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Talking dogs. No, really.

Talking dogs. No, really. published on

Have you ever wished your dog could talk? Turns out that now they can. Using buttons that sound out words when pressed, they can use up to 50 words to tell us what’s going on in their furry little noggins!

What i find most amazing is that they have a basic grammar, not just isolated words. They also have abstract concepts like “stranger,” which is equally amazing. And this isn’t a hoax, there’s another woman who started the ball rolling and apparently scientists have checked out both dogs and they are the real deal. Imagine if they start doing this with pigs and they start saying “Don’t eat me”! Could be rather revolutionary when it comes to the issue of animal welfare for people to see farm animals actually asking to not be killed or mistreated.

Talkative canine here

No, The Jews Do Not Control The World Through Blackmail

No, The Jews Do Not Control The World Through Blackmail published on

The idea that they do is a claim that comes up very often with the Far Right (the real Far Right, not the SJWs’ “you don’t want men in women’s locker rooms so you must be a fascist” version of the Far Right) when i point out that even though Jews are grossly over-represented in the West’s power structures they are still a minority and therefore not in control. It also comes up a lot when Americans try to explain why Israel supposedly controls America — “sure, we have the money and the weapons but they have photos of Donald Trump fucking a duck!” So goes the argument.

The problem with this is that it assumes that only the powerful Jews are out there digging up dirt on the opposition. How likely is this? So unlikely as to be impossible. The gentile oligarchs are just as smart and amoral as their Jewish counterparts, so it goes without saying that they are gathering dirt with which they hope to blackmail the Jews. The only other possibility is that the Jews are such good and pure people that there is no dirt to get on them. Needless to say, that’s not only offensively anti-gentile but also laughable given what’s happening in Gaza right now. So it’s a very safe assumption that while Soros has dirt on Musk, Musk has dirt on Soros, and that while the Mossad has dirt on everyone in the congress, the CIA has dirt on everyone in the Knesset. This, of course, leads to a stalemate where it is usually impossible to blackmail people on the other side of the fence. There will be cases where one side has a peccadillo, like duck-fucking, while the other side has a major crime, like serial rape, but usually it’s peccadillo vs. peccadillo and that means nobody has an advantage. In other words, while the Mossad may have photos of Donald Trump fucking a duck, you can bet that the CIA has photos of Netanyahu fucking a chicken!

No, Israel Does NOT Control America

No, Israel Does NOT Control America published on

You know what drives Piggy crazy? The fact that so many buy the idea that Israel owns the US.

Israel is a mere henchman to the American empire, and the American empire could kill it overnight. True, it is the empire’s main henchman in that part of the world — its unsinkable aircraft carrier in that region, as one American statesman once put it — and that is why America puts up with it doing things that hurt its soft power, but the boss is still the boss, even when he is a tolerant one. If America finds a new stooge in that area, and we all hope and pray that they do, they will throw Israel under the bus in the blink of an eye.

But what about AIPAC and the Israel lobby, you may ask? The Israel lobby is a willing scapegoat for the American empire. Part of its job is precisely to make it look like the poor helpless American politicians have no choice but to back Israel or they will lose millions of dollars in donations and won’t be able to run for office. In most cases this is pure fiction. The great majority of politicians get a minority of their funding from the Israel lobby, and in some cases would be better off turning down the money and siding with the voters’ increasing disdain for Israel — Harris being the best example. She would have done far better if she had rejected the Zionists and their money, thereby increasing her popularity with Muslims and the young. Instead, the Democrats chose to continue to back Israel, even though they knew it would hurt them at the ballot box. Why? Because the Dems, like the Republicans, back Israel not because they need the Israel lobby’s money but because it is a henchman so important that if it did not exist, they would have to create it to further their interests in that part of the world. Don’t take Piggy’s word for it, take Joe Biden’s word! This is the cabbage back in the 1980s, when he was not yet a cabbage…

Orange Monkey Wins Banana Tree

Orange Monkey Wins Banana Tree published on

Well, it looks like Trump has finally gotten back into the White House. This is cause for celebration, but of the rather muted kind as this is not the Trump of old.

Nonetheless, he looks less likely to start unnecessary wars than Harris, which is the main reason the neo-con Establishment switched to the Democrat Party, and the main reason i was hoping it would turn out this way. The second reason i was backing Trump is that if the propaganda had worked like it did in 2020 that would have been the end for any non-Establishment candidates. The bastards in the Oligarchy would have known that this shit works again and again, and all future outsiders would have been labelled either Hitler or Stalin and they wouldn’t have the slightest chance to get anywhere near the White House. As it is, the Oligarchs now know that they are going to have to come up with something a lot better than telling the American people that a man who spent four years proving he isn’t a fascist is a fascist! Good news for all, and perhaps a sign that the majority of the American electorate is becoming a lot smarter than they have been in the past.

Now, of course, we have to worry about all the bad shit Trump will do. Like backing the Gaza genocide with at least as much fervor — or at least more overt fervor — than Harris. But who knows, maybe the Establishment has had enough of the Ziofascist state screwing over their soft power and they’ll get Trump to smack Israel down, or at least tell it to get it all over quickly so that the whole thing can be memory-holed. Terrible for the Gazans, but better a quick death than a slow one, poor bastards.

We also have to keep an eye on what he does or does not do about Ukraine. He, unlike Harris, at least says he’ll pour water on that spark for a third world war, but then he says a lot of things. What worries me here is that by supporting the American Empire by supporting their Zionist henchman in the Middle East, he may be signalling that he is not so much America First as American Empire First, and since the proxy war is also a project of the American Empire he may find an excuse to keep that one going. But, hey, at least unlike Harris he’s saying the right things. Not much to pin your hopes on, i know, but this is how things are.

Oh, and isn’t it weird how quickly the result was called? I was expecting days of tension, instead it was all over in a few hours. A little after 11 pm New York time, the NY Times published a graphic saying he had an 87% chance of winning. That’s when i knew he probably had it in the bag — when people who hate you say you’re probably gonna win, it means you’re probably gonna win.

So congratulations to you, President Trump, and enjoy your bananas.