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Idiot Males Drool Over Atrocious Woman

Idiot Males Drool Over Atrocious Woman published on

Some chick called Alli Reed, apparently a comedian of some sorts, took to OkCupid and set up the kind of profile that she expected would have all the men puking. Instead, she got hundreds of responses from weak-brained men who were quite willing to overlook her inner hideousness and focus instead on her good looks. While I don’t find this piece amusing ( I rarely find anything on Cracked amusing ) it does tell us a lot about how high up on the list of priorities sex with a gorgeous woman is for some men.

Is this willingness to risk life and limb to get some hot soup a natural thing? No, of course not. Like beauty itself, it is mostly the doing of societal standards imposed for God knows what reason. It doesn’t really matter what  the motivation behind these bizarre standards is, what does matter is that it gets some men in a shitload of trouble, trouble they could easily have avoided if society did not teach them that life is all about scoring with the hot bird – even if she’s the kind who will fake a pregnancy!

Retards on the loose here

Amanda Marcotte Screams Misogyny at People Who Diss Cats

Amanda Marcotte Screams Misogyny at People Who Diss Cats published on

Hot on the heels of her complaints about the size of women’s wrists in Disney movies, comes yet another howler from Mad Mandy.

Yes, folks, Marcotte the Mad has struck again. This time she is claiming that the reason some people hate on cats is because – wait for it – cats are seen as feminine, are popular with single women and we live in a society in which everyone hates women!

In a recent slab of weirdness  entitled “Why Do People Bag On Cats So Much?” the internet’s dumbest feminist claims…

“Well, I think I have a theory, and yes, it’s sexism. Deeply sublimated sexism, but sexism all the same. While all sorts of people have pets of both types, cats are associated with not just women, but single, childless women. A lot of what people are doing when they insist that you cat doesn’t really love you and you must be fooling yourself is a kind of mansplaining: Silly cat ladies, who think that their cats love them! It fits into this larger narrative about how women are dumb and needy and cling to cats, unlike sure-footed, bright men who pick a pet they know loves them: dogs.”

While an interesting “theory” in the post modern sense of the word (which is to say that it is little more than a wild guess) not only does Marcotte The Mad fail to present actual evidence, she also fails to explain why this supposedly widespread dislike of the feline species isn’t hating on people who think their cats love them, rather than just on the women. But then, this is feminist theory and hence does not need any evidence, just a persecution complex and a manufactured sense of outrage. Normal people would say that the reason many people don’t like cats is that cats don’t dote on their owners the way that wonderful creature called the dog does. If you burst into fire, your dog will race to the nearest fire extinguisher and promptly douse the flames, or at the very least he will jump up onto the mantelpiece so he can pee on you. Not the cat, though, the cat will – if he bothers to wake up at all – simply go “Meh,” and then fall back asleep. Personally I think these people are missing the point of having a pet as the idea is for you to look after it, not for it to look after you, but I can see where they are coming from. Not Mad Mandy, oh, no…

Little Ms Paranoia then draws an even more tenuous connection between cat-haters and “pick up artists,” claiming that…

“Cats are imbued with one of the worst stereotypes of women, popular with “pick-up artists”: That women are shallow creatures who don’t love so much as seek out the richest man they can find, and they exchange sex for security. Except cats are characterized as shallow creatures who merely feign affection for security, but basically, same theory.”

Again, no evidence, just a ludicrous assertion that PUAs can’t tell the difference between pussy and pussy. But wait, with Mad Mandy we don’t need evidence, we have something much more important, much more substantial, and in Mandy’s world view probably much more feminine…

“… I’d like to see a study that measures if there’s a correlation between holding negative views of cats and believing women are gold-diggers. Because I have a hunch that might just be so.”

To the feminist mind, this thing called a “hunch” is pretty much the same as yelling “Checkmate! Argument over! Take your logic and shove it Mr. Man, no room for reason around here!”

Mentally ill rantings here.

Incidentally, in this article we also learn that Mad Mandy has a boyfriend! I don’t know who the unlucky guy is, but I do have this piece of advice – dump Mandy, and buy a cat.


“No Tits, Please, we’re Swedish!”

“No Tits, Please, we’re Swedish!” published on

In an attempt to debunk the widespread notion that Sweden has  become an international joke, some rabid feminist weasel called Susanne Eberstein has decided that a rather fine painting depicting a slightly naked woman must be removed from the Swedish Parliament’s dining room!

G.E Schroder’s “Juno” has apparently offended the grotty-looking Eberstein by emphasizing how grossly unattractive she is. Face it – if you looked like this woman does you wouldn’t want to be standing underneath a painting of some luscious, creamy, female concoction would you? Like standing Rodney Dangerfield next to a painting of a bare-chested Brad Pitt — most unkind. Not to mention smelly, given how long old Rodders has been dead. And yet, I suspect Rodders smells sweeter than Eberstein does, at least on the figurative level.

At first, in their typically gynocentric fashion, the Swedish authorities made excuses for the aesthetically inferior by claiming that it was simply time for a new painting to take its place on the wall, but eventually the feminist in question, who is also – no doubt through some sort of affirmative action –  the deputy speaker of the parliament, made it clear that there was a more obvious reason for this act of censorship…

“I think it is more a feminist issue. It’s tiresome (looking at) a bare-breasted woman when I sit at public dinners with foreign guests. I think it feels a little hard to sit there with men who look at us women,” blithered Social Democrat Eberstein, while salivating her way through the latest issue of Hustler’s “Hot, Hung, and Young!”

The thing that amazes me about this line of thinking is that she would be under the impression that any man, either than one with severe macular degeneration, would be prompted by this…

…to think of this…

I’ve got news for you, my gorgon-headed friend, to most men you and this woman come from different planets. She comes from the planet Venus, and you come from the Planet Of The Sadly Deluded Middle-Aged Women.

Typical Swedish silliness here.


Latest Patriarchal Tool of Oppression – Toon Characters’ Wrist Sizes

Latest Patriarchal Tool of Oppression – Toon Characters’ Wrist Sizes published on

Amanda Marcotte, a half-witted feminist mouthpiece best known for continuing to refer to the boys falsely accused at Duke University as rapists even after the semen in the victim was found to belong to someone else (that’s right, folks, Amanda’s deep knowledge of human biology tells her that it is possible for one man to ejaculate another man’s semen!) is now claiming that Disney is conspiring to oppress women through the way it depicts wrist size! The prime example she gives is that of Anna, the heroine of the recent Disney movie Frozen. Here is a still of Anna and a male oppressor. From the look of shame on the poor girl’s face, the male bastard has just pointed out how tiny her wrists are, and how this makes her an inferior form of life…

Echoing another loon called Phillip Cohen, Marcotte whines that in Disney movies in general, the difference between male and female wrist sizes is exaggerated in order to make men look sturdy and strong and women weak and pathetic, as well as to emphasize the idea that men and women are “opposite” and that girls suck at math and can’t drive!  Here’s a clue, you tiny-brained wonder – it’s a fucking cartoon! Exaggeration – including of differences –  is the norm in the genre! Does this sawdust-brained twat  think that this is what the average duck looks like…

You know, she probably does! Not only that, she probably thinks that’s what the average sailor looks like! The fact is that both Donald and the characters in Frozen are cartoons, they are not a depiction of reality, and whereas I can see the problem in the portrayal of women as wimpy and men as stupid, I sure as hell can’t see any woman with a brain bigger than a walnut walking around feeling bad about her wrists! As for the claim that Disney is doing this to emphasize that men and women are opposite, this is rubbish. What they are obviously emphasizing is that men and women are different, and that isn’t a narrative, it is an obvious truth. Marcotte then points out that in real life the difference is not as great, assuming that, like her, we need to have reality explained to us, and uses a study of soldiers as an example. Funny, she whines that Disney is misrepresenting the difference in wrist size, then she does something similar by underplaying the difference by using stats gathered from a population which is, in all likelihood, not representative. What, no stats on wrist size outside of the army?

Just think, all MRAs have to worry about are trivialities like the life expectancy gap, the education gap, the incarceration gap, the homelessness gap, etc… But hey, what the fuck are we whining about – at least we aren’t being portrayed in cartoons as having tiny wrists! The other thing Mad Mandy whines about is that the heroine of Frozen has eyes that are bigger than said wrists! You know what the character’s eyes are also bigger than, Amanda? That shriveled up prune you call a brain, that’s what.


Get your proof of feminist idiocy right here.


Cosmo Chick Gets Stupid

Cosmo Chick Gets Stupid published on

Assuming she hasn’t always been that way, of course. Not surprisingly, I don’t read Cosmo, partly because I am not a woman and therefore am not obsessed with sex, and partly because I already have enough shoes (that’s right, two whole pairs.) As it turns out, it looks as if Cosmo has a tendency to do what every other MSM outlet does, which is to parrot feminist nonsense.

Some plain little thing by the name of Anna Breslaw has decided to compile a list of ways that men insult women when they don’t intend to. This, of course, is a sin I have never been guilty of – when I insult women it is fully intentional. The thing about this list is that she starts off quite sensibly – there is nothing “adorable” about a woman getting a promotion – then very quickly descends into what I can only describe as the territory of she who screams misogyny at every opportunity. This is either because little Anna’s skull is as thick and hard as a week-old sanitary pad, or because she wants her readers to feel that they are oppressed and hence entitled.

Apparently, telling George Clooney “You’re so cool, I can’t believe you’re still single!” is a compliment, but saying the same to a woman is an insult…

“You’re so cool, how are you still single?” Because my Coolness is an ever-expanding supernova, enveloping and destroying every potential mate in its path, that’s why. Fuckface.”

Pointing out that a woman is not a raging psychotic is also a no-no, and so is pointing out that she has a pretty face, as doing so can only be done by men who think the woman in question has a body made of sewage and swamp mud.

“You have such a pretty face!” But I want to throw holy water on the rest of your hideous body, you disgusting beautiful-headed demon-woman.”

Er, yeah, whatever. Funny thing is, it’s hard to believe the horse-faced plain Jane who wrote the piece ever hears the first part of that – though it wouldn’t surprise me if she often heard the second. Frankly, the whole thing comes across as a woman whining about her own personal life while projecting all sorts of behaviors and negative intentions onto males. In other words, it comes across like a lot of other feminist whine-fests. If the former example wasn’t enough of a clue as to who this piece is really about, here’s another…

“You’re single because you’re too picky.” “You should aim more on your level, like the crazy guy who hangs out outside the local YMCA trying to smoke discarded cigarette butts.”

Truth hurts, don’t it? Throw in “unpleasant, petulant and whiny” and you have a pretty good description of the writer. As for the cigarette guy, I doubt he would be willing to lower himself to the level of someone who writes for Cosmo.

The feminist hilarity continues here.