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An Unlikely Proposal

An Unlikely Proposal published on 1 Comment on An Unlikely Proposal

After much thought and consideration, I have decided that from next year we should start referring to Mother’s Day as “No To Infanticide Day,” or NTI-Day for short.

This needs to be done in order to call attention to the sad fact that most children who are killed by a parent are killed by their mother. While I  acknowledge that most women aren’t out there killing their kids, it should be clear to any right thinking individual that infanticide is a serious problem, and that the bad actions of a few women are more than enough justification for spoiling the entire day for all mothers.

Given the selfless nature of women in general and mothers in particular, I have no doubt that this idea will have the support of all mothers, who I am sure will be willing to put the safety of children over their own selfish need for attention and praise. I also expect that it will draw the support of celebrity mothers from the twin worlds of show business and politics, and that prominent women will be lining up to take part in online campaigns — with a little luck we may even be able to get Oprah Winfrey to do a few TV commercials.

Another thing I would like to see happening on NTI Day is women wearing bracelets and shirts bearing inscriptions such as “I pledge to not smother my toddler,” and “I swear not to microwave the baby.” I realize that some oversensitive individuals will object to this on the grounds that promising not to do something implies that you are capable of doing it to begin with, but such naysayers are merely immature “women” who will hopefully be ignored by their more highly evolved sisters. It would also be helpful to have a few NTI-Day marches to highlight the problem. Women who are mothers, or who are planning to some day become mothers, would march down the main street bearing placards and banners with slogans such as “Only women can stop Infanticide” and “I am a potential child-killer.” Each march would terminate in a large public space such as a town square or a park, where the assembled women would, in unison, recite the NTI-Day Pledge. Of course, the ultimate wording of the pledge is up to women themselves, but I suggest something along these lines….

“I hereby pledge to never do nasty things like slamming a carving knife through a five year old’s skull, feeding a noisy newborn to the neighbor’s pitbull, or throwing my toddler into a woodchipper. Nor shall I condone such actions when carried out by other women, and if I am witness to such actions I promise to call the police as soon as is convenient.”

I realize this will be a controversial idea to many, but I have faith that, after some discussion, the mothers of the world will decide to do the right thing and dedicate their special day to the eradicating of all forms of violence against children.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre — Home of Irrationality

The Southern Poverty Law Centre — Home of Irrationality published on

Yesterday, the cabal of escaped circus pinheads in charge of the SPLC decided to lump several men’s rights websites in with those charming folks from the Westboro Baptist Church and the KKK.

While the SPLC article stopped short of stating outright that these sites are hate groups, the implication is there — after all, why would an organization famous for calling out hate groups call you out if they weren’t trying to imply that you are a hate group?

I will ignore the Ringmaster at the top of the ladder, a chap by the name of Morris Dees, who has been accused — by the right-wingers at least — of being little more than a con-man, and focus instead on the sheer dumbassery of the article in which the manosphere is attacked.

Referring to the “hundreds” of misogynist sites, the writer tells us..

“Although some of the sites make an attempt at civility and try to back their arguments with facts, they are almost all thick with misogynistic attacks that can be astounding for the guttural hatred they express.”

Note the “almost all.” That’s “almost all” of “hundreds”, so we must be on the verge of being regaled with quite a long list of offenders. Apparently not…

“What follows are brief descriptions of a dozen of these sites.”

I see. In a supposed sea of misogyny they are choosing to focus on a dozen drops, so I guess these must be really, really evil sites — you know, like the MRM’s equivalent of Stormfront? We shall see. As an aside as to the intellectual credibility of the writer, here is what he recommends as a source of information…
“Another resource is the Man Boobz website (, a humorous pro-feminist blog (its tagline is “Misogyny: I Mock It”) that keeps a close eye on these and many other woman-hating sites.”

Not much I can say about that, except that this is the first time I have seen Dirtbag Dave’s work described as humor, and that the site’s tag should instead be “Misogyny : I Search For the Exception Then Portray It As The Rule.” But back to the dirty dozen. Partly because I don’t want to bore myself to death pointing out the same fallacies over and over and partly because a couple of the sites they list are — unless the SPLC is lying to me, and surely they wouldn’t do that, would they? — rather offensive, I will home in on three examples of what they unjustly consider “misogynist” sites, and the “evidence” they present to justify their judgments.

First up in front of the firing squad is The CounterFeminist…

”Its tagline probably won’t be set to music any time soon, but it does capturethe flavor of the site: “The female-supremacist hate movement called ‘feminism’ must be opened to the disinfecting sunlight of the world’s gaze and held to a stern accounting for its grievous transgressions.” Recent headlines, like December’s“More Proof That Feminism is a Social Cancer,” reflect the same sensibility. “Fidelbogen,” the otherwise unidentified Washington state man who operates the blog, also runs the False Rape Task Force and Women Doing Lousy Things blogs and is heavily involved in the Counter-Feminist YouTube Channel.”

Yes, that’s it. That’s all they have on Fidelbogen — he thinks feminism is a social cancer. Where, I ask these Kentucky fried charlatans, is the evidence of misogyny? There is evidence of anti-feminism, but clearly women and feminism are not the same thing, so ultimately there is no evidence presented to support the conclusion.

Next up we have the False Rape Society, the inclusion of which I find especially offensive due to the last reason given…

“The False Rape Society is an Internet news aggregator, subtitled “Community of the Falsely Accused,” that features stories about allegedly false rape accusations and “feminist”-crafted “anti-male” legislation. While the site focuses heavily on news stories about false rape allegations, it frequently veers into such posts as the New Year’s Day item attacking a female supporter of then-presidential aspirant Michelle Bachmann for telling a reporter, “It takes a woman to get things done.”

Let that last one sink in. The SPLC, a group claiming to fight prejudice and bigotry, has just justified FRS’s inclusion partly by pointing out that it objects to prejudiced and bigoted statements implying female superiority! That is what it has come to, it is now “misogynist” to refute claims of female superiority. Needless to say, you won’t find a feminist site branded this way for criticizing a statement like “It takes a man to get things done.”

Here is the one that really got me pissed off, regular reader and commenter that I am — the Men’s Rights Reddit…

”A “subreddit” of the user-generated news site Reddit, this forum describes itself as a “place for people who feel that men are currently being disadvantaged by society.” While it presents itself as a home for men seeking equality, it is notable for the anger it shows toward any program designed to help women. It also trafficks in various conspiracy theories. “Kloo2yoo,” identified as a site moderator, writes that there is “undeniable proof” of an international feminist conspiracy involving the United Nations, the Obama Administration and others, aimed at demonizing men.”

Again, notice the complete lack of evidence for inclusion in this list. Apparently being “angry” at women getting all the gravy in an Anglosphere where it is men and boys most in need of help makes us misogynists. By this measure, a feminist complaining that it would be wrong to focus on helping male victims of rape in a world where most victims of said crime are female would also be a “hater.” That of course is not a claim that is going to be made by the SPLC, as it clearly has one set of standards for its fellow travelers, and another for its enemies. The second pile of cowdung in this entry is that Kloo2yoo’s conspiracy theories are — whether true or not — simply irrelevant to the claim of misogyny. Think of it this way — feminists are a subset of women, so even if he had stated that he hated feminists, that does not equate to a hatred of women any more than a white supremacist’s hatred of black people adds up to a hatred of the entire human race.

Given the lack of evidence, then, one  must ask, if the standards for being tarred and feathered by this once respectable organization are so low why are certain feminist websites not attacked in a similar way? Here is what the SPLC claims makes a hate group…

“All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people,
typically for their immutable characteristics.”

By this definition dozens, if not hundreds, of feminist websites would qualify as hate groups, yet a search on the site yields no articles with titles such as “Misandry ; The Websites.” Clearly, anyone who is honest in seeking out hate groups would be out there researching not only men’s rights sites but also women’s rights sites, it is after all hard to think of one without thinking of the other — but as we can see from their “evidence,” honesty isn’t
exactly the SPLC’s strong suit.

The slanderous article is here.

Female Teachers Giving Boys Lower Marks

Female Teachers Giving Boys Lower Marks published on

We have all wondered why boys seem to be at least as smart as girls in real life, yet do so badly in school. The usual explanations range from the merely condescending (“The boyz is lazy” ) to the downright hateful( “The boyz is just stoopid, so let them rot,”) but those of us who don’t buy all the female supremacist hogwash have always suspected there may be an anti-boy bias in the marking.

Well, now we can stop conjecturing — a study by the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics has just shown that female teachers are giving boys lower marks than they deserve. The study itself was about student perceptions of discrimination, and it found that boys perceived female teachers as giving them lesser marks than merited. This could be put down to paranoia, except that the research backs the boys’ perceptions. Half the classes involved had their paper marked by in-house teachers whoknew who they were dealing with, and the other half  by external examiners who had no idea whose work they were assessing. And wouldn’t you know it, the external examiners gave the boys higher marks than the in-house teachers. I’m sorry to say that the reverse is also true, that male teachers tend to be kinder when marking boys than when marking girls and that obviously isn’t cool, but for every male teacher giving the boys more than they deserve there are three or four female teachers giving the girls more than is their due, and you don’t need to be a mathematics genius to figure out which sex is going to suffer more.

There are other factors of course — a culture that tells boys they are morons can’t be helping any, neither can the lack of male role models in front of those blackboards — but this is one factor which is measurable, and in that sense this bad news is also good news – let’s just hope it doesn’t get buried by the  feminists and their mates in the mainstream media.


Article in the left-leaning The Independent, which is a nice surprise.

Abstract here

The paper itself