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Why and How the Plutocracy is Destroying Patriarchy in the Lower Classes

Why and How the Plutocracy is Destroying Patriarchy in the Lower Classes published on

One of the most persistent and least-questioned feminist lies is that patriarchy and the plutocracy are partners in the oppression of just about everyone and everything on the planet.

The truth of the matter is that patriarchy – here defined as a social system in which fathers have more influence over the family unit’s thoughts and behaviors than mothers do – is a terrible danger to the plutocracy. Once you realize this, it becomes much easier to explain one of the most puzzling aspects of modern society – why a male-dominated society is so clearly and heavily anti-male and anti-father.

For reasons of clarity, here is my basic argument…

Premise One

The plutocrats have the intellect to know what will benefit them

Premise Two

The plutocrats are interested primarily in their own welfare

Premise Three

The plutocrats have the power to mold society to their liking


Providing that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, it is probable that the plutocrats will do what they can to make their lives easier, regardless of the damage inflicted on others.

Given the obviousness of the premises and the cogency of the reasoning, I fail to see how anyone could not agree with the conclusion. Yet somehow, as obvious as the premises are to most leftists, the actual conclusion never seems to occur to most of my fellow travelers. Blinded by ideology, they refuse to see that the plutocracy wants working class and middle class families to retain their patriarchal element about as much as I want to take a swim in a river full of bacon-loving piranhas.

So, having established that the bastards act primarily in their own interests and that they have the power to destroy the patriarchal element in the working and middle classes, how do we know that it is in their interests to do so?

Why it is being done

The plutocracy benefits from the obliteration of the patriarchal element by replacing the authority of the more rebellious parent with the authority of the more compliant parent. For the most part, it is men who rebel, men who fight back, and men who are more likely to teach their kids not to take any crap from the higher-ups. Even in families where neither parent invests much time in explicitly telling their kids these things there will be numerous messages taken on board through simple modeling — “This is how the parent with the most influence does it,” think the kiddies, “so this is how I will do it.” Get rid of dad, and you have removed a significant source of resistance.

How it is being done

The tactics are numerous, but they can be boiled down to three basic strategies.

1 – Portray men as unnecessary parents

This is not a hard thing to do when you control the television, movie and publishing industries, and when you have your willing allies in the feminist movement writing articles and books filled with pseudo-intellectual claptrap giving these biased portrayals “validity.” Fill the screens with male idiots who don’t know which end of the baby the diaper goes on, fill books and women’s magazines with lies about how easy it is for a single woman to raise kids by herself, and pretty soon you have a multitude of women who see fathers as optional accessories and a legion of men who see no point in becoming something as useless and redundant as a dad.

2 – Encourage the break up of families

For servants of the plutocracy who claim to be left wing this is an easy task. In addition to the negative portrayal of fathers, you simply turn out a torrent of movies, television shows, ads, and books portraying husbands as disposable buffoons who can’t even remember the color of their wives’ eyes, much less their birthday. Add to that the making of excuses for women who cheat on or abandon their husbands, and the next time a marriage is experiencing difficulties there is a greater chance that the wife will simply dump her husband.

If you are a servant of the plutocracy who claims to be right wing you have to be rather cautious about this. As many of your followers have an honest desire to keep the family unit intact you can’t be too proactive. You must limit most of your contribution to simply shutting up when the so-called left wing media portrays husbands as disposable buffoons, and sitting on your hands when your constituents ask you to make divorce harder and less profitable for both wives and their lawyers. In the end, the plutocracy gets its way and the illusion that you really do believe in “family values” is preserved.

3 – Make it harder for men to remain active parents once the marriage ends

Part of this job has already been done by painting fathers as inadequate parents. Add to this a media that portrays child abuse as a male dominated crime despite the statistics showing that it is the opposite which is true, the continuing perception that children “naturally” belong with the mother, family law judges who have spent the last thirty years listening to feminist propaganda, and you have a ready-made excuse to almost automatically hand custody of the kids over to the parent less likely to raise them to not take so much of your shit.

It’s that simple, and it’s what is happening around the developed world even as you read this.

I should point out that this destruction of patriarchy at the family level does not necessarily lead to an actual matriarchy at the community level. Just because moms run the community’s families doesn’t mean they run the community itself – ask a black man from a ghetto if you don’t believe me – but it does mean that you will have a weaker, more compliant bunch of peasants to push around. And to the psychopaths who run the world, that is all that matters.

“No kippers left, guv’nor…”

“No kippers left, guv’nor…” published on

The Sex Pistols were wrong – there is a future for England, it’s just a future without food.

So, apparently kids in parts of Old Blighty are going hungry. Even kids whose parents work are in trouble solely because the stupid little bastards were born to serfs who — despite spending 40+ hours in the field — don’t make enough money to support a family.

This sad but predictable situation has forced Save the Children to redirect some of its resources from feeding hungry Africans to feeding hungry British – the first time it has done so in its almost one hundred year history. While reasonable people are applauding this measure, others beg to differ and suggest instead some less orthodox solutions.

One such naysayer is Conservative MP Alistair Hurlington – Highbottom, known to his friends as Jumbo, who yesterday held a press conference in which he made his views known. As someone who finds himself in the possession of both a flying convertible – long story – and a fake but very convincing UK Press Card, I made sure I was there to take notes…

After squeezing his way into the conference room, waddling his way to the podium, and letting out a loud burp, Hurlington – Highbottom began…

“I know that we are all concerned about the plight of hungry children everywhere and naturally we want to do what we can to help. The answer, however, is not yet another handout. Why should the British public dole out money to some layabout and his litter just because he and the missus can’t be bothered to put down the cigarettes and beer and take up a second or third job? What utter extravagance! To waste good money on feeding children when there is a much easier and much more economic way to solve the problem.”

After pausing briefly to mop the sweat from his brow and brush the donut crumbs from his lapel, Hurlington – Highbottom continued…

“The fact is that everyone knows that hungry children are not Britain’s only problem. There are also large populations of feral pigeons all over the country, pooping on everyone and everything. I suggest that we solve two problems with one measure by passing legislation that will allow the poor to kill, cook, and eat these feral animals. I will even go so far as to say that the government should make available to the poor free cricket bats — though I think it only fair that the poor themselves provide the nails with which the bats need to be studded in order to be fully effective. Now, I know what you’re thinking. How the bloody hell do you kill pigeons with cricket bats?!?? The bloody things fly, don’t they ?!?! Well, what you do is make your way down to the town square and throw some gravel on the ground. The pigeons come down to check it out, and before the bastards can realize they’ve been duped, you thump them with the bat! Instantly you have a meal guaranteed to satisfy any child!”

At this point I felt compelled to interject…

“Er… what happens when the pigeons run out?”

“What in heaven’s name do you think feral foxes are for? Fine eating, I’m told! And you can make yourself a nice pair of boots too, thereby taking even more stress off the family budget! And let’s not forget the stray cats and dogs! These creatures are all great sources of high quality protein and other essential nutrients. And then there’s the Battersea Dogs Home and other animal shelters – those places are just full of animals looking for good homes, and they aren’t all going to find one, are they? Once those sources have been exhausted maybe we will be justified in giving these people money, but not till then. Why, I myself will pledge 50 p and a box of half-eaten donuts right here and now!”

At this point the press conference came to a sudden and unexpected end as a concrete-filled rubber chicken spun through the air and struck the MP on the head. His noggin not being as well padded as the rest of his frame, Hurlington – Highbottom went down like a case of sherry at a meeting of the House of Lords.

As the paramedics tended to what I fervently hope is a very serious concussion, I decided it was time to make a discreet exit. As I left the building I realized that an England full of starving children may not be the best place for a Pigman. I covered my head with my coat and sprinted for the parking lot.

Infertile Dwarves – Coming Soon To A Crib Near You

Infertile Dwarves – Coming Soon To A Crib Near You published on

Monsanto strikes again. After spending two years stuffing hamsters full of Monsanto GM soy, Russian eggheads have found that after a couple of generations the furry little bastards turn into runts who can’t breed! And that’s if they don’t die in infancy…

Another charming result of feeding the critters crap which amounts to little more than toxic waste is that instead of just being furry on the outside these hamsters get furry on the inside – of their mouths. Not ordinary fur either, but sharp, spiky, mucus-covered fur! And here is what is really scary – this is the same soy that gets put into processed foods in the USA! Christ, the corporate scum are slowly turning the real world into a bad science-fiction movie…


More here


Crap Musos Face Seven Years in Jail!

Crap Musos Face Seven Years in Jail! published on

And it isn’t even for their lack of musicianship. Check out this performance by Russian punkettes Pussy Riot in which the girls invade a church and put on a performance so atrocious it can only be compared to that time Madonna flashed one of her tits at what I can only assume was a deeply unappreciative audience.

For this bit of silliness three of the Sex Pistol wannabes – Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29 – have been charged with “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred or hostility,” and now face several years in a Russian jail. At the risk of being cynical I will take a wild guess and say that the real reason for such harshness is not “religious hatred” but rather the fact that during the church invasion they asked the virgin Mary to throw Putin out of office – as if the stupid bitch would be listening!


More here

And there is a petition at, and another at Amnesty International

Oh, and here is Madonna flashing one of her withered mammaries at the world. Note the horrified screams on the soundtrack….

The Wages of War…

The Wages of War… published on

… are rarely paid by the rich bastards who start the fucking things. Today, Australia pauses to “honor” those who have been blown to Kingdom Come with dawn ceremonies and trite phrases such as “Age shall not weary them.”

While I don’t doubt that most taking part are sincere in their tributes to the fallen, I also have no doubt that honoring those poor bastards is far from being the primary purpose of Anzac Day. Anzac Day is for the most part a propaganda tool used to convince young fools to fight today’s useless wars by glorifying those who fought yesterday’s useless wars. The truth is that, apart from the second world war and perhaps even the first, few of the wars fought by the men marching today were fought in the defense of this country.

And as bad as things were for those blokes, they are worse for those who fight today’s wars. No jack-booted, genocidal lunatics trying to take over the world this time — except for the ones in the Pentagon. You fall for the propaganda and sign up these days, you won’t be fighting against the modern equivalents of Hitler, you will be fighting for them. It is almost a given that any war you get sent into will be fought solely or primarily for the benefit of multinational corporations and/or the creation of a New American Century. It won’t be about protecting Australia, or even England, it will be about laying down your life for a bunch of psychopaths who won’t lose a minute of sleep slaughtering hundreds of thousands in order to fatten their wallets. But I guess there are worse things than dying for nothing, you could end up looking like these poor bastards– for nothing.