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Brian Bendis is a feminist asshole

Brian Bendis is a feminist asshole published on

Who the fuck is Brian Bendis, I hear you ask. He’s a comic book writer, that’s who he is. He has written a lot of big deal comic book “events” such as House of M and Secret Invasion and is therefore a big wheel in his field, otherwise he wouldn’t be worth the time it takes to insult him.

As is common in just about every area of popular culture, feminists have over the last few years done a lot of whining about women in comics, both about the number of comic creators who are women (there aren’t enough of them, needless to say) and about the fictional women portrayed ( they are cool only as long as they act like founding members of N.O.W.)

So, some guy at tumblr leaves this message on Bendis’ page…

“I understand trying to make comics female friendly, but aren’t you guys worried that you’re going to lose your core audience which is male? In the X-books you’ve had more focus on the likes on these females like jean and kitty while it should be Cyclops who has been the star of the X-Men comics for years. What warrants these characters more page time than him? Jean and kitty are secondary characters. You guys listen too much to women bitching. They cause so much freakin drama in comicdom.”

To which Bendis, who is obviously an asshole, and a semi-literate one at that, responds by verbally assaulting one of his own fans, a person who in most ways is lower in the pecking order than he is. Way to go, Brian, you badass, you…

“Wow. you are the first person who I am kind of glad asked your question anonymously because I don’t want to know you.

as a reader of my work I want you to listen to me very carefully: you have major major issues. almost every line of your question reeks of complete misunderstanding of yourself as a man and of women in general.

it’s okay to find yourself more interested in something than others, of course it is, it’s okay to like Cyclops more than Jean Grey, but for you to draw the line at women characters not being interesting to you because you are a man or that you think I am being manipulated by some bitching women is really out there.

and as a reader of the X-Men whose entire philosophy is about tolerance and understanding… you are missing the point.”

Can you believe this schmuck? Perhaps if he spent more time reading The Chicago Manual of Style and less time reading Jezebel, he might one day be able to punctuate and capitalize properly! How the hell does someone with the writing skills of a mongoloid hillbilly get a job writing anywhere, much less in a multi million dollar industry?!?!

But back to the guy who Bendis doesn’t want to know (because, obviously, anyone not toeing the feminist line must be dreadful person on par with slave owners and child molesters,) the fact is that he is mostly right. I have no problem with the focus on Jean Grey and Kitty Pryde and I have always felt that Cyclops’ codename should instead be Captain Bland, but when it comes to his broader points, the guy is undoubtedly, absolutely right — comic book creators do listen too much to women (read “feminists”) and women (read “feminists”) do cause a lot of trouble in the comic book world. One needs only remember the hysterical feminist reaction to Marvel Divas’ “Sex in the City” approach to know that.

Women are a very small percentage of comic book readers, yet the major companies are always sucking up to them despite it having become painfully obvious that women are as interested in reading comics as they are in having a cow shit on their faces. Giving such weight to the views of people representing a demographic that cares not a whit for your product makes as much sense as the editors of women’s magazines spending a lot of time asking men what they want to see in such mags. The latter doesn’t happen, so I can only put this disproportionate amount of attention down to a bad case of female privilege — women are being listened to not because they are customers, or even potential customers, but because they are women. Certainly the input of such people is going to do little to better a product they do not purchase and which they barely know exist.

As for Bendis, he could have used the question to discuss the matter like an adult but instead he issues a series of unfounded and barely coherent personal attacks. How is the fan misunderstanding himself as a man? This is either a variation on “If you don’t think as I do, then you are not a real man” or worse, Bendis thinks that being a man is about keeping your gob closed and doing what women want you to, and that by doing otherwise this fan has shown that he has misunderstood his place in the scheme of things. And how has he misunderstood “women in general” when he is complaining about a specific subset of women, i.e. the ones who actually know comic books exist!?! Then there’s the hypocrisy of implying the guy lacks tolerance and understanding while being so intolerant of the other person’s view that he simply dismisses it rather than engaging with it in any real way! Just goes to show the kind of man our society allows to write works that influence millions of boys and young men – a cringing, servile, gynocentric, intellectually dishonest little turd who wants to teach males to sit down and shut up while the women and he, the one good man, get on with running the show.

I Officially Hate Ellen DeGeneres

I Officially Hate Ellen DeGeneres published on

I’ve spent little time watching Ellen DeGeneres’ show ( not being dumb, I can bear only so much idiotic blithering, celebrity worship and hideously bad dancing,) so it never registered before how massive an asshole she is. I must say, though, that I’ve held her rather suspect for quite a few months, ever since I saw her asking Celine Dion ( the only woman in the world whose dance moves even begin to match the ineptitude of DeGeneres’ ) when her son’s going to get his hair cut! The amount of hypocrisy required for a short haired-lesbian who dresses like a man to call out a little boy for having long hair should have tipped me off that she was yet another male-bashing dirtbag, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt – she just seems so nice, you know?

Anyway, in this video DeGeneres complains about those “women’s” pens that came out a while back and uses the opportunity to throw in bullshit about the wage gap, women needing men to read things for them, nobody wanting to know what a woman thinks, and the lack of a female president. Pretty much all the usual feminist bullshit with the exception of complaints about “rape culture.”  Just goes to show that all too often these days, even under the most pleasant and affable of facades lies a screeching, feminist harpy.

Help Wanted – Psycho Girlies like Krista Leighanne Milburn need not apply

Help Wanted – Psycho Girlies like Krista Leighanne Milburn need not apply published on 3 Comments on Help Wanted – Psycho Girlies like Krista Leighanne Milburn need not apply

Yesterday my Reddit account was banned, and it seems the Reddit admins’ excuse for the ban was that I linked to an AVFM article that mentioned the real name (Krista Leighanne Milburn) of a vile piece of scum who calls herself The Femi-theist. This supposed doxxing is obviously an excuse. Why? Because the woman’s name has been known for about a year – it ain’t doxxing to tell you something already known – and because the admins’ concern over this so-called doxxing is so great that a full day later the offending post is still there! Apparently the “doxxing” is bad enough to warrant a ban, but not bad enough to warrant a deletion. In other words, it’s an excuse to get rid of an MRA account.

Anyway, I have set up a new account as ThePigmanAgain ( why they bother with bans I don’t know, given how easy it is to get back in) and this whole episode has gotten my focus back on Little Ms “Kill ‘Em All.”

When I ran across the piece at AVFM I was still recovering from the flu so it didn’t quite register that this is a case where the accused is clearly guilty, and not wanting to vilify an innocent woman i didn’t mention the matter. Now that my head is no longer clogged with mucus, there is no doubt in my mind that Krista Leighanne Milburn is indeed the vile animal passing herself off as The Divine Femi-theist. The stupid cow not only makes YouTube videos in which we get to see her face and hear her imitation of Mini Mouse…

…but the Southern Fried piece of shit was stupid enough to get herself arrested – and mugshotted…


Yep, that’s her, looking pretty much the same in each pic, right down to the “My brain is on holiday” look on her stupid face. The only way I could be more certain that this is the same girl is if she had a big tattoo on her forehead reading “Danger : Low Intellect”

So, it turns out that our promoter of worldwide gendercide is starting to regret making her hatred of males so public. Apparently the poor dear has lost her job and is looking for a new one. Having realized that female privilege isn’t quite powerful enough to make all prospective employers overlook the fact that she wants to kill their dads, brothers, sons, and probably their guinea pig as well ( as long as it’s a male guinea pig, of course, ) poor little Krista is going around trying to remove as much of her info from the internet as she can.

The reason for my making this post is simple — there should be a penalty for saying vile things on the internet, and letting this woman hide behind her “nom de mal” is morally wrong. The world should know that if they are dealing with this person they are dealing with someone who, at the least, has such an enormous amount of contempt for men that she is willing to repeatedly claim she wants most of us dead and who, at worst, actually does want most of us dead. Either way, it’s just not right to hire such a person, and if your customers find out you are paying her wages with their money you deserve to lose their custom. Do you run a McDonald’s? Do you really want this girl serving burgers to your customers? Who knows, the male ones may end up getting a little more than fries with their Big Macs, like a free serving of arsenic — special sauce, indeed. And hey, maybe Krista Leighanne Milburn is one of those chicks who is all talk, maybe unlike Valerie Solanas she isn’t about to shoot anyone in the chest – but do you really want to be the business owner who finds out? Do you really want the lawsuits? Do you really want a bunch of pissed-off men picketing your business because you have hired the feminist equivalent of a Klansman? Do you?

The Pigman Goeth – Pigman Banned From Reddit

The Pigman Goeth – Pigman Banned From Reddit published on 1 Comment on The Pigman Goeth – Pigman Banned From Reddit

It had to happen sooner or later, and now it has. Some admin at the upper levels of Reddit has just banned me from the entire site. I also seem to have been banned from the mensrights sub (they sent me a notification, none of the other subs did.) Also, my manager Michael created an account in order to give MRAs the heads up that they may be next in line, but after one hour his post has had no responses and doesn’t seem to be showing up anywhere in the “new” tab, so perhaps I am not the only one around here who is now persona non grata at that place !

Either way, I just thought I would let my readers (thank you both for turning up) know what’s going on. I can only see this as a vile example of censorship, a way for the feminist-friendly Reddit to get rid of one of the MRA thorns in its all-too-gynocentric side ( 8k+ link karma and 14k+ comment karma at a relatively small subreddit —  someone must like what I have to say) and I find it hard to believe that I am going to be the last such irritation to get the chop.

Anyway, there may well be a silver lining to this  situation, namely that I will now have to express my anti-feminist views elsewhere, i.e. on my own site, so there will probably be a slight increase in the number of posts on why feminism sucks. As for everyone else who still frequents the mensrights subreddit, watch your noggins, boys – the hammer may be about to fall!

“Misogynist” Abuse on the Internet

“Misogynist” Abuse on the Internet published on 1 Comment on “Misogynist” Abuse on the Internet


Once again The Sisterhood is teaming up with the plutocracy, this time to silence dissent. Using women’s fragile little feelings as the excuse, nutters across the femisphere are calling for what amounts to censorship on sites like twitter and Facebook !

These feminists also claim that the trolls who target the wiminz online are politically driven and trying to “silence women.” This is bullshit for at least two reasons. First, trolls are driven to upset anyone and anything they can, and the troll “threatening” to rape a feminist today is quite likely tomorrow to be at a men’s rights site calling everyone rapists and child molesters, the next day at a hip hop site calling everyone niggers, and the day after that at Stormfront suggesting that its members are a bunch of  latent homosexuals whose wives have to resort to having sex with black men ! Trolls rarely have a political agenda, they are mentally ill little turds desperately seeking to inflate themselves by upsetting others, and they will say whatever they think will give you the shits. For the most part, the average troll is about as politically motivated as Bozo the Clown.

As for “silencing women,” what kind of grown woman is silenced by a pack of dysfunctional 15 year olds living hundreds or even thousands of miles away? A weak one, that’s what kind –  if you can’t take the slings and arrows of outrageous trolling, you should probably leave the internet to those with tougher hides. Take up gardening or something, and try not to get too upset when the earth worms start giving you mean looks.

Then there is the issue of whether or not these trolls are making what can in any meaningful way be understood as a threat. If I threaten to beat you up on the street, that’s a serious matter as street assaults happen all the time, though admittedly it is rare for a concrete-filled rubber chicken to be involved. If I threaten to nuke your house, how likely is that? It’s not as if I am in possession of my own personal nuclear arsenal, though i’m not saying that i wouldn’t like to be…

In the same vein, is it a real threat for a troll to threaten some femofascist dirtbag with rape when he/she is in it for the pleasure of freaking people out? Has any troll actually raped a feminist after threatening to do so? I have yet to hear of it. In fact, I would be willing to bet that, rare as it is, most of the times when an online threat goes live in the real world the victim is a male. But you won’t see some white knighting wanker from Twitter apologizing for that!

Let’s get this straight. This attempt at censorship has nothing to do with keeping anyone safe, primarily it isn’t even about protecting that most precious of creatures, the Western female. What this is mostly about is silencing dissent. Today they want to get rid of trolls saying “I iz gonna rape u slut! LOL!” Tomorrow it will be people who commit “hate speech” by calling someone a bitch or a fag. The day after that, the plutocracy will see its plan come to fruition as anarchists and the like are banned from social media, or even prosecuted by the law, for daring to suggest that it’s time to get rid of The State or force a change of government.

And that, folks, is what this is really about. While I have no doubt that many feminist ground troops, the grunts of the movement, are too stupid to see what they are supporting, I also have no doubt that the leadership, the ones employing this tactic, know exactly what they are doing.

And what they are doing is the same thing they have been doing since the beginning of the Second Wave – stoking female privilege while simultaneously increasing their plutocratic masters’ power over the lower classes.