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Someone finally tried to assassinate Trump

Someone finally tried to assassinate Trump published on

So the Establishment finally succeeded in provoking some nut into trying to assassinate Trump and now they are all going on about how violence is not acceptable. This is bullshit, of course. If you spend 7 years portraying the man as evil incarnate you are doing so precisely because you DO want someone to kill him, not because you want people to send him roses and teddy bears! Whatever the Dems and their media stooges say in public, we all know that in private they are all saying, “damn it, the bastard missed!”

Putting on my normie hat for a moment — it won’t stay on any longer than that — i now want Trump to win. That’s going to be the main outcome to this assassination attempt, more people will jump off the fence and go vote for Trump. Probably going to vote for the Republicans in the congress too. If this was a direct Establishment attempt — rather than an indirect one carried out by a nut responding to the Establishment’s vilification of the man — it has backfired very, very badly. Who the hell is out there thinking “Well, i was going to vote for Trump but now that they’ve tried to kill him i won’t”? Nobody. People thinking the reverse? Yep, thousands at least and millions at most.

And you gotta love Trump’s reaction to the would-be assassin’s bullet. A raised fist and what appears to be “fight! fight! fight!” You have to respect that — most politicians would just shit themselves. It’s straight out of a movie and i just realized which one — Rocky. That scene at the top of the stairs when he raises his fist? That’s what this had kicking around the back of my mind. Add to that Trump’s defiant words and this is like Rocky all over.  This was the moment Trump won millions of new supporters. Come on, who the hell do you want to run your country, an old man in diapers or an old man who responds to an assassination attempt by raising his fist and yelling “Fight! Fight! Fight!”? Sends shivers down Piggy’s spine, frankly. Here it is, folks, the birth of Trump’s new campaign slogan — “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

As for me, being cursed with too much reason, i am still not backing him as i no longer see him as the lesser of the two evils, mostly because his rabid support for the Gaza genocide suggests a support for American Empire First as opposed to America First. I’m not opposing him either, as his losing would send the message that this full-on persecution of non-Establishment figures works and would therefore guarantee similar treatment for any future non-Establishment types. But amongst the normies? My money is on a landslide victory. Unless the next assassination attempt is a successful one, trying to end Trump’s life will instead have guaranteed him a second term.