the shit hits the fan.

I have no doubt that many are concerned with the feelings of the dead men’s survivors and wish I would just shut up. But this is a simple case of “What you praise, you encourage,” and I for one think calling out those who encourage  men to waste their lives for people worth no more than themselves is more important than being “sensitive”. Die for a child if you must, die for some guy on the verge of finding a cure for cancer if you must – die for someone no better than you simply because you have been taught to and you are a fool.


Here’s one desperate call to suicide…




Brian Banks’ Story In His Own Words

Brian Banks’ Story In His Own Words published on

From BBC radio, here is Brian Banks telling an interviewer how a consensual makeout session led to five years in jail for a rape his accuser later admitted didn’t happen. According to Wanetta Gibson — the lying sack of shit who sent Banks to jail — she didn’t come forward because doing so might have meant losing the 1.5 million dollars she was awarded after suing her high school — you know, the one in which the rape didn’t happen.


Interview here