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PsyWar – A History of Propaganda in the United States

PsyWar – A History of Propaganda in the United States published on

A great documentary  with a lousy title, Psywar tracks the evolution of propaganda as a means of keeping the citizenry under control in the U.S, and therefore in the rest of the western world.

From the surge in the PR industry after the Rockefeller- led Ludlow massacre, to the apocrypha about Kuwaiti babies being chucked out of incubators, this is a great introduction to the elites’ primary tool in screwing us all over.

Michele Bachmann is a Message from God

Michele Bachmann is a Message from God published on 1 Comment on Michele Bachmann is a Message from God

Far right Christian Looney Toon Michele Bachmann claims that the recent earthquake (I didn’t even know they’d had one, so we aren’t exactly talking Japan here) and hurricane in the eastern US are messages from God telling Americans that, since they haven’t already suffered enough disasters, they should put a dominionist in the Oval Office.

I know the batty bitch says this crap with a smile on her face, but then plenty of people make jests in all seriousness, and given her radical religious views I think it more likely than not that she means it. Worse yet, I am damn (sorry, I meant darn) sure that Bachmann knows that’s  how her deranged followers are taking it.

If  Bachmann wasn’t such a thickie I might think that there was also a subtext here about god hating liberals, as the east coast is just crawling with those dastardly rats. As it is, I doubt she even knows what a subtext is, much less how to use one.

Does Bachmann stand any real chance of getting her party’s nomination? No. Does she stand a good chance of helping fellow nutball Rick Perry to get it by making him look more moderate by comparison? Yes, yes she does.