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American Cops Tasering School Children

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So it’s come to this – school children being tasered for minor infringements. Anyone doubting just how barbaric the US is becoming should check out these surreal situations…

17 year old Jonathan Villareal likes to do that thing where his pants are almost falling off. This fashion choice turned out to be not too popular with the cops at his High School, who decided that his refusal to hitch up his trousers justified dragging him to the ground, breaking his arm and firing a taser at his chest.

Another 17 year old, a little miscreant by the name of Zahrod Jackson, wanted as part of his free lunch – known in the US Department of Education as “The Wall Street Special Except Cheaper” – not only a slice of pizza but also a beef patty. A verbal dispute ensued, resulting in the intervention of two brave members of the Connecticut filth, one of whom threw the greedy little bugger to the ground, the second of which proceeded to taser the kid five times!

What the hell cops are doing inside schools is anyone’s guess. The popular excuse is the fear of  a Columbine repeat, but it’s safe to say that a taser is going to be of little use against a couple of psycho kids with automatic weapons. Tasers are however, pretty good at creating a climate of fear in which kids are scared to step out of line in even the smallest of ways, lest they get a dose of the old battery juice to the chest.

Contrary to popular myth, being shocked with one of these pocket sized cattle prods isn’t all fun and games. Despite the device’s makers touting them as largely harmless, about four Americans die every month thanks to this “non-lethal” device, and most of them weren’t even armed…


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Welcome to the 99 % You Dirtbags

Welcome to the 99 % You Dirtbags published on

Oh the sweet, sweet irony of it all. The latest members to join the ranks of method acting are the charming folks from mortgage mill Steven J. Baum, who last month gave us all the shits when it was revealed that the previous year they had used Halloween to make fun of all those home-owners they turfed out into the street.

Not only are they all about to join the jobless, but it seems that their classist antics had something to do with their downfall, at least that’s what Big Boss Baum himself seems to be saying in an email sent to the NY Times writer who broke the story….

“You have destroyed everything and everyone related to Steven J. Baum PC”

Apparently the firm was dropped by huge clients  Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae – great names for junk food chains but rather goofy for folks dealing in mortgages and the like – and this in turn led to a downturn in business so great that the callous little turds now find themselves adrift in the sewers of unemployment, which is great news for the rest of us but bad news for New York’s sewage workers.


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Criminalizing Dumbassery

Criminalizing Dumbassery published on

Last month, wannabe model Rebecca Leigh Crimmins got on the piss and decided to do something a judge later referred to as “disgusting and abhorrent.”

So what did the blonde inebriate do? Did she take a dump on a nun? Did she feed Amy Winehouse’s carcass to the Queen’s corgis? No, she wetted a tampon in cordial, then – I can barely bring myself to describe it – repeatedly dabbed a McDonald’s worker on the hand while claiming she had found it in her fries!

This unprecedented atrocity resulted in a charge of common assault and sixty days of community service, presumably checking boxes of fries for stray tampons. There was a time – a saner time – when a mere apology would do, but not now. Now you can actually go to jail for such actions. How anyone can see such a harmless prank as an assault is beyond my simple intellect. No harm was done, the tampon wasn’t wet from blood so the grossout factor is greatly minimized and the potential for infection is non-existent, yet this could have landed the poor cow in jail. One has to wonder if the obviously smart people who make the laws truly believe such actions constitute assault, or if they are simply trying – successfully – to create a society where everyone is walking around on eggshells, scared shitless to do any of the thousands of things that could land you in jail these days.

In my view such draconian zeal when it comes to these harmless “crimes” is for the most part an attempt to quash dissent before it even arises. After all, if a stupid joke can land you in jail, should you even think of joining a protest when the government has told you not to? Shit, no – that could get you a lot worse than some community service, and that’s if you survive the arrest.


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