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A Warning to Censorship-Loving Republicans

A Warning to Censorship-Loving Republicans published on

So, Gavin Newsom has a podcast and he’s hosting people like Steve Bannon and apparently getting along fairly well with them. This reminded me of something i was thinking the other day when reading MAGA (more like MIGA) tweets about how great it is to be persecuting anti-genocide students and the Universities who dare to let them speak their minds…

The Dems don’t care about the folks any more than the Republicans do, but they do care about being in government, if only because they make more money that way. This means that at least some of them — like Newsom — are going to try to start up some kind of Left-leaning Populism. If they succeed, they may very well get back into power as Trump’s margin wasn’t that big — a couple of million out of about 140 million votes, as i recall — and a LOT of those people aren’t necessarily MAGA, but pissed off working folks just wanting to hit back at the system, people pissed at inflation, the forever wars, de-industrialization, and so on. Now, what do you think a lot of those folks will do if a viable liberal populist comes along? LOL! I’ll tell you what they’ll do — they’ll jump over to the other side, especially now that Trump is acting more MIGA than MAGA!

This, if they can pull it off, will mean that in 4 or 8 years the Dems may be back in and the MAGA crowd, who have shown themselves to be just the old Republicans wearing new hats, will be up against the sort of censorious crap they are now inflicting on the opposition. Think it’s cool that folks are being kidnapped off the streets for opposing genocide? Wait a few years and the Dems will be kidnapping YOU off the streets for suggesting it may be time for another revolution, or that the “Marxists” in the Dem party need to be “dealt with.” Hell, things are so crazy that they might ratchet things up — just like they did in 2021 and like YOU are doing now — and start locking you up just for supporting “that fascist Trump,” or the “hate movement” called MAGA!

Just something for you clowns to think about as you cheer the lynching of people like Mahmoud Kalil. You won’t though, just as you didn’t learn from the persecution of the J6 protesters, and just as the Dems won’t learn from what’s being done to some of them now — because most politically active people are fools, and fools never learn.




As i finished this post, it occurred to me “i know shit about this Gavin Newsom guy. I should check out his record, see if he is that “viable liberal populist” we are looking for!” LOL! And you just KNOW i ain’t the only one doing that!


Addendum : Looked him up. This is not the hero we are looking for. Paused executions because they are “racist.” Expanded health cover to ILLEGALS while denying all Californians a single payer system. Promised to help the homeless, instead broke up homeless camps — in, at least one case, in PERSON — and vetoed bills that would have increased the number of people who can claim state housing assistance! Screwed over the Dalit by VETOING a bill to ban caste discrimination. Vetoed a bill that would have given unemployment insurance to workers on strike. BUT he made Cali a sanctuary state for “trans” youth, stopped a bill that would have forced schools to tell parents if their kid had gone nuts and started to wear a dress, and made team mascots based on Native American imagery literally ILLEGAL. Yep, he’s just the usual pseudo-liberal, IdPol asshole using racism etc to distract everyone from class issues. America needs this guy like it needs another Ronald Reagan!

Where’s the White Luke Cage, motherfuckers?

Where’s the White Luke Cage, motherfuckers? published on

So Captain America is now a Black guy. Have any Black characters been rebooted as White guys? Is Luke Cage now a poor cracker from the trailer park instead of a poor brother from the ‘hood? No, not to my knowledge. So what’s with all this crap? Why does the race-flipping almost always go in one direction?

Is it because the Establishment media is trying to break down the barriers between the races? No, it isn’t. Were that the case, you would have Black characters going albino all over the place, but you don’t. Is it because the Establishment ( which is run almost completely by White motherfuckers ) is concerned about Black actors not having enough iconic characters to play? Again no, because even if the race-flipping went both ways it would still benefit Blacks far more than Whites. For every Luke Cage played by a White man there would be literally dozens of Captain Americas played by Black men.

So what is going on? Well, in my view this is simply part of the psychological war that the Establishment has been waging against White people for the last twenty to thirty years. The same people who over-represent White crime while under-representing Black crime (in real life Black Americans commit about half the murders. Is that the picture you get watching things like Law and Order?) and acting as if things like slavery and empire are uniquely White evils have decided to deliver the message that, because we are an inferior race, White people will no longer have their own cultural properties. From now on there will be two sets of cultural properties in America — those owned by Blacks and Whites and those owned only by Blacks. Black people get Luke Cage all to themselves but White folks, being lesser than Black folks, have to share the Captain Americas with the Black folks. The message sent is a simple one, but also a powerful one and the people doing this know it. Imagine if there were a huge shift in Establishment popular culture and suddenly Blacks aren’t allowed to play White characters, but Whites are playing Luke Cage, Shaft, and the Black Panther! Sure enough, the pseudo-lefties supporting the current state of affairs would be making the same argument i am making — and they would be right to do so.

This view invites the rather obvious question of “why would a White Establishment be beating up on White folks?!?!?” Well, the answer is mostly a matter of numbers — White folks are simply the majority of people in America, so they pose a greater threat to the Establishment than the Black people do — i give you as exhibit A the January 6 protest/riot — and therefore they have to be kept down. The other factor is that while angry Black people fight the power by burning down working class neighborhoods, White people fight the power by storming the capitol! The way the Establishment sees it, if they convince Whitey that he is shit, Whitey will stop taking his anger out on them and re-direct it towards his own community — just like Blacks do.

Would you lament the death of a crack dealer?

Would you lament the death of a crack dealer? published on

If not, then don’t lament the death of Brian Thompson. I guarantee you, that motherfucker was responsible for more misery and death than the average crack dealer. Not only was he the CEO of an evil health “insurance” company, he was the CEO of the most evil health “insurance” company. His fucking company rejected about 32% of claims — the industry average is 16% — which is literally the worst in the industry! How many deaths per year does that add up to? A lot more than the average crack dealer’s, that’s my guess. And then there’s just plain suffering that goes on year after year without killing you, all because you aren’t getting the health coverage you paid for. And let’s not forget bankruptcy. Health care costs are one of the most common causes of filing for bankruptcy in the US, and you can bet a shitload of those people file because companies like UnitedHealth have cheated them and they therefore need to use up what little money they have to stay alive — “well, there goes the kids’ college fund. Guess they’ll have to settle for flipping burgers the rest of their lives.” Imagine how much misery and even suicide all those bankruptcies drive. Again, a lot more than the average crack dealer’s.

And yes, his evil ways are almost certainly what got Brian Thompson whacked. According to the AP, the bullets had the words “deny,” “defend” and “depose,” written on them, which seems to be a reference to the health scam industry’s tactics of “delay, deny, defend,” used to avoid paying claims. Oh, and here’s another reason i’m not crying any tears over this dead asshole — he had been receiving threats and despite that was still wandering around without a bodyguard! Evil and stupid! The guy with the gun killed two types of asshole in one go! How very efficient of him!

So fuck Brian Thompson, fuck all his kind, and if the shooter sets up a crowdfunder for his legal defence i will happily chip in 100 bucks.

No, The Jews Do Not Control The World Through Blackmail

No, The Jews Do Not Control The World Through Blackmail published on

The idea that they do is a claim that comes up very often with the Far Right (the real Far Right, not the SJWs’ “you don’t want men in women’s locker rooms so you must be a fascist” version of the Far Right) when i point out that even though Jews are grossly over-represented in the West’s power structures they are still a minority and therefore not in control. It also comes up a lot when Americans try to explain why Israel supposedly controls America — “sure, we have the money and the weapons but they have photos of Donald Trump fucking a duck!” So goes the argument.

The problem with this is that it assumes that only the powerful Jews are out there digging up dirt on the opposition. How likely is this? So unlikely as to be impossible. The gentile oligarchs are just as smart and amoral as their Jewish counterparts, so it goes without saying that they are gathering dirt with which they hope to blackmail the Jews. The only other possibility is that the Jews are such good and pure people that there is no dirt to get on them. Needless to say, that’s not only offensively anti-gentile but also laughable given what’s happening in Gaza right now. So it’s a very safe assumption that while Soros has dirt on Musk, Musk has dirt on Soros, and that while the Mossad has dirt on everyone in the congress, the CIA has dirt on everyone in the Knesset. This, of course, leads to a stalemate where it is usually impossible to blackmail people on the other side of the fence. There will be cases where one side has a peccadillo, like duck-fucking, while the other side has a major crime, like serial rape, but usually it’s peccadillo vs. peccadillo and that means nobody has an advantage. In other words, while the Mossad may have photos of Donald Trump fucking a duck, you can bet that the CIA has photos of Netanyahu fucking a chicken!

No, Israel Does NOT Control America

No, Israel Does NOT Control America published on

You know what drives Piggy crazy? The fact that so many buy the idea that Israel owns the US.

Israel is a mere henchman to the American empire, and the American empire could kill it overnight. True, it is the empire’s main henchman in that part of the world — its unsinkable aircraft carrier in that region, as one American statesman once put it — and that is why America puts up with it doing things that hurt its soft power, but the boss is still the boss, even when he is a tolerant one. If America finds a new stooge in that area, and we all hope and pray that they do, they will throw Israel under the bus in the blink of an eye.

But what about AIPAC and the Israel lobby, you may ask? The Israel lobby is a willing scapegoat for the American empire. Part of its job is precisely to make it look like the poor helpless American politicians have no choice but to back Israel or they will lose millions of dollars in donations and won’t be able to run for office. In most cases this is pure fiction. The great majority of politicians get a minority of their funding from the Israel lobby, and in some cases would be better off turning down the money and siding with the voters’ increasing disdain for Israel — Harris being the best example. She would have done far better if she had rejected the Zionists and their money, thereby increasing her popularity with Muslims and the young. Instead, the Democrats chose to continue to back Israel, even though they knew it would hurt them at the ballot box. Why? Because the Dems, like the Republicans, back Israel not because they need the Israel lobby’s money but because it is a henchman so important that if it did not exist, they would have to create it to further their interests in that part of the world. Don’t take Piggy’s word for it, take Joe Biden’s word! This is the cabbage back in the 1980s, when he was not yet a cabbage…