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Man-Hating Bitch Crawls into Doghouse

Man-Hating Bitch Crawls into Doghouse published on 3 Comments on Man-Hating Bitch Crawls into Doghouse

Sharon Osbourne, whose recent glee at a Californian man’s castration gave us all the shits, is “taking a break” from hanging with the other man haters at The Talk.

This hiatus could be due to the recent protests at her disgusting behavior over the Catherine Kieu matter, or it could be because she is an unpleasant person who is hated by many she works with – and there have been reports of tensions with the other The Talk women in the past.

Osbourne claims she is taking a rest so she can spend more time with her likable but apparently brain-dead husband Ozzy, and that she will eventually return to The Talk. But that may be a face-saving way of admitting that once again she has been an asshole and more trouble than she’s worth, so nobody wants her around any more.

While I would like to think that someone at CBS has given her the heave-ho over her hate speech, I don’t think that’s likely. The men’s movement doesn’t have that kind of power yet, and hatred of males  is so entrenched in western society that I doubt any of the men in power cared enough to have her fired. More probable is that Osbourne is simply the kind of woman who sooner or later gets everyone’s back up simply by virtue of being her odious herself. Whatever the true motive one thing is certain – television is now just a little less evil than before.

More here.

A Closer Look at the Scuzz from “The Talk”

A Closer Look at the Scuzz from “The Talk” published on

When women laugh their heads off at some poor guy having his penis hacked off, one immediately thinks, “What kind of women are these, and do they have any sons?” So I took a look at that old Wiki there, and here are some raw stats on these man-hating GynoBeasts…

Sara Gilbert was the closest thing to a decent human being on that panel, so I’ll be leaving her alone. I will just mention that she is a lesbian with one adopted son, and she is the creator of the show so if anyone has the power to do something about this it’s Gilbert – though I won’t be holding my breath. Gilbert is also a vegan, which makes her a rarity amongst lesbians.

First and foremost amongst these dirtbags we have Sharon Osbourne, a creature who needs no introduction. Osbourne has two sons, one biological and one adopted. One might wonder how she would explain her hateful behavior to the boys, but being raised by such a woman they probably won’t even bother to ask why their sex is treated as a walking punchline. As for poor old Ozzy’s ball and chain, I can only hope that her cancer comes back and that this time the Devil doesn’t do her any favors…

Leah Marie Remini has no sons, just a male dog that she married back in ’03. She is a scientologist though, so whenever she does something reprehensible she can always plead some sort of mental impairment.

Holly Robinson Peete has three sons. That’s three dicks just waiting to be hacked off by some psycho woman, at which point mommy can call her mates over and they can all have a good laugh at the bleeding stump.

And last but not least we have Julie Chen. Chen’s ass won’t be hit by the door anytime soon as she is married to Les Moonves, the big cheese at CBS. Since marrying Les, Chen has been stepmother to two boys and last year gave birth to her own baby boy, for whom she apparently cares little otherwise she would not be such a misandrist cow. Now here is the killing joke – Chen stole her husband from his previous wife, so I must ask her if stealing another woman’s husband means Chen “deserves” to have her cunt hacked out? If the answer is yes, just give me a call Julie – I’ll be round with a chainsaw quicker than you can say “man-hating, home-wrecking scumbag.”

No kidding please, we’re Australian…

No kidding please, we’re Australian… published on

Oh dear, the Land of Oz is turning into Old Blighty. As many already know, the UK has some ridiculously strict defamation laws, and if this recent case is anything to go by Australia is going down the same slippery slope.

A couple of years ago a well known comedian called Mick Molloy made a joke about some thin-skinned woman cheating on her husband. That’s all it was, a joke put out there by a man who nobody in their right mind takes seriously. Yet the woman,  failed Labor politician Nicole Cornes, has just won an $85,000 lawsuit against Molloy and the TV station that broadcast the alleged defamation.

What this means is that in Australia, unless you have a corporation backing you, you had better not say anything negative about anyone who can afford a good lawyer, no matter how obvious it would be to a reasonable person that you weren’t being serious. This seems to me bad news for Australian political bloggers as well as for the independent press, who would easily be ruined by such a settlement. It’s also bad news for the lower strata of society, since as we have seen time and again, the mainstream media cares little for anyone other than the rich, the powerful, and a few fashionable causes amongst which neither the poor nor homeless are to be found.

A caveat to American bloggers – an Australian called Joe Gutnick once successfully sued an American publication for defaming him, but he did so under the stricter Australian laws. You heard me. Gutnick sued a bunch of  Americans not under their country’s law, but under ours. Why did he succeed? Because the allegations may have been made by Americans writing in America, but they did so on a website, which means he was being defamed in Australia whenever someone viewed the offending site. At least that was the excuse. And Gutnick’s target  wasn’t some small fish either, it was Dow Jones, so keep in mind that you are less liable to our fascist laws, but by no means immune.

Article here.

Crazy Slut Named Most Influential Weirdo

Crazy Slut Named Most Influential Weirdo published on

The US continues its descent into madness with the shock announcement that the ironically yet aptly named (think about it) Lady Gaga has become the world’s most powerful celebrity!

According to Forbes, little Stefani Germanotta is now the idiot most often listened to by all the other idiots. In a display of the American woman’s complete and utter oppression, the current idiot attained her position by knocking another bewombed moron – queen of daytime blither Oprah Winfrey – out of the top spot.

Given that Gaga’s case of feminist rabies has yet to progress to the point where she becomes totally and irredeemably loathsome this may be good news for men, if only in the short term. We must remember that Gaga is only 25 years old and that feminists are like buckets of horse urine left standing in the sun – the older they get the worse they smell.

More here.


Inside published on

Western culture has an unfortunate tendency to over-represent male evil while under-representing its  female equivalent, and being a horror fan i notice this a lot in said genre.

The best example I can think of is that despite 18-33% of America’s serial killers being women, no iconic female serial killer has emerged in the genre. Males we’ve got, whether reality based ones like Hannibal Lecter and Leather-face, or fantasy based ones like Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, Pinhead etc.

The one exception to this man-hating Western habit of sweeping female  darkness under the rug  seems to be, curiously enough, the  French. Apparently many French film makers are aware that “La Difference” isn’t quite as rose colored as the feminists would like the world to believe, and they aren’t shy about letting us know it.

From the adulterous wife in the drama “Unne Femme Francaise” to the cabal of liars, adulterers and murderers  in the musical comedy “8 Women”, contemporary French cinema showcases a refreshing amount of unpleasant women, and the horror genre is no exception.

From “High Tension” to “Martyrs”, the French GynoBeast gets to see far more daylight than her Anglo sisters, and the Crème De La Crème (sorry) of all French “Evil Woman” movies is without a doubt Julien Maury  and Alexandre Bustillo’s unforgettable debut feature “Inside”.

This blood-splattered, gut-strewn horrorfest stars Beatrice Dalle (of Betty Blue) as a mysterious creature referred to only as “The Woman”, a GynoBeast who is mad as a weasel, scary as hell, and who makes The Terminator look like the the Easter Bunny. The Gallic psycho-woman decides that she wants another woman’s unborn child and as we all know there is only one way to get that, and by the time “The Woman” carries out the DIY C-section she’s slaughtered over half a dozen people and left the house looking like it’s been decorated by Jeffrey Dahmer.

The plot is simple – evil woman is in the house trying to get to pregnant woman, other characters drop in and are soon swimming in blood. But plot is not what “Inside” is about. “Inside” is about high-impact horror, it’s about finding yourself trapped inside a phone booth with everything that is dark and deadly in women and realizing that nothing short of a rocket launcher is going to stop her from splattering your innards all over the stairs.

If you want an antidote to the usual  “Evil Male” movies check out this rare garlicky treat, but only if you  have the stomach of a cast iron elephant – you have been warned.

Trailer here