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4 Ways To Become A Better Feminist in 2016

4 Ways To Become A Better Feminist in 2016 published on

1 – Stop lying like a bitch. Stop going on about a campus rape epidemic that does not exist. Stop claiming only men commit domestic violence. Stop claiming the West is composed of patriarchies – it makes you look about as credible as that guy who’s always going on about the lizard people.

2 – Start supporting actual equality. Stop whining about STEM and start campaigning to bring the proportion of degrees going to women back down to 51% — as opposed to 60%. Stop whining about air conditioning and start focusing on all those men living in cardboard boxes over a heating grate. In short, stop trying to widen the many gaps that already run in your favor.

3 – Shut the fuck up. Really. Nobody needs a bunch of over-privileged bigots taking part in a debate about equality. It’s like asking David Duke to weigh in on Black Lives Matter. It’s like asking Westboro Baptist to turn up at a Gay Pride parade. It’s pointless, it’s useless, and can only lead to jerks trying to further their privilege by sabotaging the attempts of those actually trying to change things for the better.

4 – Kill yourself. If you can’t start behaving like a decent human being, or at least shut the fuck up, you should do the human race a favor and take yourself out. I suggest jumping under a moving train, or into a wood chipping machine. The latter would be better as your remains could then be used as mulch – which is more than you will have done for anyone while alive.

Why Do People Believe Stereotypes About Feminists?

Why Do People Believe Stereotypes About Feminists? published on

Let’s start with what these stereotypes actually are.

Generally, it all comes down to these three…

Feminists are all a bunch of lesbians
Feminists are physically unattractive
Feminists hate men

Let’s tackle these stereotypes about feminists one at a time…

Feminists are all a bunch of lesbians

This one is clearly bullshit. Most feminists, alas, are all-too-straight. They spend waaaay too much time whining about not being able to get a man to not be straight. They also spend way too much time going on about how they don’t need a man, which is just a weird psychological flipping around of the fact that they do need a man! You see, actual lesbians don’t waste time going on about how little they need a man, they just go out and get themselves a woman! I suppose the reason so many people believe that feminism is some sort of lesbian plot is the same reason so many right wingers believe Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 and so many left wingers believe the Islamic Invasion is a good thing – most people are idiots, and idiots believe what their leaders tell them to.

Feminists are physically unattractive

This one is, for the most part, true. Which helps to explain why they can’t get a man that doesn’t need to be inflated. Sure, Naomi Wolf is pretty – a cow, but a pretty cow – and Steinem wasn’t too bad when she was young, but most feminists look like something out of a 1950s EC horror comic. Let’s face it, all you have to do is look at the profile pictures these people post on Facebook to realize that they are about as attractive as a moldering zombie or a tentacled alien from outer space. So the answer to our question when it comes to this one, is that people believe the stereotype because it is usually true.

Feminists hate men

People believe this particular stereotype for the same reason they believe shit is smelly and brown – they have seen, and smelled it, with their own senses and it makes them want to heave. For a couple of decades now, even people who don’t pay that much attention to gender politics have turned on their TVs to see cackling feminist hyenas blithering about how wonderful women are and how worthless men are. They have seen the joyous reactions to hate crimes like those committed by Lorena Bobbit and Catherine Kieu Becker. They have seen a torrent of newspaper and magazine articles celebrating the fact that boys are falling further and further behind girls in just about every way. They have seen feminists claim there is a rape epidemic going on when the evidence in their own lives tells them that rape is, thankfully, nowhere near as common as feminists would like it to be. They have seen feminists claim that virtually all victims of domestic violence are women, while also seeing men and children in their own lives victimized by…er… women. They have seen young men’s lives ruined by feminist witch-hunts fuelled by nothing more than a few malicious lies and rape hysteria, and then they have seen the false accusers let off the hook because feminists claim that prosecuting them somehow stops actual victims from coming forward!

And that’s just the people who aren’t paying much attention! The ones who really look into these matters find even more horrific evidence of feminism’s rabid man-hating. They see feminists calling for the abolition of women’s prisons in the UK! They see feminists setting up the White House Council on Women and Girls to improve female outcomes in education and health – areas in which females are already doing better than males! They see feminists opposing shared custody, making sure that rape continues to be defined as something a man does to a woman, having men fired for insulting them on social media, and even trying to jail them over mere disagreements!

So, overall, the answer to the question posed in the title is that people believe the stereotypes because at least two of them are true. Sure, feminists aren’t mostly lesbians – but they are hideous hags whose very existence seems to be all about shitting on men in every way they can.

Female Creativity – There Ain’t No Such Thing

Female Creativity – There Ain’t No Such Thing published on

More and more lately, we hear about how important it is to get women into this creative field or that scientific discipline, as if their mere femaleness will somehow improve said fields. More women in comics! More women in movies! More women in music! More women in STEM! More women in computer programming! These are calls screeched across the media by everyone from feminist bloggers to the Amerikan Emperor. The problem is, women just don’t have much of a record when it comes to being good at creating things. And that is putting it nicely…

Let’s face it – women aren’t much good at creating anything that doesn’t shit itself every five minutes. Pretty much all the achievements of civilization can be put down to men, patriarchy, call it what you will. From patriarchal Sumer’s decision that the wheel was good for something other than pottery, to some dudes figuring out how to put some other dudes on the moon, to social innovations such as welfare and public schools, just about everything that has dragged humanity out of the primordial slime has been the doing of some man or other.

Feminists and white knights will argue that this is due to lack of opportunity for women, but that’s a load of shit. First, women have been going to Uni for decades now, yet where is the wave of innovation from the First Sex? Where are the inventions? The new ideas that are supposed to result from Woman’s different point of view? Nowhere, that’s where they are. Hell, even feminism goes all the way back to some Greek bloke called Plato! And then there’s the fact that males belonging to oppressed groups – that’s real oppression, like slavery and lynchings, not faux oppression involving air conditioners and tiny cartoon wristies – have managed to create many worthwhile things. George Washington Carver came up with dozens of innovations in agriculture – thanks, no doubt, to the enormous privileges bestowed upon him by being born a poor, black slave! What did the rich white women who graduated from University the same year as Carver come up with? Butkus. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Not that we know of, anyway – it’s always possible that one of the poor dears invented the computer but had it stolen by the patriarchy! Then there are Carver’s musical equivalents. Poor black men trapped in ghettoes who somehow managed to come up with rock ‘n’ roll, the blues, rap, and – may god forgive them – jazz. What the hell did rich white women come up with during that time? Any musical genres cooked up by those over-privileged twats? Not that I know of, no. Hell, I’m pretty sure that it was poor white men, not rich white women, who came up with most folk music and Country and Western, though I see little reason to be thankful for either of those achievements.

And no, learning to ape the creations of men is not being creative. Sure, there are many women who can write a good song, a good novel, a good poem, but only in forms and genres set out by their male superiors. The basic formulas being followed, they were almost always created by men, and without those basics even the most “brilliant” of female artists or intellectuals is left floundering like the mediocrity that she is.

So, the next time someone goes on about how essential it is to get more women into the arts and sciences, just remind yourself that, despite plenty of opportunity, the only thing women have come up with has been plenty of nothing.

It’s Time To Start Fighting Dirty

It’s Time To Start Fighting Dirty published on

I am sick and tired of the MRM’s pussy-ish ways. The feminists hit us with everything they can, while we hit them with chicken feathers and dust bunnies. This has to change or we will get nowhere – nice guys not only finish last, they also die first.

A few of us, myself included, often urge more drastic action such as doxxing, what the enemy and their plutocratic masters call “harassment,” and pretty much anything we can get away with within the increasingly small confines of the law – another reason to get dirty now, as within a few years even the mildest of tactics could see you in jail. The most common response, of course, is that we are quickly contradicted by “MRAs” who claim the way to win a fight is to go into the ring with both hands tied behind your back and a bullseye painted on your face. Fuck that. It’s time the MRM went into that ring with all guns blazing. It’s time not to take off the gloves, but rather to wrap them in razor wire. It’s time to start doxxing the enemy. It’s time to start contacting their employers, their families, their friends, to tell them the kind of scum that lurks amongst them. It’s time to rain down so much ridicule and scorn upon them that they retire to their shrinks’ offices crying and never again set foot on the internet. It’s time to do everything we can to take these scumbags out of the game.

All within the confines of the law, of course. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go down to the hardware store to score myself some razor wire.

All Should Feel Ashamed About The Actions Of A Few

All Should Feel Ashamed About The Actions Of A Few published on

Yes, all Muslims should feel ashamed of what happened in Paris and San Bernadino. Right? No, of course not. Not even those few of us who see the Islamic invasion for what it is would say that. But some cunt at the Washington Post has no problem saying it of men and the relatively minor trouble that one woman has gone through.

The woman is Carly Simon ( yeah, I’m not too sure who she is either, apart from that song about Warren Beatty being “so vain”) and the sins are of such magnitude that all members of the Inferior Sex should be feeling like shit. In the elegantly titled article, “These six tragic revelations from Carly Simon’s memoir will make you ashamed to be a man (if you are a man)” some male jackass proceeds to guilt most of the world’s adult population over the actions of a few. That’s what happens when you aren’t part of a politically protected species – collective responsibility is not only permitted but downright fashionable.

And what are these dreadful sins committed against this delicate flower by the evil menz? Well, one of them is pretty serious – she was supposedly molested as a child by some teenage male. But the others are so minor that only the most rabid of feminists would expect guilt even from those responsible, much less from those who had nothing to do with what happened. It just goes to show that all men are responsible for the sins of some men, and the sins don’t even need to be sins – they can just be peccadilloes.

Apparently, Carly’s dad was distant or some such crap. How dreadful. He was also a wealthy depressive who had wanted a son, not another daughter, and who channeled his darkness into that most heinous of patriarchal activities – playing Rachmaninoff. What a bastard!

Also, James Taylor cheated on her and once had to be tested for the clap, something that is easily curable and which he may not even have transmitted to Little Ms “O’ Woe Is Me.” Oh, yeah, she slept with lots of guys, and a couple made unwelcome advances. Not sexual assault, not rape, just mild sexual misdemeanors at best.

The other two ridiculous items on this ridiculous list are fine examples of just how keen feminists and their allies are to find something with which to attack men. The first one is Simon’s stuttering, something that had nothing to do with men but which somehow still makes the list. The second is actually a positive recollection about her brief fling with Cat Stevens – a man who, I expect, must be feeling just dreadful about Paris and San Bernadino. This oppressive male bastard was once late for dinner, and while waiting for him Simon wrote a song about er…waiting! Oh, the misery this poor woman has seen! Born into a rich family, then going on to become rich in her own right, famous and acclaimed as a great singer songwriter! Never in the annals of popular music has there been such a tale of woe! She’s like Billie Holiday – except white, and rich, and privileged! It’s almost Shakespearian, it is!

You may think that the trivial nature of these things that we are expected to feel ashamed over mitigates the writer’s bastardry, but it is actually the opposite which is true – the very smallness of the sins magnifies how much of a problem misandry has become. Much like blacks in the old days, not only are we, the new niggers, supposed to feel bad about some other blacks killing and raping, we are also supposed to feel bad about them littering and graffito tagging bus shelters – not to mention being late for dinner! No matter how small the sin, if someone else with a wang is responsible, so are you and i.

Politically correct hatred strikes again