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Mystery person suspended from Twitter for, well, nothing really…

Mystery person suspended from Twitter for, well, nothing really… published on

It’s almost as if Twitter is moderated by SJW psychos who don’t like people spreading truth. OR by racist psychos who don’t like white people telling black people where their real problems are as that would, you know, lead to less dead black people. Things are so crazy now, that it may very well be a combination of the two!

Fuck you, racist rock!

Fuck you, racist rock! published on

At last some justice for America’s people of color!

The university of Wisconsin has agreed to remove from its grounds a large, racist rock that once called Martin Luther King Jr. “a bit suspect” and which is widely rumored to not appreciate rap music or the films of Spike Lee. It is expected that once the rock has been removed it will be strangled to death and broken into brick-sized chunks which will then be thrown at passing children whose parents voted Republican.

Rock here. I know it looks innocent enough, but that’s only because its Klan outfit is at the cleaners today.

Black Women — Finally Getting Ahead In The White Manā€™s World

Black Women — Finally Getting Ahead In The White Manā€™s World published on

I would like to apologize for the title, but somebody had to make that joke…

Believe it or not, this fucking thing got posted on Instagram and when it was reported the company responded that it was fine and dandy like a decapitated head full of candy.

Letā€™s guess what would happen if i posted this photo of Sargon in Blackfaceā€¦

Not only would it get taken down but i would probably be banned and Instagram would send BLM round to my place to separate my head from the rest of my anatomy. This is America now, folks, and if Trump loses the election it will only get worse. Anti-white hatred will be institutionalized, normalized, and then glorified. Will it lead to the kind of genocide we saw in Haiti? Probably not, as American blacks donā€™t have the numbers, donā€™t have the guns, and canā€™t aim for shit, but there will be an attack here and there, and lots of folks will die that shouldnā€™t. As usual the Plutocracyā€™s tactic of ā€œdivide and conquerā€ will have nasty consequences, but only for the poor folks. And no, it doesn’t matter if the post turns out to be a troll job as the point here is that Instagram had no problem with it. And as for the wits on the social media asking if they ate the bodies, that’s racist. After all, they’re black — not Chinese.



Vote Trump ā€“ only HE can stop fat black women hacking your head off.



This is going to be a bit of a wild rant, but i have to get it out or i will explode and then there will be bacon and pig gizzards all over the studio and nobody wants that.

BLM and ANTIFA are NOT fucking revolutionaries! Revolution is the weak attacking the strong, not the weak attacking each other. At no point did Karl Marx write, ā€œWorkers of the world, burn down your own neighborhoods.ā€ At no point did the angry Frogs decapitate one another while refusing to storm the palace at Versailles. At no point did the Bolsheviks burn down ordinary peopleā€™s hovels while leaving the aristocracy to sleep safely in their palaces. At no point did the American Revolutionaries shoot their own people while leaving Georgieā€™s boys to enjoy their tea and scones in peace.

When the lower classes attack other members of the lower classes, that is not called revolution — it is called thuggery. And if your thuggery gets you a bullet in the head, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If your revolution is the real deal, you burn down Wall Street, not Main St. You kill Jeff Bezos, not some poor schmuck minding his own business. You drop a firebomb on Beverly Hills, you donā€™t set fire to some homeless manā€™s mattress. Until BLM and Antifa start targeting the plutocrats rather than the peasants they are nothing but utter scum doing the devilā€™s work and whatever they get from pissed off, trigger-happy Right Wingers, they have coming. Well, the violent ones do. We must be careful to remember that even with BLM and Antifa, there are some ā€œvery fine peopleā€ in there. But the ones being violent towards their fellow peasants? Fuck ā€˜em.

And then thereā€™s the funding received by BLM. How the FUCK can anyone look at that and see revolution? Did the Czar hand the Bolsheviks hundreds of millions of dollars or whatever the fuck they had back then? Did King George finance the American Revolution? Did Marie Antoinette offer the peasants gold and diamonds instead of cake? No. You know why? BECAUSE THE PEOPLE BEING REBELLED AGAINST DONā€™T FINANCE THE PEOPLE TRYING TO OVERTHROW THEM! Yet this is what is happening with BLM. Corporations are not only publicly supporting it, but throwing money at BLM! Literally hundreds of millions of dollars from trash like the Ford Foundation! So no, neither of these groups are
revolutionaries. What they are is soldiers of the plutocracy stoking hatred and division amongst the lower classes in order to stop us from stocking up on guillotines. In order to make the poor blacks blame the poor whites and vice versa rather than getting together to put the plutocrats six feet under. In order to protect the corporations throwing millions of blood stained dollars at them. This is fact. This is truth. And until the woke mob truly wakes up, all things will do is get steadily worse.

Rant over.