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Stephany Alexander Sucks

Stephany Alexander Sucks published on

Who the hell is Stephany Alexander, i hear you ask?  She’s the cowpat of a woman who set up “”, previously known by the far more descriptive name of “”

Amongst the dubious services offered by this site is the opportunity for women to accuse any man they take a dislike to of being abusive or unfaithful, no evidence or other legal niceties needed.The women are allowed to use the man’s real name and his real photo, and so far 40,000 men have been put into this database. And it is always a man -the rules clearly specify that one can not post accusations about women. This is no obscure little feminist website, Womansavers gets 90 thousand visits per month, and the guys at the top of the list have had the accusations against them viewed hundreds of thousands of times- that’s a lot of vilification for something completely unproven.

Because you need to be logged in to Womansavers to see these pages i have provided screen captures rather than the usual links, and of course i have reduced the men’s names to initials…

Now, just how easy is it to get a man’s name onto their database? This easy…

The entire thing can be done anonymously –  once a week all the IP addresses attached to posts are deleted so by the time this post is published at the end of July, my poster’s IP address will be gone and no matter how serious the allegations,  the poster can’t be tracked down.  An account was opened using a false female name and an email set up for this purpose alone, then a post containing  an accusation about a non-existent man by the name of  ”Fred Megatronowiz” was created, a photo of Jean Claude Van Damme was uploaded, and  poor Fred was described as a liar and a cheat as well as a “giant robot trying to take over the universe” ! But hey, it could have been YOUR name, YOUR photo, and the entry could have accused you of being a rapist and child molester, and thousands of women would have access to that accusation! And it costs no money to do this – that’s how easy it is to wreck a man’s good name these days.

Here is a screen capture of the resulting post…

Interestingly, even though vilifying poor old Fred is free, un-vilifying him would cost 25 dollars (to remove the post) or 10 dollars (to edit the post) and only the person who posted the accusation – or the “survey” as they like to call it – can remove or edit it, not Fred himself.

Why the fee? Could it be that this woman is laying aside her sisterly motives in order to fleece women who post statements they later wish to remove? So much for sisterhood. And yes, she says it goes to charity but the problem is she has her own charity for abused women, children and animals (!) so who knows how much of this money is finding its way into her pockets?

Think you can sue her? Alas no. Apparently the only people liable for false statements are the ones making the accusations and as good old Stephany sees to it that the IP addresses are deleted after a week, good luck in finding that bitch who branded you a sheep-humping freak!

Little Ms Manhater is really raking in the cash by vilifying men – she also has a book in which she, amongst other things, tells you how to get a free background check on a man before you date him. Not after he gives you reason to think he’s up to something shady, mind you, but just because he’s a man and therefore suspect. She also seems to have affiliations with a service that keeps track of you during a date so that if you don’t get back by a certain time it is assumed you are dining with Ted Bundy and the National Guard is called out.

More about this vile woman here.

The Ultimate Female Sentencing Discount – Serial Killer Hellen Moore

The Ultimate Female Sentencing Discount – Serial Killer Hellen Moore published on

I know that we have seen some truly  egregious examples of the female sentencing discount recently, but the case i am about to detail is by far, bar none, the worst case of the female sentencing discount i have ever come across – the case  of Australian serial killer Helen Patricia Moore.

In May of 1979, in the Western Suburbs of Sydney, 17 year old Helen Patricia Moore suffocated Suzanne McIntosh, a 16 month old cousin whom she was babysitting – the child’s death was at the time put down to cot death.

In January of 1980 Moore attempted to suffocate yet another of her babysitting charges, 12 month old Nicholas Vaughan. Having thought her latest attempt at murder a success, Helen Moore went back to calmly watching TV. A while later the baby boy started crying, she called the ambulance and the boy made a full recovery.

Despite this latest suspicious incident, the babysitting jobs kept coming and on February 1st 1980 Helen suffocated two year old Aaron Crocker with a pillow, again failing to finish the job properly. Little Aaron survived but was left blind and crippled and died several years later as a result of Moore’s attack.

A few weeks later on February 24th 1980, two year old Rachel Hay died while in the care of Helen Moore.

In march of 1980, Helen’s  seven year old brother Peter was found dead at the bottom of the stairs in the family home, only then did Helen’s mother Jesse realize something was up. She called the police and the whole story came out, with Helen quickly confessing first to the murder of Peter then to the other crimes.

Now here’s the thing, when Helen Moore was sentenced in 1980 the judge gave her life, but a dozen years later she sought a sentence review and that original  sentence was reduced to 13 years and nine months, and in 1993 Helen Moore was  given parole! Think about it, this is a serial killer who preyed on children and they let her out of jail after just 13 years. Could someone please find me a case wherein a male serial killer, especially one who preys on small children, is allowed to go free after only thirteen years in jail, even if he was 17 at the time of the murders? I seriously doubt that such a case can be found, as i am something of a true crime fan and i’ve never even heard of such a thing.

And just to underline how pro-woman and disregarding of children’s safety our western patriarchies are, a year or two into her parole she got pregnant, and even though they took the baby away from her for a very brief period, it was soon handed back to her, despite the fact that she was a killer of small children. Now if that doesn’t show the precedence that women’s rights take over the safety of children, nothing does. Helen Moore’s parole period ran out in 2005, and even though i haven’t been able to confirm it, it is highly likely that she was set free, and that right now, out there in Australia somewhere, a serial killer is living free and easy, and why? Because our society places such a high value on women and such a low value on men and children, that’s why.

By the way, don’t bother googling Helen Moore’s name – all i could find was an article about how they briefly took the daughter away from her when she was born, all else i got from a book called “Australia’s Serial Killers” by an Australian crime writer called Paul B. Kidd. The book was published in 2001, hence my not being able to confirm that she did make it through the parole period.

Scumbag Magan Marie Muir…

Scumbag Magan Marie Muir… published on

… got off the hook because she’s a female scumbag.  Muir was convicted of taking two year old Damon Reddom Stone’s hands and shoving them into boiling water, causing agonizing third and fourth degree burns, yet when sentenced by Justice Helen MacLeod-Beliveau this worthless piece of garbage was given house arrest. That’s all, just lock her up in her nice comfortable home for eighteen months. Not only that, but she was also granted permission to move in with her family for the last few months of her house arrest – so she doesn’t even get to be a lonely scumbag, she gets the company of mom and dad…

Does anyone with a brain think this kind of subhuman filth would get such lenient treatment if she were a male? No, i dont think so, neither do i think that  the Judge would be excusing her leniency by saying this woman is not a danger to the public and that custodial sentences don’t serve as a deterrent. But hey, as we all know, in Western societies nobody matters more than women – not even children. And of course, you know what i think would be an appropriate punishment for this piece of shit? Let’s just say it involves a pot of boiling water…

Damon’s mother Tina has started a Facebook group which can be joined at…

Where is the Justice?

Tina has also started a petition which can be signed here. They need just a couple of hundred more signatures to reach their goal of 3000 and as this is an opportunity for people to do more than just read about this injustice, i urge my readers to sign the petition. Apparently your country of residence doesn’t matter, so you don’t need to be in Canada to take action on this one.

Original article  here. This is not the article other sites have linked to, it is a more up to date one, which also gives the correct date of the incident – 2007 not 1997- and it also has some good news, namely that the little boy will retain normal use of his hands.

The article in which the Judge makes her excuses is here.

Giant Herbivores Terrorize Japanese

Giant Herbivores Terrorize Japanese published on 1 Comment on Giant Herbivores Terrorize Japanese

Japan is freaking out over an emerging  new social class  derogatorily dubbed “grass eating boys” because they want a quiet peaceful life, like cows in a field i guess.  

According to this slate article, Japanese research shows that “60 percent of men in their early 20s and at least 42 percent of men aged 23 to 34 consider themselves grass-eating men.”

Yes, many young Japanese men are starting to see the downside of being society’s beasts of burden and have instead decided to drop out of the rat race, stop pursuing women  and stick to peaceful pursuits like gardening and playing video games. Perhaps young Japanese men have simply seen too many of their fathers and uncles dive off skyscrapers or die from ulcers and have realized what some  western males realize too late, that achievement and status are twin piles of shit used to bully men into doing exactly what society wants them to do, which is to serve others.

If Japan is so concerned about its grass eaters it should try treating its men as human beings instead of as a bunch of  coolies whose sole purpose is to work themselves to death to buy garbage they don’t need and support families they don’t want.

I see no real negatives in this new social trend. The grass eaters get to have easy non-competitive lives, and the men who still want to work like bullocks have less competition, have greater choice when it comes to women, and hopefully their society will appreciate their hard work all the more for its rarity. In brief, I applaud these cud chewing, sandal wearing goldfish tenders and urge Western men to follow in their footsteps.

The Slate article has more weirdness to say about Japanese women than men, though. Apparently there’s a whole  genre of gay male stuff for, er women! That’s right, young Japanese women are turned on by male homosexuality – no wonder their men would rather eat grass.

Portrait of a Self Hating Male

Portrait of a Self Hating Male published on 1 Comment on Portrait of a Self Hating Male

Usually these things are written by Porky, but this one is by Michael as i was the one who posted the comment at Shamaya’s that led to this. We’ve received a response to “American Psycho Otep Shamaya wins Misandrist of the Month” and even though it’s not from the organ grinder but rather one of her monkeys it nonetheless gives me an opportunity to point out some common feminist tactics so instead of publishing it in the comments i am giving it a post all it’s own. You may wonder why i am publishing this mentally ill man’s tirade at all. Well, it’s too early for me to go out here in the Emerald City, and i thought it might be fun to do an analysis of this kind of thing so here goes. His stuff, all of it – no edits have been done – are in quotes, my response is below said quotes.

I should point out that Josh Olson is the guy who wrote A History of Violence and is also doing something or other with Ms Shamaya (whose “Confrontation” i am, ironically, listening to as i write this). Chances are of course that this man is not the actual Josh Olson, but just a coward hiding behind a famous name – i doubt the real Josh Olson has the email address “” !

Our friend starts thus…

“Of course she published it, you hydrocephalic imbecile.That’s because Otep has a sense of humor, and enjoys exposing the inane peregrinations of the mentally challenged. (Buy a dictionary, schmuck).”

Notice the use of big words. This is often done by irrational people trying to establish that they are “smart” and therefore worth listening to – usually the only difference between these people and Dan Quayle is that just before they open their mouth someone whispers in their ear “Spanish not Latin”. Also, the conclusion that my comment was published because Shamaya has a sense of humor is not valid, for even  if she rather than her webmaster chose to publish it she may have done so for a variety of reasons, we simply don’t know which. Notice also the resort to ad hominems so common amongst supporters of not only feminism but also of other types of hatred.

“Speaking as a proud member of the male gender,”

I just don’t see how a man can be proud of being so and also defend someone who thinks men are scum. Do proud gay men defend homophobes?

“I’d also like to take a moment and point out that not all of us are terrified and threatened by strong women as. ”

As what? He doesn’t say. Perhaps he couldn’t come up with a big enough word so he just left a blank space. Note also the claim that Shamaya is “strong”, you know just like a Klansman, or some skinheads kicking the crap out of a lone gay guy in a dark alley. Personally i don’t know if  Shamaya is weak or strong nor do i care, just like other hate mongers it is her spreading of bigotry that matters. The tactic here seems to be to make those of us who oppose feminist hatred look weak for doing so – when women stand up to sexism against their gender  they are strong, when men stand up to sexism against their gender they are weak. In other words, if you know i can knock you out the best thing to do is convince me that i would be a wimp to hit you back. Alas, for the feminists i’m not  hydrocephallic enough to fall for that.

“I often wonder what the source of these terrors are.”

Note the claim that i am scared. This helps to define anti-feminists as weaklings, and also distracts the audience from what i have actually expressed, which is outrage.

“Is it really as simple as having a tiny pecker? Did a woman once laugh at you during a sensitive moment?  Did your mother make you wear dresses during your formative years? Did a woman steal your job cleaning toilets at the gas station?”

Another common tactic of feminists is to attack the sexuality of any man who opposes them – it’s like their equivalent of the extreme right’s view that feminists are all dykes or fuglies who can’t get laid. As for the gas station thing, i’m not allowed to work in a gas station as both my parole officer and my psychiatrist tell me i would do well to stay away from anything that can be used to start fires.

“Or are you just another thumbless, toothless half-wit who actually believes the misogynistic rants of Rush Limbaugh come from a place of intellectual rigor, and not the simple and obvious panic of the latent (and self-loathing) homosexual?”

Note the implication that i am a right winger ( how many Rush fans aren’t?) Those who know my writings know i’m left wing on everything except feminism and multi culturalism ( and if i were a conservative i wouldn’t even oppose the latter), but amongst the mouth breathing radical left nothing is worse than a right winger, so if you want someone’s argument dismissed out of hand simply claim they are right wing. There is also a certain hypocrisy in someone who appears to be a liberal using the word homosexual as an insult – this may very well be the kind of man who is in favor of gay marriage but will call you a faggot whenever it suits him.

“Seriously, man, what drives someone to express so much anger at a group of people whose only sin is that they don’t bow and scrape before intellectual midgets, cowards and sissies?If you put half as much effort into losing your virginity as you do into lambasting strong women, you might actually enjoy life for a change.
Give it a try. You’ll thank me some day.”

And there’s another attack on my sexuality, and the repeating of the claim that Shamaya is “strong” rather than hate-filled. I do thank him though – i thank him for helping me to kill some time.

And did everyone notice what is missing in the midst of all these logical fallacies? That’s right, folks, an actual argument. Never does “Josh” say “You are wrong because of this that and the other thing”, but then how do you rationally defend  a woman who writes gendercidal crap like “Menocide”? You can’t.

I mentioned at the start that i am listening to Otep’s “Confrontation” as i write this. Amongst the lyrics in this very cool song is the all too true line “Its a rich man’s war but it’s the poor that fight.” This seems rather appropriate writing music for this post given that this man ( a member of an underprivileged group) is fighting on behalf of a woman (a member of a privileged group). Congratulations “Josh”, on being the gender equivalent of  a white man’s nigger.

PS, any response not containing valid arguments will be deleted – i don’t always get up this early. Now if you will all excuse me, i have a fire to start.

Michael Claymore