Posts categoriezed as Politics
The Great Replacement IS Real…but not about race…
Mother Jones is now banning folks who mock Antifa.
Like most decent folks, i was disgusted by the Antifa attack on Andy Ngo. I’m sure there are many things i disagree with him on, but that doesn’t mean some thugs get to beat him up just for being right wing. And don’t get me started on Antifa itself. If these guys really ARE left wing, they are the most stupid bunch of leftists to ever come out of Satan’s asshole. All they are doing is giving the rest of us a bad name while distracting everyone from class issues.
But anyway, i went to a Mother Jones post that used the apparently fake cement milkshake story to distract us from the not-at-all-fake attack on a small Asian homosexual, and proceeded to make fun of their beloved thugs in black. First, they removed the comments below…

And then when i tried to post another comment, i got this…

So there you have it, boys and girls, Mother Jones is on the side of the vile, violent, cowardly scum of Antifa. No other way to explain it, far as i can see.
The Plutocratic Left Can Kiss My Curvy Ass
I Am Not Tommy Robinson — But I Probably WILL Be!
Dear Pinheaded Liberals,
Going out on a limb, i am assuming that most of you are not evil, just really, really stupid. I am assuming that most of you dogfaces — unlike your filthy, lying Top Brass — actually care about things like freedom, equality, and so on. I am assuming that, unlike the elites you seem to love so much, you actually give a toss about the poor, the homeless, and all those A-rabs rendered lifeless by neo-con scum like W and O. This, i realize, may be a basket of unwarranted assumptions, but in dark times one has to try to look on the bright side.
So, going on the assumption that most of you are actually well-meaning fools as opposed to ill-meaning psychopaths, imagine this. Ten years from now, a certain liberal figure ( let’s call him Mr. Knucklehead Pastrami ) attends a protest against capitalist evil. Mr. Pastrami does nothing wrong, but somehow ends up arrested and charged with trying to start a riot, or littering, or spitting on the sidewalk, or wearing an unfashionable hat – whatever bullshit excuse they can find for charging him with, in essence, being anti-establishment.
How will you react to this news? You won’t. You won’t because you won’t know that it has happened. You won’t know because the State will have placed a gag order on the media. Sure, a few rebellious corners of the internet will risk arrest by mentioning it, but you, being liberals not Leftists, most likely are not frequenting those tiny, obscure websites. But, hey, who knows? Some of the major “liberal” sites like CNN might get a few stories out before the gag is put in place, right? Sure, they might – but they won’t be keeping them up once the gag is in place. Fearing prosecution and a cell next to poor old Knucklehead’s, they will simply pull those stories down and replace them with the much dreaded “404 – Freedom not found.”
As a result, all that you will know is that Mr. Pastrami has become mysteriously silent, and after a few months, distracted by the “radical, awesome and transformative” political proclamations being Tweeted by Hollywood’s phony Leftists, you will forget that poor old Knucklehead even existed. More importantly, you will soon forget all that liberal claptrap he used to spew…
This, my post-modern liberal friends, is the future that you are building when you fail to speak out against the gag order currently in place against any British reporting on the recent arrest and jailing of Far Right agitator Tommy Robinson. For now, at least, reporting will be allowed after the trial Robinson was reporting on is over, but with any luck – and you can bet this is what the bastards are counting on – by then everyone will have forgotten about Mr. Robinson and the fact that the press were gagged for weeks, even months. And that’s just the state of things as they stand. It is quite possible that we will soon see permanent gag orders placed on the arrest and jailing of political figures. Note that my concern lies mostly with the gag order. Perhaps Robinson’s arrest was justified, perhaps not. What matters here is that the British people are being kept in the dark regarding his arrest and imprisonment. And while for now it is a British problem, you are fools if you think it can’t happen in the U.S. and Europe. Even in countries where the law does not currently allow it, all that’s needed is a few changes in said law. Not hard to do in the U.S, for example, if Fox backs it for “national security reasons” and CNN backs it for the sake of “protecting minorities.”
As expected, pretty much the only people making noise about this atrocious development are the right wingers, proving once again that some sort of IQ exchange has taken place over the last few years and that it is now the right wing of politics that is not quite as dumb as a pile of bricks. Amongst the many things you liberals and pseudo-leftists have forgotten is that there is a thing called precedent. Not the legal kind, but the far more dangerous psychological kind. Once the folks have gotten accustomed to seeing such gags in place, they will be used more and more often to stop the public knowing what is happening to various enemies of the state until it is too late to do anything about it.
The other thing you latte-sipping, kale-munching types are ignoring is that an establishment run by a bunch of lily white Anglicans is highly unlikely to have any genuine concern for a bunch of brown Muslims. Hell, Britain’s establishment figures don’t even care about their fellow white Anglicans, much less about a bunch of Mohammads! But, thanks to your stupidity, they get away with pretending to care so they have your support while they manipulate you into a position somewhere between utter silence and a cold prison cell. Listen up, boys and girls – this is a key point. Make no mistake, this is ultimately NOT about silencing the right wing, it is about silencing ALL dissent, especially liberal or Leftist dissenters that dare to go outside the confines of the establishment’s beloved Identity Politics. Today it is Robinson getting the blackout treatment for opposing Islamic radicalism, tomorrow it will be YOU for daring to complain about the disappearing jobs, or cuts in welfare payments, or lack of low cost housing, or yet another mass slaughter of unsuspecting Tabouli-munchers. Your leaders will remain safe as they are about as truly liberal as a gang of Wall St bankers, and care about the poor even less than you care about the cockroaches living under your fridge. This is about YOU. This is about silencing your voices. This is about consigning your concerns to the dumpster of history. This is about making your future an authoritarian, neo-feudal hell. Hence it is incumbent on you to get off your well-fed asses and speak up about what is being done to Tommy Robinson – because tomorrow, you will be Tommy Robinson.
Here is the gag order – feel free to print it out and wipe your ass with it…
Stephen Yaksface-Lennon is Robinson’s real name, but you probably already know that.