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Sexist Cunt Tells Men To Shut Up

Sexist Cunt Tells Men To Shut Up published on

Some female turd called Claire McCaskill, who spends most of her time stinking up the US senate, has seen fit to get on TV and deliver a “PSA” telling men to shut the fuck up. Sure, she tries to make it something of a joke by telling us to shut up about some irrelevant crap. But, as is typical of feminist trash, the so-called humor is only there to hide the hatred. She, for example, makes sure to tell men to shut up about important stuff such as abortion (because women are self-impregnating, don’t you know) and religion. And on which TV show is this sexist, anti-male rant delivered? On Stephen Colbert’s show. Not surprisingly, given that unfunny jackass’s long standing habit of shitting on his own sex. As for the bitch in question, she whines about the fact that there are “only” 20 of her sister bitches in the senate (I assume she isn’t counting all the eunuchs in the Democratic party) as if this is some sort of patriarchal plot. In all honesty, I think that twenty is twenty too many, given how much female politicians like to push anti-male legislation. And you want to know why there are so “few” women in the senate? Because women suck. That’s right. And not only do women suck, but most women know that they suck, which is why they choose to vote men into office! The majority of the electorate in the US is female yet they continue to vote for males! That’s not sexism, that’s not oppression, that’s just a flash of commonsense from a group of people usually sorely lacking in said quality!

My list of what women should shut up about is, oddly, both shorter and more comprehensive than the senator’s and consists of only one word — everything. There is nothing a woman can say that can’t be said more intelligently and eloquently by a man, a man who, unlike his female counterpart, is not swimming in a sea of un-earned privilege. I need to hear the opinions of straight, white, middle class women about as much as I need to hear the opinions of Rupert Murdoch or the Koch brothers! The over-privileged are notorious for being self centered, and the probability that they will voice any but the most self-serving of opinions is very low. That’s how it is for the rich, and that’s how it is for women. So, to any straight, white, middle class woman who may have stumbled onto this site while searching for cheap shoes or discount cheesecake, I have this to say – shut the fuck up, madam, and fuck the fuck off.

Get your sexist pinhead right here.

Ronda Rousey Is A Domestic Abuser

Ronda Rousey Is A Domestic Abuser published on

As has become all too common, yet another famous woman has revealed herself to be little more than a walking cowpat. And as is also common, the asshole in question knows that her femaleness grants her immunity so she actually admits to the crime. Like kiddie-fiddler Lena Dunham before her, Rousey actually bragged about her act of violence in an “autobiography.”

In “I Like To Beat Up Men,” Rousey admits to slapping her boyfriend, punching him with a straight right and a left hook, then kneeing him in the face and throwing him onto the floor! Yay, you go, girl! I can just see Sandra Cow getting about as juicy as a 51 year old woman can when hearing about this story!

The response to Rousey’s confession has been as swift and decisive as the response to Amy Schumer’s admission that she sexually assaulted a guy back in college. That’s right, virtually nobody cares. Not only that, but some are looking to use a different definition of domestic violence than that used in cases such as Chris Brown’s. This time around, it’s only DV if she did it more than once! I don’t recall feminists saying, “Wait, is this the only time Chris Brown has beaten up that chick who can’t sing for shit? Because if it is, then it’s not domestic violence!”

Add to Rousey’s confession her criticism of Floyd Mayweather’s own history of abuse, and Rousey starts to look like yet another typical Western Woman – an arrogant, man-hating, hypocritical cunt-rag who clearly believes that society should hold men to a harsher standard than it holds members of the superior sex. But then, what can you expect from a young woman who has been told, her entire life, that she, simply by virtue of being born female, is better than most of the human race?

And, yes, men are, globally, a majority – it is only in the gynocentric West that we are a minority.
Yet another woman shows her true colors here.

The True Face of Modern Woman

The True Face of Modern Woman published on

Remember Lorena Bobbitt, the subhuman piece of trash who cut off her husband’s penis back in the 90s? Some third rate talk show fool called Steve Harvey has just had the little turd on his show. That in itself is bad enough, but what’s even worse is the reaction from the female audience. For all those who suspected that Sharon Osborne is not alone in her delight at men having their dicks cut off, I offer this confirmation…

scumbag women cheering lorena bobbit steve harvey

Clapping, cheers, and a standing ovation. If you really want to know what lurks beneath the skin of Woman, you have to look no further than this audience. Or the child abuse figures. Or the lesbian DV figures. Or the rise in assaults and murders by women and girls. Like that hot lizard-chick from V, what lurks beneath the makeup and perfume is not at all pretty.

But at least Bobbitt herself is contrite, right? Wrong…

lorena bobbitt happy
There it is, the face of the monstrous feminine. The grinning rictus of evil lurking at the deepest levels of Woman — the castrating, child murdering, all-devouring insanity at the heart of the female sex made flesh. The reason why patriarchies ( remember those?) have spent most of human history regarding women as the problem sex.

Looking at these women’s rapturous response to such a hideous crime, one has to wonder if women see men as some sort of inferior sub-species of human, the way the Klan sees blacks. Actually, I think it’s worse than that – one has to wonder if women see men as being not only lesser humans, but also as less than animals. After all, would they be cheering someone who had cut the penis off a dog? No, they would be horrified. And Lorena Bobbitt’s claims about her husband’s abuse do not matter. If a man who could prove (as opposed to merely claim) that his wife was abusive were to cut her cunt off, would these cackling harpies be cheering him on? No, they would not.

If Harvey was anything other than a worthless, cringing, ain’t-got-nuthin’-left-to-cut-off, pool of pond scum, he would have stood up, told the women they were disgusting, and brought both the show and the interview to an end. But if he were man enough to do that, he would have been man enough to not have this filthy animal on his show. Instead, he makes jokes – mostly unfunny ones – about her crime, and jumps around like some demented jigaboo begging for massa’s approval. The modern male at his most worthless and self-abased, that’s what this guy is. As for Lorena, I hope she gets one of those horrible cancers that kill you sloooowly and painfully. And the women cheering her on, may they all cheat on their husbands – husbands who then use a rusty knife to hack their cunts out and throw them into a garbage disposal.

Screeching harpies and modern day Stepin Fetchit here.

Feminists Lardasses Want Obese Disney Princesses

Feminists Lardasses Want Obese Disney Princesses published on

As we have seen many times before, the hysterical harpies that dominate the feminist movement have often complained about the bodies of the Disney Princesses, with the most amusing rant being Mad Mandy’s bit about the size of Anna’s wrists in Frozen. If feminists were even halfway sensible, they might have come up with some normal sized versions of the Disney Princesses, but being a bunch of rabid, insane manatees, they have instead redesigned the famous characters to be lardasses.

Yes, someone has gone to the trouble of portraying Snow White, Ariel and the other cartoon cuties as the kind of woman whose floors need re-enforcing, yet who complains that she can’t find a man. Now, I wouldn’t have a problem with “Average Ariel,” but turning “Snow White” into “Sow White” is just not on. If you want evidence that the average radfem is a pile of pimply lard stuffed into a pair of jeans several sizes too small, all you have to do is look at what they think should be acceptable standards of beauty. My favorite is this one…

lardass snow whiteAnd check out Grumpy! You know what he’s thinking, don’t you? Yep — “Bitch ate all the donuts again!”

Not surprisingly, this idiotic post has been perpetrated by one of the Huff’s women’s editors, a woman, who, funnily enough, looks pretty good in her photos. Of course, they could have been taken ten years and a million Twinkies ago. Or maybe she’s just covering herself for a fat, middle aged future that won’t be long in coming. This way, if being a lardass becomes the accepted look, she can continue to say she is hot long after her hourglass has turned into a sack of potatoes.

Feminist thin-shaming here.

Loony Feminist Germaine Greer Is Correct about Bruce Jenner

Loony Feminist Germaine Greer Is Correct about Bruce Jenner published on

It is one of the absurdities of the modern Left that they can’t tell shit from chocolate, freedom from oppression, or cocks from cunts.

In the wake of Orwellian calls for Germaine Greer to be denied a platform at Cardiff University because she occasionally takes her meds and ends up saying something sensible about eunuchs not being women, Greer has responded by re-iterating her one sensible stance…

“Just because you lop off your dick and then wear a dress doesn’t make you a fucking woman. I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat but that won’t turn me into a fucking cocker spaniel.”

I didn’t know a doctor could give you liver spots. And even if they could, one would think that a bat as hoary as Greer would have more than enough of her own already. That temporary lapse into senility aside, Ms Greer is correct. A mutilated male is no more a female than a horse with some white stripes painted on its ass is a zebra. A cock turned inside out is not a vagina. If you think it is, try pumping some semen into it in the hopes of getting some kiddies to pop out. Won’t happen, I tells ya. Why? Because real vaginas have a womb beyond them and, attached to that womb, ovaries that produce eggs to be fertilized by the aforementioned semen. These are very basic biological facts, and it is a testament to the idiocy of what passes for the modern Left that they need to be pointed out.

Greer continued her brief moment of lucidity…

“I do understand that some people are born intersex and they deserve support in coming to terms with their gender but it’s not the same thing. A man who gets his dick chopped off is actually inflicting an extraordinary act of violence on himself.”

Once again, the antediluvian, antipodean, hag gets it right. There’s a huge difference between someone born intersex and choosing to go this way or that and some idiotic freak who can’t tell the difference between a bratwurst and a clam. It’s also refreshing to see a feminist, of all things, describing what these poor bastards do to themselves as an act of violence. ‘Tis a fine sign of how insane the world has become, that a noted man-hater is one of the few willing to say that a man who willingly has his cock and balls hacked off is doing something grotesquely violent to himself. That reality, of course, will be ignored by the other members of the sisterhood, as it not only denies their twisted concept of “what is,” but threatens to rob them of the covert thrill that so many of them get from knowing there are men out there castrating themselves.

But, perhaps showing her age, Greer also shows signs of pussying out…

“I’m not saying that people should not be allowed to go through that procedure, what I’m saying is it doesn’t make them a woman. It happens to be an opinion, it’s not a prohibition.”

No, grandma, the idea that undergoing the procedure does not make one a woman is not an opinion, it is a fact. Unless, of course, one defines woman primarily as a cultural construct, as gender as opposed to sex. In other words, if one thinks society’s input into what makes a woman a woman is more important than nature’s. This is another aspect of the debate that the Left likes to ignore – the way men like Bruce Jenner are enforcing gender restrictions by saying, in effect, that to be feminine is to be female. But the two are not the same. Femaleness is in your DNA, in your body – femininity is in what your culture teaches you. That is why Boudica was both female and, by today’s standards, unfeminine – because the latter is determined by the culture of the time, not by nature. The same, of course, holds for maleness and masculinity.

As a further sign that the old grey mare isn’t what she used to be, Greer also refers to Bruce Jenner as “he/she.” Bruce Jenner is neither woman nor hermaphrodite, so it does look as if even Greer is partly giving in to the pressure to conform to Orwellian definitions of what is and what is not.

But perhaps the most worrying sign in all this is that the wimpy old hag has given her enemies what they want by canceling her appearance at the Uni…

“Bugger it. It’s not that interesting or rewarding.”

Way to go, you tough old bitch! Just shows that, if hit long enough and hard enough, even the anti-pc brigade can be pressured into going along with at least part of the anti-reason, anti-enlightenment claptrap put out there by these so-called Leftists. Still, at least she has put up some resistance, and for that alone I have to say it – Germaine Greer is still a piece of shit, but not quite as big a one as I thought.

As for the whole idea of men “becoming women,” all that needs to be said is – No cunt? No ovaries? No womb? No woman!

Greer dishes out the basic biology right here.