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Oh, the horror of it all…

Oh, the horror of it all… published on

Funnily enough, I wasn’t going to bother writing about this one as I had already had my five cents at the “men’s rights” subreddit but they removed the post for “being stupid” so I had to bring it here. I really don’t know what’s up with those schmucks. Either there is a personal grudge against myself or swines in general or they are just dumbasses. Think about it. My submission gets removed because it doesn’t see a slap on the ass as sexual assault, while this submission in which some morons approve of a judge who gave a confessed rapist a lenient sentence remains in place. Curious.

Anyway, this one isn’t quite as egregious as complaints about wrist size or statues but it’s still good for the kind of laugh to be expected from the Guardian of Female Privilege. While (presumably) rending her garments and gnashing her teeth, some hysterical woman at the aforementioned rag screeches that last Saturday she was sexually assaulted while on her bike.

Seems that while she was basking in the glory of some pointless achievement like having biked up a hill or something, some dickhead comes along and commits against this poor woman what is no doubt the most hideous sexual assault in the history of sexual assaults. Sensitive chap that I am I can barely bring myself to write this, but he…he…oh, god…he… he slapped her on the ass! Oh, the horror! The sheer, unspeakable horror of it all!

Anyway, there is no doubt that he shouldn’t have done what he done, and he should probably be charged with putting her at risk of falling off her bike and further damaging her brain. But sexual assault? The kind that left her “totally humiliated” and even crying? Rubbish. Only by the broadest and most feminist of definitions is this a sexual assault, even if the law itself has, in some jurisdictions, adopted the feminist definition. As for the level of distress shown at the “sexual” aspect of this incident, is this woman exaggerating or is she just the world’s most easily traumatized woman? I hope to hell she isn’t on Twitter, the poor cow will end up with a bad case of PTSD! Now, is this woman a feminist? Or just a wimp? I suspect it is the former…

“Who are these people who think it’s fun to degrade a woman as she rides her bike? Do they get a sexual thrill from their leather glove whacking a Lycra-clad backside? Or is it just about asserting power? I bet the bikers had a right old laugh about it when they stopped at the pub for lunch, the odious morons.”

Yes, pretty much a feminist interpretation of the events. Degrading women. Asserting power – she might as well have screamed misogyny. Notice also the way that she supposes that the other bikers would side with the perpetrator. Well, of course they would – that’s just the way the menz is. It probably doesn’t even cross her mind that they may have told him, “Mate, that was fucking stupid! She could have fallen off and been hurt!” No, boys will be boys. Right, madam?

And this horrible event didn’t blow over either. A couple of days later she was “still fuming” and went to the cops! She refers to the perp as a pervert, so I can only assume that what she is still upset about is the “sexual” aspect, not the fact that she could have broken some bones. That’s what she should be doing – complaining about the danger involved, not spreading a definition of sexual assault so broad that half the men ( and probably a quarter of the women) in the world would be in jail if she had her way. Probably doesn’t hurt that the entire article feeds into the ongoing tactic of portraying women as delicate victims upon whom should be heaped ever-growing amounts of privilege. But then, what can we expect from a woman who admits to being part of a women’s-only bike club?

Epidemic of Trifle-Induced Violence Sweeps Russia!

Epidemic of Trifle-Induced Violence Sweeps Russia! published on

If a distressing new ad is anything to go by, thousands of Russian women are being killed every year in acts of “domestic violence caused by trifles!” I can only assume that these poor women are sitting around minding their own business when suddenly a trifle pounces on them and kills them, presumably by giving them an instant and deadly case of diabetes!

Pictured here is Boris Yvenko, who was last week charged with the murder of his second wife. Picture of misogynist dessert via Wikipedia

Precisely why a usually harmless dessert should suddenly go on a country wide misogynistic rampage is anyone’s guess. Perhaps these delicious killers have spent too much time in front of the internet absorbing the West’s rampant culture of misogyny, or maybe they have just gotten sick of being devoured by badly made-up heifers and this is the only way they could strike back…

Irina Yvenko, who was last week killed by her husband, of whom neighbors said “We are all very surprised, he always seemed like a very sweet person!”

Whatever the cause, I am sure we all agree that T.I.D.V (Trifle-Induced Domestic Violence) is a serious issue that needs to be tackled, whether the victim is female or male, adult or child. Why the non-woman victims of this spate of murders are not mentioned in the ad I don’t know, it’s almost as if the authorities are upset only when women are killed by trifles – men and children, not so much.

 The other way to take this is that some male dirtbags are killing women for making them trifles which are substandard in some way – not enough Vodka soaked into the cake, perhaps – but this seems too ludicrous and unlikely an idea to even entertain.

God Clears Up Misunderstanding

God Clears Up Misunderstanding published on

Homophobes everywhere are in for a shock today after the Almighty Creator of Everything That Is cleared up a mistake that has long caused much rejoicing amongst many of his followers. Speaking to me earlier today, The Great And Wondrous One announced that, contrary to common belief amongst his adherents, he does not hate fags…

“I know it’s been reported widely that I hate fags, but I never said that. What I told Moses while he was writing Leviticus was that I hated stags! S-T-A-G-S! Not fags, stags!”

Surprised by this revelation I asked The Great And Holy One why he has such animosity towards the male of the deer species…

“Well, Pigster, I only made the stupid things to serve as a sort of primitive clotheslines, but it didn’t occur to me they would be so restless! Back when I was hanging out in Eden with that joker and his spare rib I would wash my robe till it was all sparkling white then drape it over a stag’s antlers so it could dry in the warm breeze that wafted eternally through paradise. Then I would sit under the Tree of Knowledge and doze off. By the time I awoke, the freaking stag had wandered off, taking my robe with him! Imagine – me, the Creator of All That Is standing there in nothing but a pair of baggy tighty whities! It’s undignified! So yeah, that’s what I told Moses when he was writing Leviticus  – I hate stags. But you know, old Moses was always a bit of a dyslexic so things got lost in translation, so to speak. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some penguins to kill.”

Well, I hope this clears up this long-standing and really rather inconvenient mistake. Today, we must all agree, has been a very good day for fags, er…I mean homosexuals everywhere. For penguins, however, it is a different story.



Reaction to this morning’s interview with God has been swift and wide-reaching. After reading the interview Fred Phelps, Founder of Westoboro Baptist, immediately announced that he had wasted his time on earth barking up the wrong tree and that in his despair he would later this week be committing suicide by inhaling next to a Mexican.

More progressive members of the church have announced that they would from now on focus their righteous hatred on the true enemy of human morality – the stag. A representative told us that the church has just bought the domain and that starting Wednesday they will be picketing in front of zoos and national park gates…

“From now on, it shall be our holy mission to eradicate these robe-stealing, cud-chewing abominations from the face of the earth. Our signs will bear slogans such as “God Hates Stags, Why Don’t You?” and “Stags Are Lucifer In Disguise” as well as “God Kills Soldiers Because America Tolerates Stags!”

In response to Westboro’s new mission. Mr. GrassRunner Whitetail, president of the National Alliance Against Defamation of Deers  as well as vice-president of the League of Oppressed Animals had this to say…

“What the fuck? What have we ever done to them?!?! All we do is hang out in the woods eating grass and leaves and stuff! Hey! Hey, these aren’t the bastards who killed Bambi’s mom, are they? Hey, you Westboro freaks — fuck you, you orphan makers!”

Perhaps not wishing to further inflame an already volatile state of affairs, PETA has yet to make a statement on the situation.


Rapist On The Loose!

Rapist On The Loose! published on

In what can only be taken as yet another indication of the insanity running rampant in Amerikan universities, feminists at Wellesley have set up a petition to get rid of the gentleman on the left. Seems that they find the rather slightly built man in question to be posing a sexual threat of some kind. The man, a Mr. Rapey McRaperson, who suffers from a severe form of somnambulism, has recently taken up residence on campus and his intimidating patriarchal presence is freaking out some of the campus feminists. According to a Lauren Walsh, who penned the petition demanding that Mr. McRaperson be expelled from campus, poor old Rapey has…

” …become a source of apprehension, fear, and triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault for many members of our campus community…”

When I contacted Ms Walsh to inform her that Mr. McRaperson was not an actual man but a cunningly realistic depiction of one, Ms. Walsh responded with…

“Well, of course he’s a statue now! I’m not stupid, you know! But what if he comes to life and starts raping everyone? Hey? What do you say to that, Mr. Man? Not as clever as you think you are, are you?”

Of course not – I didn’t go to Wellesley.

Backing up Walsh is Zoe Magid, who is also involved with the petition and who was very disheartened when the woman in charge of things was insensitive enough to say, in effect, “Lighten up, it’s just a statue for fuck’s sake!” Ms Magid had this to say about the boss-woman’s callousness…

“We were really disappointed that she seemed to articulate that she was glad it was starting discussion, but didn’t respond to the fact that it’s making students on campus feel unsafe, which is not appropriate. We really feel that if a piece of art makes students feel unsafe, that steps over a line. Furthermore, the kettle in the student lounge has recently been giving me lecherous looks. What does she intend to do about that?”

Feeling unsafe. Because of a statue. I wonder what such a woman does when she goes out to buy a dress? Put on a blindfold and have herself led around by the hand lest she accidentally behold a male mannequin and run screaming into the streets?

Also hell-bent on evicting Mr. McRaperson is the ironically named Annie Wang, who no doubt wants to make sure she is the only Wang at Wellesley…

“I think art’s intention is to confront, but not assault, and people can see this as assaulting,”

… Wang whined woefully.

As for being assaulted by a statue, I know some women have pretty weird sexual fantasies but this is a new one on me. Ms Wang also told us that she is really looking forward to next week’s campus showing of 2001: A Space Odyssey, adding that she was really sorry she missed it the last time it was on the History Channel.

So far, the petition has been signed by almost 400 people, most of whom are no doubt currently outpatients at some psychiatric clinic or other. The lone exception amongst this cabal of pinheads is my manager Michael, who couldn’t resist signing just so he could get some snark in…

“I am shocked and horrified that in this day and age vulnerable young women are still subjected to such rampant misogyny. I weep for this woman-hating world of ours and would like to apologize on behalf of my sex for any harm done by this latest salvo in the war on women.”

More Twilight Zone here.