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The High Cost of Health Care.

The High Cost of Health Care. published on

Bill Caudle has joined the U.S army – not out of misguided patriotism or a desire to wear a fancy uniform, but so his wife could get chemotherapy for her cancer.

Caudle’s 20 year job went out the window a few months ago, and with it his health coverage, so the 39 year old decided the only thing to do was join the army, which offers recruits health insurance. So now Bill Caudle will be gone for four years, he’ll miss his daughter’s graduation, and he may come back in a body-bag or  a wheelchair,  but that’s what happens when you live in a country that doesnt give a fiuck.

More here.

(Blythe) Masters of the Universe

(Blythe) Masters of the Universe published on

In the recent headlong rush to blame all the world’s financial woes on the evil that is maleness, one interesting fact has been lost in the hubbub – It’s mostly the fault of a woman called Blythe Masters.

Masters, who hails from the same clod of soil as Harriet Harman, is apparently an even greater monster, having been the creatrix of a thingy called Credit Default Swaps, a weird financial thingamajig which was once referred to by Warren Buffet as a financial weapon of mass destruction, and which is apparently the main cause of all these woes. As you may have gleaned by now i am not exactly a financial wizard,  so don’t be askin’ me for an explanation as to how all this works – the writer of the article linked below tries to explain it and gets some positive comments on said explanation, but I personally didn’t get it! Perhaps not surprising given that when in high school the only subject I ever sucked at was math…

Blythe Masters learnt how to sew body parts together at Cambridge University, and got her lab, electricity supply and a hunchbacked personal assistant named Igor from those great humanitarians at JP Morgan. Masters was also once quoted as saying that her fiduciary nonesuch was the equivalent of  “a free lunch,”  something which of course, unless you are a food critic, simply doesn’t exist.

When called out by The Guardian on her creation’s destructive effects on the economy, our female Frankenstein replied blithely (sorry, but I couldn’t resist)…

“I do believe CDSs [credit default swaps] have been miscast, much as poor workmen tend to blame their tools.”

Which I take it is the business equivalent of “Credit Default Swaps don’t kill people, people with Credit Default Swaps kill people.”

More here.

Thanks to pjanus for the heads up on this enlightening article.

Evil Clown Alert!

Evil Clown Alert! published on

In the U.K, children’s entertainers such as clowns and magicians will soon be required to enter their names into a database, just in case they turn out to be child molesters.

These guys already have to undergo checks by the Criminal Records Bureau, checks that can cost as much as ÂŁ60, and now under another initiative which goes into effect in October, they will have to fork out another ÂŁ64 to add their names to a second database administered by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).

It is expected that within five years there will be over 11 million names on this database, supposedly to protect kiddies from evil clowns, but i see it as nothing more than another  way to stigmatize men by portraying all men who work with children as potential predators – after all is there a similar scheme for female-dominated areas like child care and nursing? Let’s guess…

Found it at IFeminists, the only feminists that aren’t evil clowns.

Giant Herbivores Terrorize Japanese

Giant Herbivores Terrorize Japanese published on 1 Comment on Giant Herbivores Terrorize Japanese

Japan is freaking out over an emerging  new social class  derogatorily dubbed “grass eating boys” because they want a quiet peaceful life, like cows in a field i guess.  

According to this slate article, Japanese research shows that “60 percent of men in their early 20s and at least 42 percent of men aged 23 to 34 consider themselves grass-eating men.”

Yes, many young Japanese men are starting to see the downside of being society’s beasts of burden and have instead decided to drop out of the rat race, stop pursuing women  and stick to peaceful pursuits like gardening and playing video games. Perhaps young Japanese men have simply seen too many of their fathers and uncles dive off skyscrapers or die from ulcers and have realized what some  western males realize too late, that achievement and status are twin piles of shit used to bully men into doing exactly what society wants them to do, which is to serve others.

If Japan is so concerned about its grass eaters it should try treating its men as human beings instead of as a bunch of  coolies whose sole purpose is to work themselves to death to buy garbage they don’t need and support families they don’t want.

I see no real negatives in this new social trend. The grass eaters get to have easy non-competitive lives, and the men who still want to work like bullocks have less competition, have greater choice when it comes to women, and hopefully their society will appreciate their hard work all the more for its rarity. In brief, I applaud these cud chewing, sandal wearing goldfish tenders and urge Western men to follow in their footsteps.

The Slate article has more weirdness to say about Japanese women than men, though. Apparently there’s a whole  genre of gay male stuff for, er women! That’s right, young Japanese women are turned on by male homosexuality – no wonder their men would rather eat grass.