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Where’s the White Luke Cage, motherfuckers?

Where’s the White Luke Cage, motherfuckers? published on

So Captain America is now a Black guy. Have any Black characters been rebooted as White guys? Is Luke Cage now a poor cracker from the trailer park instead of a poor brother from the ‘hood? No, not to my knowledge. So what’s with all this crap? Why does the race-flipping almost always go in one direction?

Is it because the Establishment media is trying to break down the barriers between the races? No, it isn’t. Were that the case, you would have Black characters going albino all over the place, but you don’t. Is it because the Establishment ( which is run almost completely by White motherfuckers ) is concerned about Black actors not having enough iconic characters to play? Again no, because even if the race-flipping went both ways it would still benefit Blacks far more than Whites. For every Luke Cage played by a White man there would be literally dozens of Captain Americas played by Black men.

So what is going on? Well, in my view this is simply part of the psychological war that the Establishment has been waging against White people for the last twenty to thirty years. The same people who over-represent White crime while under-representing Black crime (in real life Black Americans commit about half the murders. Is that the picture you get watching things like Law and Order?) and acting as if things like slavery and empire are uniquely White evils have decided to deliver the message that, because we are an inferior race, White people will no longer have their own cultural properties. From now on there will be two sets of cultural properties in America — those owned by Blacks and Whites and those owned only by Blacks. Black people get Luke Cage all to themselves but White folks, being lesser than Black folks, have to share the Captain Americas with the Black folks. The message sent is a simple one, but also a powerful one and the people doing this know it. Imagine if there were a huge shift in Establishment popular culture and suddenly Blacks aren’t allowed to play White characters, but Whites are playing Luke Cage, Shaft, and the Black Panther! Sure enough, the pseudo-lefties supporting the current state of affairs would be making the same argument i am making — and they would be right to do so.

This view invites the rather obvious question of “why would a White Establishment be beating up on White folks?!?!?” Well, the answer is mostly a matter of numbers — White folks are simply the majority of people in America, so they pose a greater threat to the Establishment than the Black people do — i give you as exhibit A the January 6 protest/riot — and therefore they have to be kept down. The other factor is that while angry Black people fight the power by burning down working class neighborhoods, White people fight the power by storming the capitol! The way the Establishment sees it, if they convince Whitey that he is shit, Whitey will stop taking his anger out on them and re-direct it towards his own community — just like Blacks do.