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Born Black. Born Male. Born Dead.

Born Black. Born Male. Born Dead. published on

One night last year California transit cop Johannes Mehserle took out his gun and fatally shot Oscar Grant in the back while Grant was lying face down on the ground.

One would think that this would be a pretty obvious case of murder, especially given that several witnesses managed to film the killing and then uploaded it to the internet.

Despite this, BART cop Mehserle wasnā€™t even convicted of murder but of the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter, presumably because someone bought the defenseā€™s claim that he was reaching not for his gun but his taser, and of course the idea that a man who is kissing the concrete needs to be tasered, and that a gun and a taser feel the same in the hand, and that as he leveled the gun at Oscar Grant Mehserle didnā€™t have time to see that it was a firearm not a taser, cos you know, the dude must be retarded or something.

This lesser charge was bad enough, but when Judge Robert Perry handed down the sentence did he go for the maximum of 14 years?

Of course not, the guy only shot a nigger! A male nigger at that! Hell, as far as the powers that be are concerned, being black makes you less human, and being male makes you less human, so Mehserle could have shot Paris Hiltonā€™s Chihuahua and gotten a heavier sentence!

So what did Mehserle get? Perry handed out the smallest sentence he could ā€“ two years! Two years for killing an unarmed man as he lay helpless! Not only that, but with time served heā€™ll be out in about one year!

Think Iā€™m kidding about the Chihuahua? Remember Michael Vick? Yeah, thatā€™s right, the fucker that killed those fighting dogs. He got twenty three months, so I guess thatā€™s what a black manā€™s life is worth in America, about half a dozen pit-bulls!

Meanwhile Mehserle has whined that the other inmates will want to kill him, so at least the news isnā€™t all bad. Now if only we could manage to send Judge Perry to the same cageā€¦

More here

Video of the murder below



Boofhead Americans Slander Australia

Boofhead Americans Slander Australia published on 1 Comment on Boofhead Americans Slander Australia

Hot on the heels of slack-jawed Indians referring to we Australians as ā€œwhite dogsā€, along comes a bunch of Harry Connick Jr wannabes to criticize an Australian KFC ad in which a cricket fan quiets a bunch of loud black people by giving them some fried chicken!

Much like Connick these fools canā€™t tell the difference between Australia and the Deep South, so here is the main one folks ā€“ in Australia we do not have the stereotype of the fried chicken loving negro! Hell, we barely have any negroes anyway, we have aboriginals, and the last I looked they donā€™t give a toss about fried chicken!Ā  Now if the ad showed him calming down a bunch of black Americans by giving them fried chicken that would be different, but they arenā€™t Americans, they are West Indians.

Once again thousands of people who are the product of the developed wordā€™s worst education system are taking something out of its cultural context and acting as if the whole world is, or at least should be, like the United States. The ignorance and arrogance required to do this is astounding, not to mention the hypocrisy given that unlike Americans we never went to war to have the right to own other human beings, nor do we have groups dedicated to wiping out people just because of their skin color!

KFC claims that the ad was not intended for showing in the Land of Racial Harmony, and this is quite easy to believe given that most Americans, at least the ones not driven by the politically correct sawdust between their ears, would look at this ad and wonder who the hell the white guy is, and why is he dressed like that, and what are those black people, Jamaicans or something? So yes, America not being a cricket loving country, I have no trouble believing that this ad was never intended for the USA and since we do not have the image of goggle-eyed Stepin Fetchits gobbling down fried chicken and watermelon woven into our culture, the whole thing is a storm in a cup of chicken gravy, and yet another example of why Norman Mailer was right when he said that America simply does not have the maturity to lead the world.

As for the dimwits at The Young Turks, they arenā€™t fit to run a school newspaper much less a political website. The colored man actually claims that he gives people the benefit of the doubt before coming to any judgment! Too bad that part of his thought process didnā€™t include ideas as fundamental as ā€œAustralia is not Americaā€! As for the white woman, she actually refers to the West Indians as African-Americans! Howā€™s that for covert racism? Hell, them there is negras so they must all be the same right? West Indians look kind of like African-Americans so itā€™s okay to refer to them as such, rather like referring to a Japanese as a Chinaman, after all they look pretty similar too!

Must left wing Americans make it a habit to show the world their stupidity at such frequent intervals? Donā€™t they realize most normal people react to their blitherings by no longer taking them seriously? Hereā€™s some free advice from a thinking progressive ā€“ think before you speak, ask yourself if there are Ā any cultural differences between America and the rest of the (far more ) civilized world, and if you canā€™t figure out the difference between Sydney and Alabama, just keep your idiot mouths shut.

Story here, the ad and a pair of arrogant, self-righteous American pinheads below.

Boofhead Indian Racists Slander Australia

Boofhead Indian Racists Slander Australia published on

Recently a young Indian man was murdered in Melbourne and this, of course, has led to claims by Indians that Australia is a racist country!

Never mind that the police have pointed out that there seems to be no racial motivation involved in this killing, and that even if there were, that would make only the actual murderers certifiable racists, not the entire country ā€“ after all, when an Australian is killed in India, does that make all curry-swillers racists? Presumably not.

These facts however, do not stop the slandering of our country by idiots such as ā€œJamesā€, who drooled this onto his keyboardā€¦

ā€˜ā€˜I am an Indian occupying a reasonably responsible position in Australia, but I can state without any doubt that this is a racist country, which discriminates Indians on every count,ā€

Except of course, when it comes to assigning them to ā€œreasonably responsibleā€ positions!

And according to a dimwit using the all-too-apt online name of Daffyā€¦

ā€˜ā€˜Well canā€™t blame the Aussies. They started as a bunch of thugs, killed the Aborigines and now they continue to do same.ā€™ā€™

And then of course, the hate mongers roll out their white sheetsā€¦

ā€˜ā€˜Ban over flight of Qantas through Indian air space. Ban all imports from Australia. Ask British to de-colonise Australia or India does it. These white dogs understand only one language, kick in the face ā€¦ ā€™ā€™

ā€¦ writes some drooling, knuckle-dragging thug calling himself ā€œNeck Breakerā€. White dogs! Wow, to use the so-called logic being used by all these meatheads, this now proves that all Indians are racist, right? I mean, one of them has said something racist so by their own reasoning India is a racist country, not merely a country with a few racists in it!

And the anti-white racism isnā€™t to be found only amongst the mouth-breathing troglodyte ghetto dwellers, it goes as high up the ladder as the Indian External Affairs Minister S.M Krishna (thatā€™s him soiling his hands by touching some buck-toothed old white woman) issuing this threatā€¦

ā€˜The stabbing ā€¦ is brutal and I hope the Australian Government will take necessary action and not force India to look to other ways. We will not tolerate it any more,ā€

Strangely enough Krishna didnā€™t mention anything about all the Australian tourists who are robbed, raped and killed in his own country. Yes, itā€™s a Bollywood paradise over there with everyone joyfully singing and dancing in the streets and nobody ever being murdered, and definitely never because their white skin reminds the locals of the British! Ā To be blunt, given the resentment towards the Brits, I would find it difficult to believe that there arenā€™t a substantial number of racially motivated murders happening in India, so I guess from now on every time I hear a story of someĀ  Australian bloke being beaten to death by Indian waiters, Iā€™ll have to write a post about how racist India is!

Frankly, even the mildest of these reactions makes Indians look racist, after all they are simply assuming, without evidence, that the killing is racially motivated, and to assume that they obviously canā€™t have a very high opinion of Aussies to begin with.

More here.

The Great Freddo Robbery!

The Great Freddo Robbery! published on

A twelve year old boy has been charged with receiving stolen goods after a friend gave him stolen Freddo Frog (one of Australiaā€™s most popular kiddie chocolates).

The boy is an aboriginal, or as Silvio Berlusconi would put it, he is ā€œtannedā€, and iā€™m sure that didnā€™t help his case any, given that Aboriginal kids are almost 30 times more likely than other kids to be in the clink on any given day. Poor little bugger, male and black in a western country ā€“ howā€™s that for being twice damned…

The young boy, who is apparently perceived by the authorities in Western Australia as the greatest threat to Australian law and order since the days of Ned Kelly, was held for several hours in the local lockup after being arrested and also faces a second charge over receiving a novelty sign from the same friend. This sign apparently reads ā€Do not enter, genius at work,ā€ so it is a safe bet that it wasnā€™t stolen from a Western Australian copā€™s office.

The little menaceā€™s lawyer, Peter Collins, has asked the WA police to drop the charges but has so far not been given a response.

John Fogarty, a childrenā€™s rights campaigner told the mediaā€¦

ā€If this was a non-indigenous child, the most he would probably get in Victoria and most other jurisdictions, would be the mildest of warnings by the local sergeant.ā€

If the sentencing disparities between white adults are anything to go by, he probably wouldnā€™tĀ  even get that if it wasnā€™t for his willy.

More on the Lilliputian John Dillinger here.

Harry Connick Jr is an Idiot, a Hypocrite AND a Liar!

Harry Connick Jr is an Idiot, a Hypocrite AND a Liar! published on 1 Comment on Harry Connick Jr is an Idiot, a Hypocrite AND a Liar!

Quick update on Harry Connick Jrā€™s Ā insult to Australia . Connick claims on his site that the character in the MAdtv skit is not blackā€¦

So now we are being told that this dark skinned man with the puffy hair is not a black or mixed race individual.

If the guy with the red sashĀ  isnā€™t a black man what the fuck is he? The worldā€™s blackest white man? Connickā€™s skin has clearly been darkened ā€“ why would a white man darken his skin to play a white man? Why would a white man don a wig that looks like Orlando Jonesā€™ hair to play a white man? He wouldnā€™t ā€“ this is clearly a black man and Harry Connick Jr is clearly a hypocrite and a liar. But hey, when youā€™re famous you can say whatever you want and people will buy it, so whereas the Huffpost ran a post about the Hey Hey skit, all they ran on Connick’s skit was a post calling those who ā€œthinkā€ thatā€™s a black man idiots.

And of course, when itā€™s all over, all the American public will remember is ā€œthose racist Australiansā€ and that what Connick is playing in his own skit is just a suspiciously negro-ish white man. So fuck you Harry, and fuck all those liberal hypocrites that are supporting you.