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Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli Belong In The Gas Chamber

Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli Belong In The Gas Chamber published on

Want some clear-cut evidence that part of the package of benefits for the  Stormtroopers of the Plutocracy includes being able to get away with murder? Take a look at the two pieces of shit in this photo.

In 2011, these two scumbags – Fullerton, California cops Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli – beat to death a homeless, schizophrenic man named Kelly Thomas. This year they finally ended up in court (most such cases don’t even get that far) and now they have just been acquitted despite numerous witnesses to their crime and surveillance footage showing them committing the murder!

They weren’t even charged with murder in the first (which I am assuming would require evidence that they meant to kill Thomas), so I don’t see how a rational and un-biased jury would have reached such a conclusion. Ramos was charged with murder in the second and involuntary manslaughter, and Cicinelli with involuntary manslaughter and excessive use of force. At the very least, the manslaughter charges are more than backed up by not only witnesses but video, yet the jury found that they were not guilty. What does a cop have to do to be found guilty? Actually confess to the crime? And what kind of people are these jury members? Are they cops themselves? Are they psychopaths hand-picked by the defense for having a special hatred for the mentally ill? Are they idiots easily swayed by the sleazebag lawyers defending the Stormtroopers? I don’t know, but I find it hard to believe that society has gotten so sick that a group of rational, relatively un-biased, psychologically normal people can see this video and come to the conclusion that there wasn’t at the very least involuntary manslaughter going on. Perhaps I’m being naïve, perhaps Amerika is so in thrall to the Law and Order mentality that the Stormtroopers can do no wrong. Either way, this jury is scum and if I had my way they would end up in the gas chamber with the murderers. Think about it – these dirtbags just told cops all across Amerika that it is perfectly okay to kill members of the public. “Go ahead, boys, it’s not as if we are going to convict you!” That is the vile verdict issued by these people.

And then there’s the lawyer for Ramos, John Barnett, a career scumbag who had this to say…

“These peace officers were doing their jobs, operating as they were trained, no malice in their hearts, not out to get someone that night,”

No, there was no malice in Ramos’ heart as he told his victim, “Now you see my fists? They’re getting ready to fuck you up.” Hey, look over here Barnett, my fists are getting ready to fuck you up! Nah, don’t cringe, it’s not like there’s any malice in that statement. You want to know where the motivation for all those jokes about dead lawyers come from? Take a look at trash like Barnett.

Kelly Thomas’ father thinks there definitely was malice in the hearts of Ramos and Cicinelli, that they were trying to deliberately kill his son to send the rest of the homeless the message that they aren’t wanted in Fullerton. Whatever the motivation, it is clear that they were trying to kill him – you don’t repeatedly bash someone on the back of the head as they lie face down on the ground just to get their attention.

I am starting to come to the conclusion that the entire police force should be abolished. They are basically a criminal gang that is given exclusive rights to torture and to kill with impunity. And the only reason most people tolerate them is because they are afraid of the other criminal gangs, the ones who can’t get away with murder! Do away with the police force, let each community form its own security team and let’s see what happens. After all, who does a community have more control over? The men in its own midst, or some cops working in Suburb A then going home to Suburb B? Its pretty obvious. A neighborhood security team made of members of the community would be easier to control – at the very least we know where they live, which is more than you can say about cops. If the security team turn into thugs and turn the guy on the left into the guy on the right…

… we can go round in the middle of the night and burn their houses to the ground.

So, yes, Ramos and Cicinelli should have been convicted of murder and they should have been executed. If justice had been done, I would have been willing to spare the state of California some expense by getting the two pieces of filth alone in a room – just me, them, and my razor-studded baseball bat. My final words to them? “See this baseball bat? See these razors? They’re getting ready to fuck you up.”




Full surveillance video


Idiot Males Drool Over Atrocious Woman

Idiot Males Drool Over Atrocious Woman published on

Some chick called Alli Reed, apparently a comedian of some sorts, took to OkCupid and set up the kind of profile that she expected would have all the men puking. Instead, she got hundreds of responses from weak-brained men who were quite willing to overlook her inner hideousness and focus instead on her good looks. While I don’t find this piece amusing ( I rarely find anything on Cracked amusing ) it does tell us a lot about how high up on the list of priorities sex with a gorgeous woman is for some men.

Is this willingness to risk life and limb to get some hot soup a natural thing? No, of course not. Like beauty itself, it is mostly the doing of societal standards imposed for God knows what reason. It doesn’t really matter what  the motivation behind these bizarre standards is, what does matter is that it gets some men in a shitload of trouble, trouble they could easily have avoided if society did not teach them that life is all about scoring with the hot bird – even if she’s the kind who will fake a pregnancy!

Retards on the loose here

Kiki Lin Has A Tight Pussy

Kiki Lin Has A Tight Pussy published on

Hey, someone had to say it. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong kind of pussy. Some asshole in Taiwan decided that the proper way to discipline her cat was to do this…

Yes, folks, she stuffed her cat into a plastic jar! Now, while this is far from being the worst case of animal abuse I’ve seen, it is a pretty unpleasant thing to do to an animal, even one with a stupid name like Kiki (yep, she named the cat after herself!) Compounding the girl’s cruelty is her stupidity – she posted the photos of her crime on Facebook! This is what gets into Uni in Taiwan? I wonder if they have women’s quotas over there…?

Not only is Kiki ( the large one, not the one who looks like she’s sitting on Satan’s lap) a moron and a sadist, but the little cow sees nothing wrong with what she did. No, like all psychos she places the blame at the feet of others…

“I really don’t see how it is their (netizens) place to criticize me,” said Lin, “without even knowing what happened; they have too much time on their hands.”

Of course we have extra time on our hands. You know why? Because we aren’t busy stuffing animals into jars! Later on, Ms Lin confirmed my suspicions about the contents of her skull by changing her story. Apparently, the cat-stuffing incident was not a form of punishment but rather an attempt at inventing a novel new form of pet transport…

“I love her so much, and I was just testing out the most convenient method of taking her out. And I only did it once.”

She then insulted everyone’s intelligence by presenting the press with the jar, which has miraculously sprouted some air holes not seen in the original photo.

The cruelty, the lack of empathy for her own pet, the refusal to accept responsibility, let’s just hope this girl gets her tubes tied before some idiot knocks her up. Last thing the world needs is a child in this woman’s hands. As for punishment, forget the fine and jail time – let’s stuff her into a jar just big enough for one pinhead. When she yells out the Chinese version of “What the fuck!?!?!” we can just tell her that it’s time for walkies!  It should be okay – as long as we do it only once.

More on this pussy stuffer here.

Amanda Marcotte Screams Misogyny at People Who Diss Cats

Amanda Marcotte Screams Misogyny at People Who Diss Cats published on

Hot on the heels of her complaints about the size of women’s wrists in Disney movies, comes yet another howler from Mad Mandy.

Yes, folks, Marcotte the Mad has struck again. This time she is claiming that the reason some people hate on cats is because – wait for it – cats are seen as feminine, are popular with single women and we live in a society in which everyone hates women!

In a recent slab of weirdness  entitled “Why Do People Bag On Cats So Much?” the internet’s dumbest feminist claims…

“Well, I think I have a theory, and yes, it’s sexism. Deeply sublimated sexism, but sexism all the same. While all sorts of people have pets of both types, cats are associated with not just women, but single, childless women. A lot of what people are doing when they insist that you cat doesn’t really love you and you must be fooling yourself is a kind of mansplaining: Silly cat ladies, who think that their cats love them! It fits into this larger narrative about how women are dumb and needy and cling to cats, unlike sure-footed, bright men who pick a pet they know loves them: dogs.”

While an interesting “theory” in the post modern sense of the word (which is to say that it is little more than a wild guess) not only does Marcotte The Mad fail to present actual evidence, she also fails to explain why this supposedly widespread dislike of the feline species isn’t hating on people who think their cats love them, rather than just on the women. But then, this is feminist theory and hence does not need any evidence, just a persecution complex and a manufactured sense of outrage. Normal people would say that the reason many people don’t like cats is that cats don’t dote on their owners the way that wonderful creature called the dog does. If you burst into fire, your dog will race to the nearest fire extinguisher and promptly douse the flames, or at the very least he will jump up onto the mantelpiece so he can pee on you. Not the cat, though, the cat will – if he bothers to wake up at all – simply go “Meh,” and then fall back asleep. Personally I think these people are missing the point of having a pet as the idea is for you to look after it, not for it to look after you, but I can see where they are coming from. Not Mad Mandy, oh, no…

Little Ms Paranoia then draws an even more tenuous connection between cat-haters and “pick up artists,” claiming that…

“Cats are imbued with one of the worst stereotypes of women, popular with “pick-up artists”: That women are shallow creatures who don’t love so much as seek out the richest man they can find, and they exchange sex for security. Except cats are characterized as shallow creatures who merely feign affection for security, but basically, same theory.”

Again, no evidence, just a ludicrous assertion that PUAs can’t tell the difference between pussy and pussy. But wait, with Mad Mandy we don’t need evidence, we have something much more important, much more substantial, and in Mandy’s world view probably much more feminine…

“… I’d like to see a study that measures if there’s a correlation between holding negative views of cats and believing women are gold-diggers. Because I have a hunch that might just be so.”

To the feminist mind, this thing called a “hunch” is pretty much the same as yelling “Checkmate! Argument over! Take your logic and shove it Mr. Man, no room for reason around here!”

Mentally ill rantings here.

Incidentally, in this article we also learn that Mad Mandy has a boyfriend! I don’t know who the unlucky guy is, but I do have this piece of advice – dump Mandy, and buy a cat.