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Boy Banned from U.S for Hurting Obama’s feelings?

Boy Banned from U.S for Hurting Obama’s feelings? published on

17 year old British boy Luke Angel has been banned from the U.S for the rest of his life (he’ll be allowed to apply for permanent residency once he’s dead) for sending a vitriolic email to the false messiah currently acting as a front for America’s corporate kingpins.

The boy in question admits to calling Obama a prick, though according to a police spokesman the letter did also contain “threatening language”.

But given that the offending missive was written by a kid who was drunk at the time, unless it outlined a sophisticated Al Qaeda backed plan to put nitroglycerine in Obama’s favorite basketball, the reaction seems both overdone and the kind of harsh treatment reserved for the male of the species – even when he’s just a stupid kid with a big mouth.

The U.S authorities are refusing to give us the details of the case as we are only proles, but Joanne Ferreira from the Department of Homeland Security did say that there are about 60 reasons why a person can be banned.

She didn’t tell us what those 60 reasons are but apparently political dissent is now one of them. Or to be more serious, it may be on its way to becoming one of them. If the world accepts what may be a case of punishing political dissent, it will be easier in the future for the U.S to do this in a case that is definitely a matter of punishing political dissent.

Bit by bit, that’s how you boil a frog.

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