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Clementine Ford Must Go

Clementine Ford Must Go published on

By now the entire manosphere knows that an antipodean piece of scum called Clementine Ford got a mere male fired for daring to call one of the Superior Sex (namely Ford herself) a slut. Now, I don’t know if Ford is an actual slut, but I suspect not. A woman who looks even more like a pig than Amy Schumer does probably couldn’t get laid even if she was stripped naked, smothered in KY and thrown over the wall of a men’s prison. Roasted on a spit, maybe. Laid, no.

But Ms Ford’s lack of sexual attractiveness isn’t what this is about. This is about forcing feminists to abide by their own principles. Ford clearly believes that calling a woman a slut is deserving of severe punishment – I’m pretty sure that if she had her way, Michael Nolan would be singing soprano by now, but getting him fired was all that the poor dear could manage without access to his trousers – so here is a petition calling for Ford to resign over the many vile things she has said on the internet. Makes sense to me, and since these are her standards it should also make sense to her. It won’t, of course, but it should.

Tell this hypocritical turd what you really think of her

Mel Gibson Demands Affirmative Action For Hollywood’s Christians

Mel Gibson Demands Affirmative Action For Hollywood’s Christians published on

Former Australian and current Christian loony tune Mel Gibson has issued a demand that Hollywood introduce quotas for Christian film makers. Gibson, who is the founder and head of the “Organization to End Jewish Nastiness” had this to say at a press conference held outside the Beverly Hills pub above which he currently resides …

“For over a hundred years, the Jews have held an hegemonical power over the film industry. Some would say this is because they were the ones who got into the place and built it into what it is today, but the truth is much more sinister. For decades, the Hollywood chapter of the Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy has discriminated against Christians by denying them career opportunities, and even most of the few who manage to squeeze through the cracks are soon driven out by the grotesque initiation rituals required by their Hebrew Overlords.”

When asked by our reporter what those initiation rituals were, Mr. Gibson replied…

“You have to drink the blood of a beheaded Christian infant while watching a nun getting raped by a goat. Or by James Deen, if a goat is not available.”

And how does Mr. Gibson propose this problem be fixed?

“There should be a sort of stamp put on the movie poster right next to the age classification. This symbol should be cross — you know, the kind that Our Lord, the One and Only Savior and Messiah died on. This symbol should be awarded only to movies written by Christians and directed by Christians, with Jew involvement kept to things like accounting and catering. Also, too many chinks in the laundry business! Someone has to do something about that, as well!”

Is this for real? Are we about to see a world where the Christians get handed positions of power simply for being able to work on Saturday and staying away from matzah balls? No, of course not! Not even Mel Gibson is that batshit crazy – but bitches like Holly Tarquini are!
Yeah, I don’t know who the fuck she is either, which probably explains why she wants affirmative action for obscure wiminz like herself…

Man Bites Bitch

Man Bites Bitch published on

In this interesting little video, a female bonobo goes ape and starts throwing her tiny little fists around. Despite being tiny, they are hard enough to bloody the nose of a man who was not being violent towards her. He seems to be trying to get her out of the house, she asks him, “What you gonna do, hit a girl,” then hits him in the face, figuring, no doubt, that like most Western males this guy is too much of a pussy to stand up for himself. But, perhaps fed up with taking shit from the rabid monkey that passes for Woman these days, the young dude slugs her one in the face and she goes down like a rock.

What follows is a truly astonishing display of how entitled women have become. The monkey starts jumping up and down and flinging feces around while screeching that the dude done hit her! Her male bitch seems to agree that niggers should never hit Whitey, even when Whitey has thrown the first punch. Even the dude’s friends seem rather freaked out by his retaliation. Because, you know, men are supposed to tolerate women’s violence like the second class citizens they have become. Luckily, there are cameras there to record the guy’s bloody nose. Were it not for that, he would probably be sitting in a jail cell for having the nerve to bite back.

And don’t you love that sound? “Thwack!” The sound of one woman’s female privilege running out.

No reason to be calling her a lesbo, though, it just makes the uploader look bad.

Is James Deen a Rapist?

Is James Deen a Rapist? published on

Not the movie star James Dean, mind you. He can’t rape anyone – his dick rotted off decades ago. No, this is a porn star and Zionist supremacist called James Deen who, according to another obscure porn star called Bolli, or Stoli, or is it Stoya? Pravda? Some such thing. Anyway, according to this girl, Deen raped her. And how do we know he raped her? Because she said so. Duh.

Now, while we have yet to hear from what appears to be the Jewish equivalent of Mel Gibson, there are several red flags on Stoya’s story.

First, as is so common nowadays, the so-called victim is so under-whelmed by her traumatic experience that, rather than go to the police, she instead takes to Twitter to make her accusations. I am no expert on rape victims, but I find it hard to believe that most of them wouldn’t want the bastard locked up, as opposed to just vilified by the hysterical harpies and hormonal teenagers that dominate social media.

The second red flag is that this woman is pretty obscure. I have only ever read her name once before, so it’s not like she’s the Marilyn Chambers or Jenna Jameson of her generation, is it? But now? Well, now we all know who she is, don’t we? And that probably means she’ll be getting paid a lot more moolah the next time she jumps on some gigantic dong in front of a camera.

The third flag is the accuser’s admission that she is a feminist. This is a lot like a white woman who has accused a black man of stomping on her roses admitting to being a member of the KKK! Surely, only the most naïve would fail to see a possible political motivation behind such an accusation!

Admittedly, these are only red flags and not proof positive that Deen went nowhere near the woman’s roses, but on the weight of the evidence it won’t surprise me if this turns out to be yet another unconfirmed attack on a well-known man’s character. Only time will tell for certain, but my view is that Little Ms. Cumstain is probably full of it, and by “it” I don’t mean that white, gooey stuff!

Story here. And don’t read the comments unless you want to go into a rage. One guy actually has the sense to say we should wait for evidence and is called “disgusting,” and the insult receives 223 likes. Makes me wish SJWs would all catch syphilis and die. Now that I think of it, given their inability to reason clearly, most of them probably already have syphilis! Now, if only they would hurry up and die!

Wank Toy Company In Trouble Over Manatee Intrusion

Wank Toy Company In Trouble Over Manatee Intrusion published on

grossly obese woman in fifi adSome company called Whizworx has found itself the target of social media outrage after a holidaying manatee found its way into its ad agency’s studios and into an advertising campaign. The manatee, who came ashore somewhere in Florida and wrecked the suspension of several vehicles getting to North Carolina, snuck into the studio and put on a 38 DD bikini, a pair of fishnet stockings once owned by J Edgar Hoover, and a black wig before proceeding to cavort in front of the camera in what one member of the crew called, “A surprisingly atrocious and depraved exhibition.”

Being high on coke, the photographer did not realize what had happened until the photo had hit the Instagram and caused a social media storm. With the insight so common amongst SJWs and feminists, the freak show called Twitter exploded into howls of outrage at what they saw as an attack on that most sacred of creatures, the morbidly obese Western woman. The company, being no doubt composed of typical, pussy-whipped western males, quickly pulled the ads and apologized for having offended manatees everywhere.

Since the social media storm, nothing has been heard of the manatee responsible for the outrage, but it is suspected that she is now back in the waters off Florida, where she and her friends are laughing it up at how insanely stupid those pink land creatures are.

Get your feminist freak out here.