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The Great Foreshadowing of 1985

The Great Foreshadowing of 1985 published on

The whole Christopher Dorner thing has led to some alternative media mentions of the MOVE bombing back in 1985, so I thought this a good time to do a quick recap of that sign of things to come. Oh, and as for Dorner? Good fucking riddance. You want to kill corrupt Stormtroopers? Go ahead, make my day (heh, heh.) You want to kill civilians for the sin of being related to a Stormtrooper? You can burn in hell, though a cabin will do just as well…

MOVE was a black radical group led by a man called John Africa, some sort of hippie type thing except with not much inclination to believe that niceness can change the world. MOVE had had conflicts with the Philadelphia police force since the early 1970s, and in ’78 things came to a head when the Stormtroopers raided the group’s home. The result was a shootout that led to seven cops making unexpected trips to the hospital and to an eighth making an unexpected trip to the local mortuary. The bad blood had just gotten worse, and it wouldn’t end there.

For next few years, trouble stayed on the small side, with various members of MOVE being charged with arms offences, making terrorist threats etc., then once again the cops decided to raid the group’s home. Not being keen on authoritarian measures, the group resisted and another gunfight ensued. After several water cannons and 10,000 bullets failed to bring the radicals out into the open, the cops decided to do what any sensible, rational adult would do – they dropped a bomb on the building! I kid you not, they improvised a bomb from several pounds of plastic explosive and Tovex, took it up in a helicopter and dropped it on the house!

The house burst into fire, and as it burnt down and those inside tried to escape the flames the cops did what any honorable man would do – they shot them dead. I don’t know if that included the several children killed in the incident, but call me cynical for having no trouble imagining such cops shooting dead kids trying to flee a fire. At the end of the siege, only one woman and one 13 year old boy were still alive. The house itself had burnt to the ground – thanks in part to the fire brigade sitting on their fire hoses for over an hour after arriving at the scene – as had 65 other homes! I am assuming the authorities had the sense to evacuate the surrounding buildings, if only because there are no reports of deaths from the collateral damage, though it was a black neighborhood so one has to wonder just how unintended said damage was. There was an investigation which, despite being carried out by the same system that depends on cops for its survival, found nobody guilty of anything. Except for the woman who survived – she got seven years in jail for failing to die as planned.

Will it happen again? Well, of course it will, hence the title. Hell, it’s already happened again at Waco, and with 9/11 being used to justify anything as long as it is in defense of the plutocracy you can bet your ass that the American public hasn’t seen the last of this kind of atrocity – the only difference is that next time it won’t be a helicopter dropping the bomb, it will be a drone, and the order won’t come from some hot headed cop with shit for brains, it will come from some Ivy League educated  asshole in the White House.

More on this charming bit of Americana below. Disregard the bit about the 25th anniversary, the video is a couple of years old.

Wanna be a gang rapist and get away with it?

Wanna be a gang rapist and get away with it? published on

Move to France! That way, you can rape teenage girls dozens of times and get a suspended sentence! Ten years ago in some godforsaken housing estate in the Paris suburb of Fontenay-sous-Bois two girls were repeatedly raped by packs of up to 50 scumbags. Now things have finally gone to trial and the four men found guilty of raping one of the girls have been severely, and I mean severely, slapped on the wrist…

Continue reading Wanna be a gang rapist and get away with it?

Brian Banks’ Story In His Own Words

Brian Banks’ Story In His Own Words published on

From BBC radio, here is Brian Banks telling an interviewer how a consensual makeout session led to five years in jail for a rape his accuser later admitted didn’t happen. According to Wanetta Gibson — the lying sack of shit who sent Banks to jail — she didn’t come forward because doing so might have meant losing the 1.5 million dollars she was awarded after suing her high school — you know, the one in which the rape didn’t happen.


Interview here



Racist Cops Sued For Ignoring Harmless Black Man

Racist Cops Sued For Ignoring Harmless Black Man published on

Darnel Harris, a young black man residing in New York,  has launched a multi million dollar lawsuit against the city and the police force, alleging discrimination and neglect occasioning emotional distress.

Mr. Harris says he feels left out of the traditional slaying of young black males so popular in the U.S…

“What’s a brother gotta do to get his head blown off ‘round here? I’ve tried it all man! I’ve tried driving around minding my own business! I’ve tried going to the train station and lying face down on the ground! I’ve even tried hanging around 7/11s wearing a hoodie, and nothing! No bullets, no beatings, not even a “Get yo’ black ass back to the jungle!” I’m starting to feel like I’m the only black man in the country that isn’t getting any attention from the authorities. It’s starting to affect me at work. I can’t concentrate properly, I just sit there thinking “What’s wrong with me? Why won’t anyone shoot me dead?” The other day I was so distracted I tried to phone my dad on a ham sandwich!”

Mr. Harris, who has been in therapy for the last five months, tells us that despite the lawsuit he hasn’t yet given up on being shot dead. “There’s always hope, you know? Next thing I’m gonna do is go to a senior citizen’s home, wait for a police car to come along, then help a little old lady across the street. If that doesn’t do the trick I don’t know what will!”

Racist, Sexist Tirade at MichaelMoore.Com

Racist, Sexist Tirade at MichaelMoore.Com published on

Not written by the terror in the baseball cap, but no doubt the kind of self-loathing crap the Oscar winning, male-bashing walrus would agree with.

Apparently there have been some minor riots over the firing of Penn State Coach Joe Paterno in connection with a sex abuse scandal. I have no opinion on that issue, what concerns me is the way some half-witted dork by the name of Mike Elk has used these events as an excuse to beat up on the only targets available to left wing bigots such as himself – namely men and whites.

In the enigmatically titled “Penn State Riots About White Men Not Liking to Be Held Accountable” this cringing excuse for a man puts forward the idea that the riots are not the doing of football mad kids, but rather some sort of race riot carried out by that most vile of animals, the white American male. The disingenuous mountebank seems to offer as evidence for said vileness the fact that most of the rioters are white males, nicely avoiding the fact that in a mostly white university it would be unreasonable to expect whites to be a minority of the rioters, and that the majority of sports-mad meatheads are males and hence expecting large numbers of women to riot over football is like expecting large numbers of men to riot over the end of “Oprah”.

If this had happened at a mostly black university would this racist twat be claiming black men don’t like being held accountable? If this was a bunch of girls beating the tar out of someone on YouTube would he blame their sex? Probably not, but this kind of bigotry is exactly what I expect from the real left ( as opposed to the Obama / Bubba Clinton pseudo – left.) Unlike the Right, we inhabit a political space where the haters amongst us are forbidden traditional targets like blacks and gays, so of course assholes like Elk and his host Michael Moore focus instead on the only whipping boys they are allowed – men and whites.

Bigoted blitherings here, video of the riots below. Warning – this video contains white males, so get your barf bags ready.