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Mum Burns Children To Death

Mum Burns Children To Death published on

According to Prosecutor Kym Worthy , Michigan woman  Sharon Hinojosa set fire to her boyfriend’s mobile home, grabbed the baby, and left her two other small children to burn to death.

The baby was the only one of the three children that was fathered by her current boyfriend, the two dead children -3 year old Alayna and 4 year old Anthony – were by a different father. There are claims that the couple was about to break up, and to some at least this has suggested the man didn’t want the kids that weren’t his, and the woman thought if she got rid of them the chances of him sticking around would be greater (see, it’s really the big bad male’s fault !) This may be the case but another possible scenario is  that she had a problem with the two dead children’s father and this was how she chose to get back at him – either way possibilities are all these are.

According to one witness, at first Hinojosa didn’t seem concerned about the fact that two of her children were still inside the burning mobile home, and at one point she offered the feeble excuse that she didn’t get them out  because she couldn’t wake them! Good excuse if the kids are teens, you piece of crap, but not so good when they are 3 and four – you just grab them and run, maybe you’ll have to make two trips but keep in mind  that  this is a mobile home, so it’s small and is at floor level, it’s not as if she had to carry the kids down several flights of stairs.

In the third link below, you will notice the far too common tactic of blaming the male, with Hinojosa’s dad implying it must all be the man’s fault…

“She took care of those two babies. … I don’t know what that guy put in her head or what happened, because she loved her babies,” he said.

Here’s a more honest response for you old man – “Whoops, sorry folks, me and the Missus raised a psycho who likes to burn children to death!”

Regardless of her motivation this woman is scum . Child murder is bad enough but Hinojosa didn’t even smother the kids before setting the fire – they burnt to death, with at least once witness saying the children screamed for over a minute. Needless to say, i hope that if she’s convicted the other criminals throw a welcome bonfire in her honor…

Found it at The Weekly Vice but went looking for more details.

Article One here.

Article Two here.