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First You Must Learn How to Smile as You Kill.

First You Must Learn How to Smile as You Kill. published on 1 Comment on First You Must Learn How to Smile as You Kill.

A nice summation of what is wrong with class in the western world. Lyrics and music by John Lennon, vocals by Marilyn Manson, because Manson’s sepulchral vocals are much more suited to the bleak and sorrowful theme. The next Pigman Cometh toon is on class in Amerika, so it’s been on my mind.

London Crackdown Continues

London Crackdown Continues published on

In the wake of the recent lame-brained, half-assed, can’t-tell-shit-from-chocolate uprising in London, the politicians are being their usual predictable and authoritarian selves. One man has been charged with trying to start a water fight, another two are looking at terms of four years for trying to start a disturbance, and one man is looking at a jail sentence for looting two – count ‘em – two scoops of ice cream! I suppose the latter should simply have tried to steal the ice cream. Oh no, wait…

Bail is being denied at a far higher rate for these offences than for violent crimes, people are losing their government housing and welfare payments, and social media is being attacked for doing in Blighty what they were cheered for doing in Egypt. Why such a harsh response? Because it sends the message that rebellion, no matter how minor, will not be tolerated by the psychopaths who own your ass, that’s why.

“Holy Scheisse, Mein Merc ist on Fire!”

“Holy Scheisse, Mein Merc ist on Fire!” published on 1 Comment on “Holy Scheisse, Mein Merc ist on Fire!”

In Germany they have actual radicals instead of poor, lame-brained youths who rebel by destroying the lives of other victims of the system, so they don’t loot the local electronics shop, they set fire to Mercs!

In the last two days, over two dozen Mercs and Audis have been torched, making a total of 138 for the year, by what the article describes as “far left extremists.” Funny, I don’t see the bastards that caused the GFC referred to as extremists, nor do I see the neo-conservatives described that way…

These dreadful people, who apparently only carry out their attacks late at night when the cars are empty and there are no innocent bystanders to be accidentally incinerated, are apparently motivated by such ludicrous and trivial concerns as globalization ( corporatist code for “Let’s get everyone to work for peanuts.”) and rising rents, because the unreasonable bastards think everyone should be able to afford a domicile slightly fancier than a cardboard box.

Note the way the article tries to win reader sympathy by pointing out fear not in the doctors and lawyers that own such luxury vehicles, but in two old age pensioners – cos we all know how many pensioners are driving around in Mercs. One of the pensioners ironically tells us that he won’t be leaving the hood, because to do so would be “giving in to the radicals”. You’ve already given in to radicals, granddad, who do you think is running your country?

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British Crackdown On Water Fights?

British Crackdown On Water Fights? published on

As soon as maggots like David Cameron made it clear that the London riots would be used to take England closer and closer to something that will make certain comic books look like a history of the future rather than fiction, you knew shit like this was going to happen.

A young man ( they’re always the most troublesome, hence have to be stomped extra hard) in Essex has been arrested for planning a water fight on Facebook and the BlackBerry Messenger service!

We all know what English weather is like, and maybe the authorities are just a bunch of nice, avuncular types who are dreadfully afraid that someone will catch a nasty cold. Or maybe, just maybe, this is a way of sending a loud and clear message that no matter how trivial the act of disobedience you will be hunted down and locked up. And if you can’t get away with a water fight, you had better not even think of  staging a political riot or we will send some blokes round and you will never be seen again. Not there yet? Maybe not, but authoritarianism by stealth is the preferred method in the developed world.

The English PM actually admits that he wants to investigate whether or not” it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality”.

Or for that matter, a revolution against a dirtbag government that treats everyone except the rich like shit.

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