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Adria Richards Must Bite The Dust

Adria Richards Must Bite The Dust published on

By now the world already knows that a piece of feminist turd called Adria Richards has gotten some computer geek fired after tweeting a picture of him and his mate and publicly shaming him for the horrible, horrible crime of making some tacky, supposedly humorous comments about the size of his dongle –  or his mate’s dongle, some one’s dongle.

This crime against all womanhood took place at some computer type convention – you know, one of those places where men are the majority not because they are more interested in tech but because the patriarchy is keeping the wiminz down – which was being attended by Little Ms Minitrue. She overheard the juvenile banter, took feminist offense and after seeing the photo of a little girl who is interested in coding thought, in a manner so lacking in logic that it may well explain why female techies are so thin on the ground, that…

“That little girl will never become a coder because these guys are telling dongle jokes! I must show my strong-woman mettle and complain on twitter!”

Now, I care not what the actual jokes were, the fact is that one does not do the name-and-shame thing when there has been no offense committed, so simply in posting the guys’ pic and complaining to the convention’s runners she was wrong. Factor in the fact that – unless she got her job at SendGrid through double barreled affirmative action – she is smart enough to know we live in an hysterical climate that can easily lead to men being fired for even the smallest of sexual “sins,” yet she went ahead and put this man’s career on the line. And now that she has gotten him fired she’s acting like she’s some sort of hero,  like she’s MLK back in the 60s marching through the Deep South! A hero does the right thing, and they do it at personal risk. This hyena not only did wrong rather than right but she took no risk in doing so –  she is a cowardly little shit, not Power Girl or Buffy The Nerd Slayer.

As it turns out, it’s not the first time this craven cow has pissed people off. It seems she has in the past made offensive comments which have led someone to set up a petition at Change.Org calling for her firing from some rinky-dink outfit called SendGrid. My manager has signed it, and if you are incensed about this outrageous act of bastardry on the part of  yet another feminist bigot who thinks nothing of harming men with her Thought Police tactics, you should too. If Richards pays for her assholery, the next femofascist that gets the idea that this kind of thing is okay may very well think, “Wait, do I really want to end up roasting on a spit like that watsername?” That, folks, is why revenge and punishment reduce the incidence of things that shouldn’t happen – they deter a few of the would-be perpetrators.


Petition here.

Her twitter is here. If you want to tell her what you think of her use a fake account, those twitter bastards suspend accounts for even the slightest infringement.

Michael Moore Uses Sandy Hook Shooting To Bash Men

Michael Moore Uses Sandy Hook Shooting To Bash Men published on

See, this is why I think Michael Moore is a hateful piece of shit. Unlike a decent person, Moore has decided that the thing to do with the tragic deaths of all these children at Sandy Hook Elementary School is to exploit them to further his own rabidly misandrist agenda.

Moore tweeted today…

“As is often the case in these shootings, the gunman seemed to single out the women to kill (CNN: 18 of the dead are female; 8 males.)”

While I don’t dispute that most of the victims in this case were female, there is no way to know if females were targeted or just unlucky, and it is an outright lie that this is “often” the case. In fact, it is usually the case that most of the people shot, as well as most of the people actually killed, in these mass shootings are males. That is what I pointed out in my reply…

Is Moore smart enough to already know that? Hell, I don’t know – he voted for Nader in 2000, so his intellect is questionable at best. But either way he is a worthless sack of maggot-ridden shit and I fervently hope that his morbid obesity catches up to him in the form of a slow and painful cancer. This, incidentally, is one of the reasons why the world is doomed. Not only is the right dominated by bigots and idiots, so is the left and, like it or not, between them they have virtually all the political power.

Screencap below. Some intelligent responses, surprising for twitter. Oh, and for the uninitiated, the reason this is male bashing is because in an irrational, psychological way it hints at collective guilt and at a mythical misogynist society that is used to cover up the not-so-fictional truth that it is men who are crapped on by western society.

Sexy Magazine Covers – A Case Of Faux Oppression

Sexy Magazine Covers – A Case Of Faux Oppression published on

If you want evidence of how few genuine problems western women have to complain about, just look at the way feminists fulminate at certain magazine covers. You know the ones I mean, the ones that show women whose images trade on sex as if they were, er… women whose images trade on sex.

The most recent example of this porridge-brained idiocy is, of course, the Lana Del Rey cover for GQ’s Men of the Year issue. There was much hand wringing about young Lana’s nudity as compared to the alternate covers which showed male recipients like Robbie Williams wearing suits. The entire thing was decried as sexist, misogynist – all the usual crap – and I’m sure that somewhere on the internet the many ghosts of Andrea Dworkin were yelling hysterically that such “objectification” leads to violence against the wiminz…

What the female supremacists are deliberately ignoring is that there are, obviously, several valid reasons to portray Del Rey in such a radically different way from the fellas.

First, Del Rey would look stupid wearing Robbie Williams’ suit, especially if he was still in it at the time.

Second, GQ stands for Gentlemen’s Quarterly, not Gelding’s Quarterly, and is hence a magazine for which the audience is primarily men who still retain some sort of sexual interest in women. That a mostly male audience might want to see a relatively attractive young woman wearing no more than some tacky jewelry and nail polish should neither surprise nor offend any but the most stridently anti-male.

The third reason is that we are talking about a woman whose public persona is a highly sexualized one. This is Lana “My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola” Del Rey – it aint The Flying Nun! The men on the alternate covers, on the other hand, are a bunch of British wankers who, apart from Robbie Williams, have images that have little to do with sex, sex, and more sex. As for Williams, maybe at one time the girls might have wanted to see the inexplicably popular popster in the altogether, but those days are past. As for the other guys…er, who are they again? Unless they are sex symbols in the UK, their modesty is of little import.

The ink had barely dried on Pepsi Cola’s cover when the feminuts went bonkers over Rihanna’s cover for the American version of the same magazine. Rihanna appears, if not naked, then certainly not as well covered as Ben Affleck and Channing Tatum . Why such a disparity? Has misogyny struck again? Is it another sign of America’s “War on Women.” No. I suspect that, much like young Lana, the sexual nature of the photo has something to do with the young woman’s persona, her image, the way she has chosen to present herself to her public. Call this a wild theory if you will, but I am pretty sure the lasciviousness of the cover has something to do with the fact that the subject is someone who sashays around singing about S&M while shaking her pert little ass all over the place!

Fact is, women who are in the business of titillation will be portrayed in a titillating way, and that aint misogyny, that’s just both the girls and the mags getting what they both want. When Aung San Suu Kyi turns up on one of these covers wearing nothing but a pair of earrings and a diplomatic smile, the feminists will have something to get genuinely pissed off about. Until then, this is just another case of western feminism claiming to see female oppression where everyone else sees some good looking young woman doing what most feminists can only dream of doing – showing off her beauty while she still has it.

This Is Why I Think Twitter Is Full Of Morons…

This Is Why I Think Twitter Is Full Of Morons… published on

Like most intelligent people, I am rather ambivalent about a place that reduces conversations about important topics to something that makes even a sound bite seem expansive — but sometimes even the Pigster feels like being a wiseass in less than 140 characters, so I have recently joined this stupid thing called Twitter.

After a day or two of waiting for Britney Spears and Justin Bieber — or their ghost writers — to say something even vaguely interesting, I decided to do a search for men’s rights. The results reinforced my opinion that twitter is a good place for wiseguys to throw bon mots at one another, but definitely not the place for intellectual debate. (Yeah, yeah, I know Stephen Fry isn’t dumb, but for every member like him there are dozens like Ashton Kutcher.)

Anyway, here is a screencap of the top results, the more inane comments have been marked in red.

So much stupidity and ignorance crammed into such a small area – it’s like a phone booth full of Tea Partiers!