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The American Class War Is Over…

The American Class War Is Over… published on

…and the Plutocracy has won.

Not surprisingly, “liberal” fools all across America are celebrating this rather unfortunate event, but that’s because, as is the wont of fools, they have no idea how much shit is about to rain down upon their porridge-filled heads. They bought the propaganda portraying Trump as evil incarnate and so they threw away what was probably America’s last hope – hope in a very strange package, i grant you, but hope nonetheless –  completely unaware that despite his many and colourful flaws Trump was the retaining wall between the common American and a torrent of shit that will hurl America into a nightmare descent into third world conditions – but only for the peasants. Not for Bezos and his filthy kind, of course. Like the subhuman parasites that they are, they will continue to get rich off the blood and sweat of the lower classes.

The U.S was always the country most likely to be the first to fall to complete  plutocratic control due to its reluctance to rein in capitalist excess – the Plutocrats behind this takeover didn’t get rich because of America’s habit of taxing the shit out of the rich, you know – and the Right Wing leadership’s dire and conveniently distracting warnings about “the Left”, a boogie man dead for so long that even its ghost has its own ghost. But don’t tell the Right Wing boys that. Even now, as the plutocratic hammer is about to smash their brains out of their heads they are still convinced that Jeff Bezos is a socialist, that Bill Gates is a communist, and that Walmart is run by Marxists.  Just goes to show that not all of today’s fools are on the left side of the fence. There is plenty of blame sitting on the shelves, and i’m a generous sort so i’m going to hand it out to  pretty much everyone except the few old-fashioned liberals and moderate conservatives who have both the intellect and the independence to see the situation for what it is. But we are a very small minority, probably less than 5% of the population. The other 95% are too stupid to put the puzzle together, or too ignorant to have the pieces required to figure out the puzzle, or  too fucking lazy to look for the pieces, or just too fucking weak to risk the disapproval of their fellow sheep. So we get what we have.

And what we have is Joe Biden, a senile, child-groping old puppet who is about to usher in a slew of changes that will be portrayed as being about social justice while actually being about a massive increase in plutocratic power : eleven million illegal immigrants will be allowed to stay, so they can more easily compete with the local workers, increase the number of Democrat voters, and cause more social division by translating the American anthem into Spanish ; a new war-for-profit is almost certain, mostly because Lockheed Martin and other evil corporations are eager to make billions of dollars by slaughtering more innocent Muslims while virtue-signalling about how terrible Islamophobia is ; the Great Reset will go ahead since, according to one of the WEF’s top people, the WEF now has a friend in the White House; the Plutocracy’s stranglehold on the MSM will become even tighter as Fox starts going SJW and Google is allowed to push the few dissenting sources to the bottom of the search results; and even the seemingly left wing measure of introducing a $15 per hour minimum wage is designed to send small businesses bankrupt, thereby increasing the number of people shopping on Amazon and at Wal-Mart. I guess one of Biden’s recent tweets was right – it is a new day in America, but it’s going to be a very dark one.

Is there any way out of this for America? Democracy, in its current state, is not going to get the job done. Honestly, i think only a full-on revolution followed by a genuine democracy in which the media is forced by a fairness doctrine to tell all sides of the story would be able to save America, but that is highly unlikely to happen as such a change would need the help of the people it is meant to defeat. Hell, at this stage i would even settle for a military or far right (not fascist) or genuinely Marxist ( not Stalinist, Maoist, etc) dictatorship. That’s how bad things have gotten. America is headed for a Plutocratic Dictatorship masquerading as a “democracy,” and the Plutocracy thinks of the common man as barely even human. At least Marxism and Far Right totalitarianism, for all their flaws, have some regard for the common people. But wouldn’t that mean the death of democracy? American democracy is already dead. Since at least the Clinton administration the two parties have been almost identical except that the Dems are the socially liberal wing of the Plutocratic Party, and the Republicans are the socially conservative wing of the Plutocratic Party. That’s all there is to it. When it comes to class and war, they do basically the same thing. So if America were to become a military or Far Right or Marxist dictatorship, no democracy would be lost – only the illusion of democracy. But i don’t see this happening. The military seems to be in thrall to the Plutocracy, the fake revolutionaries of BLM and Antifa are interested only in terrorizing the peasants, not the aristocracy, and even the Far Right stick to empty gestures such as calmly walking into the Capitol building, taking some selfies, stealing a laptop, and then going home. Imagine if that was all King George had to contend with…

This doesn’t mean the Republicans can’t ever win again, it just means that they will have to be not only as devoted to the Plutocracy as the Dems – most are already there as they are establishment Republicans, not populist Trump Republicans  – but also buy into the same SJW shit being used to mask this war against the lower classes.  In other words, they would have to become Democrats in everything but name and that would just be the Biden admin under another name. So i don’t think there is a happy ending in sight for America. I think the American future is a screaming, sci-fi dystopia come to life, with 100s of millions drowning in a sea of shit, and that there is nothing that can be done about it. All things must end and this looks like the end of America, at least as anything other than a massive latrine.

So, my dear American friends, i do believe that you are all fucked. Those of you who are old fashioned liberals and moderate right wingers are welcome to move to Australia, but even that is only a reprieve as the rest of world will be following the US into a plutocratic hell within ten or twenty years. But until then, it will be like that old movie where Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner get to sit on an Australian beach waiting for the radiation from the 3rd World War to arrive! It won’t be great, but it’s better than what Joe Biden is going to give you.

Man, that was depressing. I think i’ll go eat some cheesecake. Oh wait, i just remembered – i’ve run out of cheesecake…