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Daisy Duchess’ Twitter Limited Yet Again

Daisy Duchess’ Twitter Limited Yet Again published on

This time for telling off some black thug siding with another black thug who justified the killing of a racist White man who called some black guy a nigger. Here’s the tweet that started it all…

And here’s the tweet that got Daisy’s account limited…

Needless to say, the account belonging to the racist thug who likes to see White people killed is still
fully functional a full 24 hours later. The message is clear — justifying the murder of White people is fine, calling shitty people shitty is not. Make no mistake — Twitter is not merely biased, it is EVIL.

Blowing up the CCP is not cool with Parler

Blowing up the CCP is not cool with Parler published on

More evidence of how censorious Parler has become since the venture capitalists took over. Some guy asked what would we do if we were the President of the United States. I gave an answer that is both reasonable and practical…

Note that i do not say we should kill the ordinary Chinese, which would NOT be reasonable. But the CCP itself? Why not? They ARE scum, after all. Anyway, this comment resulted in seven violation points. How you get 7 points for one infraction, i do not know — but then, i am not an Establishment institution looking for excuses to censor people.

I did consider specifying that it is the hierarchy i am referring to, not the ordinary members of the CCP, of which there are 90 million, but i thought that would be understood — and it probably was but they are simply pretending otherwise. So i deleted that comment and replaced it with this one.

The only way anyone can object to that one is if they are either tankies or looking for any excuse to censor us anti-establishment types. My guess is that it will also be found in violation and that my days at Parler are numbered. Not that it matters much now that it has become just another Establishment outlet.

Why The American Plutocracy Hates The White Man

Why The American Plutocracy Hates The White Man published on

The anti-White and anti-male bias in every major institution in America is undeniable. From the corporations, to the media, to the politicians owned by said corporations, to the government institutions run by those politicians and their appointees, hatred of Whites, and especially White males, is palpable. In America, the White Man is constantly treated as the biggest problem in existence. And you know why? Because to the Plutocrats — the billionaire class who run the world — we ARE their biggest problem. The Plutocrats truly hate us, and hate us with a venom that would see millions of us fed to the maggots if only they could get away with. But why do they see us this way? Much to the disappointment of Far Right nuts, it’s not because they are all secretly Marxists or Jews or Negroes in Whiteface. No, it’s because they know who poses the greatest threat to the rule of the mega-rich, and in America that is the White Man.

The Black man has been thoroughly broken by older Establishment forces. He is so filled with self-hatred that when the rage of being treated like shit overwhelms him he strikes out against his own class, even his own race. He burns down his own neighborhood, kills his fellow Blacks and the White peasants, and just generally makes his life even shittier than it was before. And somewhere deep down he knows that. He knows that the huge widescreen television he stole from the Walmart that he later burnt down will do nothing to change the fact that the Waltons are amongst the richest people on earth and that he will be stuck in the ghetto till he dies of heart disease or gets murdered by some other self-hating Black man. But deep down he believes that his life of poverty and squalor are all that he and his children deserve, and so HE does not storm the capitol, beat the crap out of some pigs, and scare the shit out of the ruling classes!

And therein, my fellow Whiteys, lies the key to the puzzling question of why a system dominated by Whites constantly shits on Whites. Because the White Man has not yet been broken, he lashes out at those with power, those actually responsible for his woes. And he doesn’t do this just when it comes to physical acts of rebellion, he does it by not believing as much bullshit as the Black man believes, by being less obsessed with his race and more interested in his material welfare, and by voting for outsiders that hold out some promise of improvement instead of Establishment figures that will continue to shit on him. He still has enough self-respect to believe that he and his children deserve a better life, and so he poses an existential threat to the ruling classes, which these days basically boils down to the Plutocracy and their stooges in the congress and the White House. This is why he needs to be vilified, constantly told that he is the worst person on the planet, that he is shit personified, the embodiment and the genesis of everything that is vile, evil, and destructive. He must be broken down to the point where he believes – as the Black man does – that he is worthless, innately inferior, and therefore does not deserve a better life for himself and his kin. Because until that is done, he will continue to be a threat to the very existence of the Plutocracy. He will continue to be the last hope of his dying country. He will be the one holding the gun to the Plutocracy’s head, and that is something that the Plutocracy cannot and will not tolerate.