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California to Set Free Shitload of Female Prisoners

California to Set Free Shitload of Female Prisoners published on

California is about to relieve its overcrowded prison system by letting out some of their female inmates, namely those that have committed crimes that were “nonviolent, nonserious and not sexual” and who have children to look after.

Since minor, non-violent crims shouldn’t be in jail to begin with, and are thrown in with the scum only to fatten corporate wallets, this is good news. But what about the fathers and the childless folks who have committed such minor offenses? Why are only the women with children being given this break? The attached article claims that similar may be done for male inmates in the future, but in my view that “may” is worth about as much as a badly bent 75 cent coin. While hoping that this is the beginning of an initiative that will see large numbers of harmless fools let  back out into the sunlight, I am inclined to think that this will all fade away once the federal government stops hassling California about its overstuffed chicken pens and goes on to matters more important than freeing men who shouldn’t be in jail.

As for the equally clear discrimination against the childless, I will put that down to two factors. By letting parents out, they not only save money at the jail end of things, but also on welfare aid to whoever is looking after the children now, a secondary gain which obviously will not come about when  releasing the childless. The other thing that comes to mind is that this is yet another way to pressure people into having kids to feed to the machine. Plan to smoke pot or shoplift a pack of munchies? Why, just turn out a few puppies first and you’ll never go to jail again! Congratulations, you’ve just given birth to a nine pound “Get Out of Jail Free” card!

More here

PsyWar – A History of Propaganda in the United States

PsyWar – A History of Propaganda in the United States published on

A great documentary  with a lousy title, Psywar tracks the evolution of propaganda as a means of keeping the citizenry under control in the U.S, and therefore in the rest of the western world.

From the surge in the PR industry after the Rockefeller- led Ludlow massacre, to the apocrypha about Kuwaiti babies being chucked out of incubators, this is a great introduction to the elites’ primary tool in screwing us all over.

Pups In Prison

Pups In Prison published on

In my view the penal system cares very little about its inmates or indeed about the public’s safety.  Here in Australia it seems to be about keeping these guys, and of course guys is what most convicts are, in a place where they can’t commit any more crime. In places like the US it seems to be mostly about wringing corporate profits out of human misery.

What happens with most criminals, even the nonviolent ones, is that the system basically throws them away. While inside very little effort is put into trying to rehabilitate these guys, and when they come out they very often find it hard to get work and on top of that they have to put up with the stigma of being an ex-con.  In a welfare state like Australia the lack of work simply means having a lower standard of living,  in a country like the US it often comes down to a matter of survival, and will often leave the newly released convict with no choice but to re-offend.

There are however, some good programs aimed at rehabilitating convicts and in Australia one such is Pups in Prison. Run by Assistance Dogs Australia, the program uses men convicted of low-level offenses to train dogs that provide aid to the disabled by opening doors, flicking on light switches – the kind of thing that most able-bodied people take for granted. And I should point out that these men are from minimum security, so don’t worry – no one is giving a serial killer a puppy!

Training these dogs helps in the men’s rehabilitation by giving them skills that they may be able to use to get a legitimate source of income once they have left the jail, but the benefits seem to be mostly on the psychological level. As one inmate puts it…

“For the first time in years it will allow us to show softness, tenderness and affection. Caring for these dogs will help us rekindle certain feelings and emotions, help us lighten up and bring a little more humanity into our lives…

Instead of taking from society, it [the Pups in Prison Program] provides us with an opportunity to actually give back. From criminal to contributor.

“It [the Pups in Prison Program] has a win-win-win-win aspect to it. It will help us inmates, it will help Assistance Dogs Australia, it will help people with special needs and it will also help the prison environment, by improving self esteem and empathy levels among inmates, increase positive behaviours and moods, create better relationships between staff and inmates and open up more opportunities for education, training and employment…”

Nothing being perfect, Pups In Prison won’t have a beneficial effect on all of these men but it will on some and that’s good enough for me, so as long as it’s not being used to make life easier for seriously violent offenders and as long as no one decides to give Michael Vick one of these dogs, it’s a piece of good news in an otherwise bleak situation.

Article here

One of the convicts in this video seems to be wearing a pair of sneakers that mysteriously disappeared from my closet a few months ago, I assume however that this is a mere coincidence….