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Caught In A Bad Romance

Caught In A Bad Romance published on

After months of diligently ignoring this Lady Gaga person, I finally got down to listening to her stuff and have found her to be both a delightful discovery and a bit of a worry.

Her music, which she apparently writes herself, is catchy, addictive and just plain exciting, but that alas is where Gaga’s virtues end. This horse-faced bastard daughter of Marilyn Manson and Madonna Ciccone differs from other pop tarts only in that she has some serious songwriting ability, a head full of intellectual and artistic pretensions, and hasn’t yet put out a sex tape.

Not only are the former Stefani Germanotta’s videos replete with the bacchanalia so beloved of contemporary youth, but like so many of today’s empty headed young women, little Stefani insists on telling us what she thinks, and what she thinks is pretty much the dark crap one would except from a girl who spent her school years being the class weirdo.

From glamorizing dysfunctional relationships in “Bad Romance”, to excusing female sexual dishonesty in “Poker Face” ( a song apparently inspired by Gaga’s habit of fantasizing about women while getting it on with men ) to declaring career to be more important than relationships (which of course marks her as strong and independent rather than as “commitmentphobic”) to her promotion of the worst aspects of gay culture, in Lady Gaga we have the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the modern feminist woman: a delusional sense of self-importance that makes Ted Turner look like a shrinking violet; an obsession with sex that makes Wilt Chamberlain look like a eunuch; and a fixation on external appearance that makes Donatella Versace look like Mother Teresa.

And yes, contrary to her previous statements, Little Ms Empty Vessel now identifies herself as “a little bit of a feminist” and is starting to spout a lot of unsurprising rhetoric such as claims that the video for “Bad Romance” is about “how the entertainment industry can, in a metaphorical way, simulate human trafficking — products being sold, the woman perceived as a commodity,” and whining about women in the music industry not being allowed to sing about sex!

Then there’s her AIDS charity work which of course is all about the wiminz, her claims that her sexuality is commented on because she is a woman rather than because her ass is constantly in everyone’s faces, and her supposed bisexuality, something which could previously have been seen as catering to male fantasies but which now takes on the covert separatist message of “I don’t need men.” Before you know it, little Stefani will  be whining about the wage gap and opening a girls-only school in Africa!

So as Mamma Ciccone gets gnarlier and older and starts to stink up the castle, the Feminist Pop Icon crown seems about to be picked up by this little chippie, and the postmodern feminist blitherings will continue for at least another twenty years. Perhaps we’ll get lucky this time, maybe Gaga will live up to her name and go mad like Britney Spears or use her very real talent to become another Kate Bush or Patti Smith, but we all know where the smart money is and as usual it is not with the sane alternative.

No doubt there are people who will say this is all harmless, that Lady GaGa is being ironic and everyone knows it, or that pop culture doesn’t have that big an impact on kids anyway.

To the former I say that a bunch of adult music critics may see her shenanigans as irony, but that the average teenager consuming Gaga’s product can’t tell the difference between postmodern irony and warm apple pie, especially not when their hormones have just been kicked into hyper-drive.

To the latter I would say that the impact of popular culture on youth can’t be overstated. Here in Australia we have wiggers, but you know what we don’t have? We don’t have black Americans, just aboriginals and a few African immigrants. Yet we have thousands of kids in Sydney who act and talk like members of a subculture that they have only ever experienced through, you guessed it, the media.

The Jacques Derrida wannabes may be able to see different layers of meaning in GaGa’s lyrics and interviews, but the intellectuals of the world aren’t a bunch of teens looking to the media for their life’s philosophy. What the ordinary teenager sees and hears from Little Ms BlahBlah is simple – get laid, get famous, be superficial, and don’t worry about who you lie to or who you cheat on, it’s all good. And that’s a message that does nobody any favors, except maybe Lady GaGa and her bank account.

In case you have no idea who i’m talking about, here’s the video for Bad Romance. At the time of writing it has been viewed over 160 million times and that’s on YouTube alone – ignore her at your children’s peril.

Chaos Reigns

Chaos Reigns published on

Having previously been tortured by Lars Von Trier’s “Dogville” and “Dancer In The Dark”, I elected to see “Antichrist” only because of the evil woman theme. Let me make this clear – Lars Von Trier is a hack. He is an Ed Wood with pretensions to Ingmar Bergman’s throne, nothing more.

In “Antichrist” however, Von Trier’s dream-inspired and depression-driven script and cinematographer Anthony Mantle’s gorgeous and hallucinatory imagery make for one of the most remarkable horror movies of the last ten years, a slab of nightmarish atmosphere not easily forgotten.

The focus of this article however, is not on the artistic merits of the movie but rather on the way it was received. I must point out that this piece is being written for those who have already seen the film. If you have not yet seen it, please stop reading now as major spoilers are included. And if you are planning to see it, beware of the scene in which the female lead gives herself an impromptu clitorodectomy – there’s also a scene where the male lead’s penis gets hit with a huge piece of wood, but alas we’re all too inured to that by now.

(Those who haven’t seen the movie are probably asking themselves what’s up with the creepy fox and the title “Chaos Reigns.” The fox is one of the animal characters, and at one point he stops eating his own guts, looks up at the male lead and in a deep, distorted voice utters the words “Chaos Reigns!”. It’s that kind of movie.)

Most of the attention the film received focused on its transgressive aspects, aspects supposedly embodied in the scenes of genital violence. This however, is the mainstream media being disingenuous – while Antichrist is an extremely transgressive film, what makes it so are not the scenes of genital violence, but rather the representation of women as evil at a time in history when women are the only sacred cows left in Western society. I think it is clear that Antichrist is a statement about female evil, not merely about one evil female. This is shown not only in the female lead’s belief that the female sex is evil, but more importantly at the end of the movie, when the husband is passed by dozens of women apparently making their way to Eden, presumably to learn whatever dark lesson his wife learnt on her previous stay.

Imagine if you will a hypothetical version of this film in which all violent acts are retained but in which it is the male sex which is portrayed as evil. Would the outrage have been there? I doubt it. Most writers for the mainstream media already believe men are violent trash, so why would there be any great outcry that Von Trier was agreeing with them? What happened with Antichrist is that a mere man stepped outside the rules and made a movie portraying women as evil. Not a woman, as in Basic Instinct or Misery, but women as a group, and it is this forbidden act of rebellion which begat the outraged reaction to the film.

Do I agree that women are evil? No, but the way the message was received is a good illustration of the cultural rules as they stand – when it comes to women, we must hear no evil, see no evil, and above all, speak no evil.

Todd Goldman is a Maggot

Todd Goldman is a Maggot published on

I have written previously about the egregious piece of scum known as Todd Goldman, the worthless piece of filth who came up with the “Boys are stupid” products, but it seems his so-called cartoons are even worse than the ones cited in my previous piece.

Recently I bumped into a post at Men Are Angry Now which led me to Goldman’s site and several much more shocking examples of his inexplicable hatred for small male humans.

Doing a search for the term “boys” at Goldman’s David & Goliath site you get these results, all of them derogatory and many of them actually encouraging violence.

Amongst the simply derogatory ones are ….

But vilest are those which encourage violence, and yes that’s what they do, if not then let’s come up with female versions! If there’s no problem with all this then let’s put out shirts with slogans like “Girls Are Stupid – Run Them Over”.  Does anyone doubt that if someone  did this the ACLU, NOW, and President Useless would all be screaming blue murder before the shirts were even in the local Wal-Mart? No, me neither…

Okay, so Todd Goldman doesn’t like little boys. But maybe he just hates kids, so let’s see what we get when we do a search for the word “girls” on the David And Goliath site. What we get of course is mostly complimentary slogans, such as “Girls kick Balls” , “One Tough Cookie” and of course “Girls pass notes, boys pass gas” because we all know the female sex  is incapable of producing their own methane!

What Goldman does should be considered by any decent society a hate crime and a form of child abuse, and if he were doing it to the Important Sex he would be out of business by now. But as long as America can’t get enough of pissing on its boys and men, Goldman will continue to live up to his name and rake in the moolah, no matter how many young minds he damages.

So Goldman, you poor excuse for a human being,  please be so kind as to do the male sex a favor by being inside the next American skyscraper to be targeted  by some radical loons.

Big Fuss Over Local Bitch!

Big Fuss Over Local Bitch! published on

Sarbi the black Labrador, an Australian Special Forces doggy, went missing in Afghanistan more than a year ago during a furious firefight, and after what was no doubt an Annus Horribilis , she was found in Uruzgan by an American soldier, who promptly turned the lucky bitch over to the Aussies.

Sarbi went missing late last year after the convoy she was in became involved in a fierce firefight with the Taliban. Several attempts were made to find the missing pooch, none of them successful till a US soldier by the name of John bumped into her, tried some commands which no ordinary mutt would have been able to obey, and realized this was the missing Australian doggy he had heard about.

Sarbi will be brought back to Australia after some quarantine to make sure she hasn’t contracted any terrorist tendencies – let’s hope the story has as happy an ending for John and the other guys over there as it’s had for Sarbi.

Funny PS.

My Word spellchecker (the same one that doesn’t recognize misandrist as a real word) offers as the correct spelling of “bitchh”, and “bittch”, not the rather obvious “bitch”, but rather words such as “batch”, “birch” and “pitch” because as everyone knows, “birch” is a far more common word than “bitch”…. How’s that for an example of the insidious stealth of political correctness?

Apart from that, this story has nothing to do with men’s rights, but hey I like doggies so sue me.

Original report here.

One Hit Wonder Trashed At “The Village Voice”

One Hit Wonder Trashed At “The Village Voice” published on

You may recall Michael’s clash with a manhating scuzzbag by the name of Josh Olson (writer of A History of Violence) over my awarding Otep the Misandrist of The Month award. Anyone who has read Michael’s piece on his ad-hominem strewn comment knows that this is a man who is verbally abusive, intellectually dishonest, and above all self-loathing.

Well, the pasty faced geek has done it again, this time with a diatribe at “The Village Voice” aimed at his lessers, namely those who haven’t yet made it in Hollywood but who will probably be looking down the ladder and pissing on his head ten years from now. Not only does the article give further evidence of the kind of asshole who would defend a song such as Menocide, but it has led to a flurry of comments by his detractors, amongst them myself, at the Voice.

Interesting claims are made as to Olson’s behavior when not in cyberspace, including his treatment of women…

“n. now. here” claims…

“A few years ago Josh was dating a lovely girl who loved him very much. He asked her away on a weekend trip and she was so happy, he got the honeymoon suite, champagne and a very intimate love making session. After the love, she thought he was going to propose.
Oh no. He dumped her in a post coital embrace and made her get her own ride back to the city. Left her to her own devices and she never did anything wrong. No cheating or lying. He was just sick of her.Such a classy guy.Can’t expect too much from this Neanderthal-oafish-sweaty poor excuse for a man.”

If true, this is support for my theory that the most strident male supporters of feminist extremism are often men who are trying to make up for their bad treatment of women by taking it out on the rest of us.

Another admirer has this to offer…

Heli0tr0pe claims…

“Funny piece.

I must, however, relate the fact that Josh Olson used to date an acquaintance of mine about five years ago, and among our group of friends he was infamous as the most pompous, annoying, self-aggrandizing, self-centered asshole who ever lived. Whenever the guy was around, jaws would routinely drop at his utter loudmouthed obnoxiousness.
He has bad breath and horrible B.O. as well.
Oscar-nominated screenwriter? Yes. Complete fucking asshole? Most definitely!”

Oh dear, he must be quite a catch, what with his charm, his flabby body, his geeky glasses and his receding hairline – what a fine figure of a man he is. Look at him, ten years from now he will look like this dude, except with worse breath and less sex…

“Go with Him” claims…

“am I the only one who remembers Olson did a segment for Batman: Gotham Knight? His segment borrowed liberally (or stole) from a famous episode of Batman Animated. More complete theft than homage. Jeez Olson, bring your ego down a bit.”

No comment here as i have seen neither of these works, but i sure as hell wouldn’t put plagiarism beyond this guy.

Let’s take a quick look at the greatness, the cornucopia of benevolence and talent that is Josh Olson. Before getting lucky with A History of Violence – for those who don’t know, all he did was adapt a graphic novel to the screen, so none of it was his original work – Josh was a minor writer on discount bin fare such as “Instinct to Kill” and the director of garbage like “Infested”, which has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of , well nothing, because virtually nobody reviewed it. If these modest achievements have been responsible for fueling his assholiness to such a height, it’s a bloody good thing he isn’t one of the greats like William Goldman or he would probably be going around spitting on small children and kicking old ladies in the teeth – hell, he probably already does.