SAMHSA, which is an agency of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, has come up with a report that confirms what many in the MRM have long been arguing – the little girlies are becoming increasingly violent.
According to the National Survey on Drug Use & Health…
Almost 19% of adolescent females got into a serious fight in the year previous to taking part on the research…
About 14 percent of girls took part in acts of group-against-group violence (that one surprised even me)…
Almost 6% of girls attacked someone with “the intent to seriously hurt them”…
and almost 27% of the girlies have committed at least one of these offences in the 12 months leading up to the survey.
Those figures are in themselves rather damming, but even more telling is that even though the figures for violence amongst boys are worse, they are so only by a relatively small margin…
Rounding the figures up or down to the nearest whole number, they boil down to this …
Serious fights, 19 % of girls, 25% of boys.
Group violence, 14 % of girls, 17 % of boys
Intent to cause serious harm, 6% of girls, 9% of boys
Engaging in at least one of these, 27% of girls, 34 % of boys.
The most significant difference here is in the intent to cause damage, with twice as many boys as girls. But hey, boys don’t get twice as many encouragements to be violent as girls do, they get a dozen times more; the girls get Buffy and Xena, the boys get everything else, not to mention that the boys get more opposite sex approval for being violent than the girls do.
Even though the report doesn’t mention figures from that long ago, these numbers are a very significant increase on what we saw in the eighties amongst girls, and the only thing I can think of that has changed since then is the portrayal of female violence as being cool – very few parents are telling their kids, regardless of sex, to be violent, and female DNA hasn’t changed in just one generation!
The media has a huge impact on people, especially the young and stupid, and here in Aus we have an example of this that you guys in America don’t – we have wiggers without having the n***ers! I kid you not, there are thousands of kids in western Sydney dressing and talking like black Americans, without having ever lived amongst them! In the US this phenomenon is often speciously explained as the result of everyday contact with black people, but over here it’s all the media baby, no two ways about it – ain’t none of these kids spent a few weeks living in South Central!
Report here