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The Worst Kind of Misandry is the Kind That Targets Boys

The Worst Kind of Misandry is the Kind That Targets Boys published on

So there i am, in the local Borders, looking to buy a calendar, and what does i spy, nestling malevolently amongst such innocent fare as Garfield and Peanuts? What could it be, in the middle of this, another fine day in our woman-hating patriarchy?

Is it a calendar mocking women? No.
Is it a calendar mocking girls? No.
Is it a calendar mocking men? No, not even that.

You guessed it- the target for this vile piece of garbage is one of the most vulnerable groups in our society- little boys.

Now, I can always say “Get stuffed!” to this kind of crap, but what about little boys who come across this kind of thing? Boys may act tough but they aren’t. Believe me- I used to be one. Boys are highly impressionable and whether they admit it or not, seeing this kind of garbage has a cumulative effect on them- a “Boys are Stupid” calendar here, a Bart Simpson there, a Chris Griffin here- it all adds up.

This “Boys are Stupid” calendar includes such delightful entries as “Boys need Training Wheels”, “Boys Pee in Pools”, and “Boys Pass Gas”. The fact that boys are being mocked for things that aren’t even gender specific seems to me to add up to “If girls do it, it’s okay and we won’t mention it. If boys do it makes them geeks to be ridiculed.” This kind of double standard is bad enough when it targets men, but going after boys is as low as it gets.
If this is, as its defenders would argue, only harmless humor, then why are there no “Girls are Stupid” calendars featuring entries such as “Girls Suck at Math” and “Girls Can’t do Pushups?” If denigrating a group of children is “just humor” then why does no one denigrate female children by mocking their inadequacies?

I suspect that at heart this all comes down to the pervasive view amongst the Left that males are by nature “bad people”. Now, i am a left leaning independent, so this is not a partisan attack, it is merely a rather obvious observation. If these were girls or women being mocked the Liberal media would be up in arms, but boys? Well, after a couple of decades of feminist propaganda many liberals seem to hold the view that men are loathsome, and that since boys are destined to grow up to be men, who cares if their self-esteem suffers? Not the Left, apparently.

This charming piece of work is brought to you by Todd Goldman’s company David and Goliath, who are infamous for having created the “Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.” shirts, which got pulled from many stores after Glenn Sacks and others launched a campaign against them.

Women Hate War!

Women Hate War! published on

Actually what they hate is fighting in war as the Order of the White Feather showed. This was a charming initiative used by certain women during WWI to shame men into going and getting their heads blown off – I guess it’s only fair when you consider the huge number of women who fought and died in that war!

Numerous members of the peace-loving sex took it upon themselves to socially stigmatize men they barely knew them by handing them a white feather, a traditional sign of cowardice. And it worked, a lot of men and boys were shamed into volunteering including sixteen year old James Lovegrove, pictured here.  What kind of psycho woman would pressure a baby-faced kid like that to go into the hell of war?

According to Lovegrove…

“On my way to work one morning a group of women surrounded me. They started shouting and yelling at me, calling me all sorts of names for not being a soldier! Do you know what they did? They struck a white feather in my coat, meaning I was a coward. Oh, I did feel dreadful, so ashamed.

I went to the recruiting office. The sergeant there couldn’t stop laughing at me, saying things like “Looking for your father, sonny?”, and “Come back next year when the war’s over!” Well, I must have looked so crestfallen that he said “Let’s check your measurements again”. You see, I was five foot six inches and only about eight and a half stone. This time he made me out to be about six feet tall and twelve stone, at least, that is what he wrote down. All lies of course – but I was in!”

How many men and boys met their deaths because of these hypocritical, war mongering cows  who never did anything for their country except wash the nappies and boil the occasional black pudding? Thousands, that’s how many. And what proportion of these women were risking their lives for the war effort? How many of them were volunteering to help doctors and nurses  just a few miles behind the front line? Very fucking few would be a good guess, even  famous supporter of the campaign May Humphry Ward only agreed to visit the Western Front in the capacity of a journalist after the Government agreed to compensate her for “losses from the war and the pressure of war taxation”

So the next time some mouth-breathing male-hating troglodyte tells you that women are peace loving creatures that don’t like war, tell them to take a white feather and stick it up their ass, and if a woman ever  tries to pressure you into doing something dangerous by calling you cowardly or unmanly, hand the hypocritical cow a gun and tell her to do her own damn fighting!

More here.