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“No Tits, Please, we’re Swedish!”

“No Tits, Please, we’re Swedish!” published on

In an attempt to debunk the widespread notion that Sweden has  become an international joke, some rabid feminist weasel called Susanne Eberstein has decided that a rather fine painting depicting a slightly naked woman must be removed from the Swedish Parliament’s dining room!

G.E Schroder’s “Juno” has apparently offended the grotty-looking Eberstein by emphasizing how grossly unattractive she is. Face it – if you looked like this woman does you wouldn’t want to be standing underneath a painting of some luscious, creamy, female concoction would you? Like standing Rodney Dangerfield next to a painting of a bare-chested Brad Pitt — most unkind. Not to mention smelly, given how long old Rodders has been dead. And yet, I suspect Rodders smells sweeter than Eberstein does, at least on the figurative level.

At first, in their typically gynocentric fashion, the Swedish authorities made excuses for the aesthetically inferior by claiming that it was simply time for a new painting to take its place on the wall, but eventually the feminist in question, who is also – no doubt through some sort of affirmative action –  the deputy speaker of the parliament, made it clear that there was a more obvious reason for this act of censorship…

“I think it is more a feminist issue. It’s tiresome (looking at) a bare-breasted woman when I sit at public dinners with foreign guests. I think it feels a little hard to sit there with men who look at us women,” blithered Social Democrat Eberstein, while salivating her way through the latest issue of Hustler’s “Hot, Hung, and Young!”

The thing that amazes me about this line of thinking is that she would be under the impression that any man, either than one with severe macular degeneration, would be prompted by this…

…to think of this…

I’ve got news for you, my gorgon-headed friend, to most men you and this woman come from different planets. She comes from the planet Venus, and you come from the Planet Of The Sadly Deluded Middle-Aged Women.

Typical Swedish silliness here.


Feminist Hyena Julia Gillard Finally Gets It In The Neck

Feminist Hyena Julia Gillard Finally Gets It In The Neck published on 2 Comments on Feminist Hyena Julia Gillard Finally Gets It In The Neck

So the men in the Labor party have finally grown some guts and thrown out Julia Gillard in favor of Kevin Rudd, the only person who stands a chance of turning an electoral apocalypse into a mere disaster. This happy event is not only good news for the lower classes of Australia in that it may spare them several years of right wing evil, it also marks the end of the Prime Ministership of a woman who will go down in history as a national disgrace.

A weakling obviously not meant for the barbaric Battle Royale that is Australian politics, Gillard’s first shameful act was to get into parliament on a women’s only seat. No slugging it out with several blokes for Gillard — oh no, being a strong and independent woman ( in the feminist meaning of those terms ) Gillard made sure all men in the Labor party were banned from competing for the seat of Lalor simply by virtue of belonging to the wrong sex. This left Gillard with only one opponent vying for the safe Labor seat, and she was such a nobody that she has not been heard from again. Not happy with stealing a seat in parliament, Gillard then proceeded to knife in the back Kevin Rudd, a man who had led Labor back in from the wilderness after a decade of conservative rule and who, while having his own flaws, is without doubt a more decent human being than the Crimson Hyena who took his job.

And who can forget the world-famous speech on misogyny? While many took this to be some sort of victory for Gillard and women everywhere, those of us with something other than porridge for brains saw it for the pack of lies that it was. Gillard, of course, knew she was lying, which is why she made the scurrilous accusations in Parliament where she was protected from a defamation lawsuit by parliamentary privilege. Nothing she gave as so-called evidence was pertinent to misogyny, and even though some of Abbott’s statements could be seen as sexist, they were certainly not in the same league as making sure members of the opposite sex can’t run for a certain seat! Not only was the famous speech a bucket of donkey spit, it was also a massive act of hatred against all men as by broadening the definition of misogyny Gillard made sure that any man who criticizes any woman ( or, indeed, any man who stands there while some other bloke holds up a sign insulting one woman) is in danger of being branded a hatemonger who would like to see half the world stuffed into a potato sack and dumped at sea.

And let’s not forget the hypocrisy of Gillard spewing a load of garbage about “misogyny” on the same day that she threw over 80 thousand single parents ( most of them women, of course ) from the single parent payment onto the paltry dole. This showed that, as is typical of powerful feminists, Gillard’s feminism is primarily about one woman, and even someone with the intellect of a wallaby with a bad case of alcohol poisoning can figure out who that woman is. As if this bit of hypocrisy wasn’t horrific enough, a week later Gillard was smiling and prancing around Afghanistan –  a truly misogynist society that jails women for being raped! Not for false accusations mind you, but in cases where the man is actually found guilty! (The reasoning is apparently that even though it was against her will the victim has nevertheless committed adultery and must therefore be punished!) Why no misogyny speeches from this Leviathan of Bullshit while in a land where the definition of a woman is roughly the same as that of a slave or a pile of dog droppings? Because deep down women don’t matter to Gillard, though she will pretend other wise when it gets her some brownie points with the she-jackals who run Jezebel.

Then there is the way she pretended that comments about her ass were the result of misogyny rather than what they actually were – namely people hassling the prime minister through whatever means they thought would draw blood. John Howard spent ten years being called short. If a couple of years of lardass jokes add up to misogyny, then what does a decade of mocking a man for his height add up to? And keep in mind, though Howard may not have been weak enough to whine about it on YouTube, men are at least as sensitive about being short as women are about having big asses – quite a few guys have a thing for big-arsed women, I have yet to meet a woman who has a thing for short-arsed men. But by labeling criticisms of female politicians misogyny, you make it harder to criticize female dirtbags than male dirtbags, giving women even more of that thing so beloved of Gillard and The Sisterhood – unfair advantage.

But perhaps the greatest of all Gillard’s sins was her refusal to step down even  after it became clear that not doing so would to lead to a political Armageddon that would destroy her party and deliver the Australian people into the hands of a government to whom Margaret Thatcher is little less than a saint. Too selfish and too weak to do the right thing, Gillard held on to office and to lies about the misogyny of her opponents till the bitter end. Not to do so would have been an admission that the affirmative action policies of Labor have failed, and while she may be willing to see her tenure go down in history as an utter debacle, she does not have the strength, the courage, nor the moral fiber to admit that she was simply not of a high enough character to take the country’s reins. No, she was willing to  allow the ship to sink into the icy depths, carrying with it millions of workers and welfare recipients, just as long as she didn’t have to admit to subscribing to a faulty ideology –  and for that act of class treachery, above all things, she deserves to rot.

So here’s to you, Julia Gillard, you worthless waste of molecules, you embarrassment to one of the finest countries in the world — get stuffed, and for fuck’s sake, don’t come back.



Lee Rigby Was No Hero

Lee Rigby Was No Hero published on 4 Comments on Lee Rigby Was No Hero

Not being Germaine Greer I am not keen on pissing on corpses while they are still warm(do a search for Germaine Greer + Steve Irwin + Diana Spencer if you don’t get that reference), but by now Rigby is about as cold as he’s gonna get so here is the news – the real news, not the BS propaganda being spouted by every MSM outlet including the supposedly left wing ones.

The British and other coalition armies are merely mercenaries working for the Amerikans as they try to expand their empire. That’s right, our armies are the villains now, not the heroes. They are not working to stop some genocidal, one-nutted maniac from taking over the world, they are working to help his modern equivalents achieve the same end. Under these circumstances it is sheer delusion to think of Lee Rigby as some sort of innocent victim. He was a willing member of an invasion force that killed thousands of civilians who were just sitting there mining their own business. Whether he killed anyone with his own hands is neither here nor there – at the very least, as a member of the Fire Support Group Division,he provided material support to those doing the killing.

Fact is, we are the villains in this war, hence Lee Rigby was a villain in this war. Westerners lamenting his passing is like the Germans lamenting the passing of one of their soldiers during WWII. Most Germans didn’t have the sense to realize they were the villains in WWII and most Brits, Yanks and Australians don’t seem to have the sense to realize who is wearing the black hats this time round. Look at it this way. Imagine that some group is receiving support from the UK government. Imagine that this group blows up some buildings in, for example, Russia. Imagine that the Russian government retaliates with an invasion that kills not just members of the UK government and the group it is harboring but also thousands of the country’s civilians. Meanwhile, Messrs Smith and Jones, who work for some UK company in Moscow, decide that the way to get back at the Russians is to find a Russian soldier – let’s call him Ivan – who was part of the invasion force and to kill him in a public and gruesome manner while shouting “God save the Queen.” Now, if Rigby’s supporters can tell me that “Ivan” was a hero and that Smith and Jones are scumbags, they can feel free to do the same with Rigby and his killers. If they can’t tell me that, then they should shut the fuck up, think about what is really going on, and then stop giving moral aid to the 21st century’s equivalent of the Nazi war machine.