Posts categoriezed as Politics
White Cliffs Of Dover To Be Dyed Black!
Joe Biden — First Term Plans
This is going to be a bit of a wild rant, but i have to get it out or i will explode and then there will be bacon and pig gizzards all over the studio and nobody wants that.
BLM and ANTIFA are NOT fucking revolutionaries! Revolution is the weak attacking the strong, not the weak attacking each other. At no point did Karl Marx write, “Workers of the world, burn down your own neighborhoods.” At no point did the angry Frogs decapitate one another while refusing to storm the palace at Versailles. At no point did the Bolsheviks burn down ordinary people’s hovels while leaving the aristocracy to sleep safely in their palaces. At no point did the American Revolutionaries shoot their own people while leaving Georgie’s boys to enjoy their tea and scones in peace.
When the lower classes attack other members of the lower classes, that is not called revolution — it is called thuggery. And if your thuggery gets you a bullet in the head, you have nobody to blame but yourself. If your revolution is the real deal, you burn down Wall Street, not Main St. You kill Jeff Bezos, not some poor schmuck minding his own business. You drop a firebomb on Beverly Hills, you don’t set fire to some homeless man’s mattress. Until BLM and Antifa start targeting the plutocrats rather than the peasants they are nothing but utter scum doing the devil’s work and whatever they get from pissed off, trigger-happy Right Wingers, they have coming. Well, the violent ones do. We must be careful to remember that even with BLM and Antifa, there are some “very fine people” in there. But the ones being violent towards their fellow peasants? Fuck ‘em.
And then there’s the funding received by BLM. How the FUCK can anyone look at that and see revolution? Did the Czar hand the Bolsheviks hundreds of millions of dollars or whatever the fuck they had back then? Did King George finance the American Revolution? Did Marie Antoinette offer the peasants gold and diamonds instead of cake? No. You know why? BECAUSE THE PEOPLE BEING REBELLED AGAINST DON’T FINANCE THE PEOPLE TRYING TO OVERTHROW THEM! Yet this is what is happening with BLM. Corporations are not only publicly supporting it, but throwing money at BLM! Literally hundreds of millions of dollars from trash like the Ford Foundation! So no, neither of these groups are
revolutionaries. What they are is soldiers of the plutocracy stoking hatred and division amongst the lower classes in order to stop us from stocking up on guillotines. In order to make the poor blacks blame the poor whites and vice versa rather than getting together to put the plutocrats six feet under. In order to protect the corporations throwing millions of blood stained dollars at them. This is fact. This is truth. And until the woke mob truly wakes up, all things will do is get steadily worse.
Rant over.
Ryan Whitaker Was White, So No Protests For Him
Not much MSM coverage, either. And while George Floyd’s murder was clearly unjust, at least Whitaker wasn’t even resisting arrest. In fact, he was in the act of putting his gun down when one of the pigs shot him in the back, fatally wounding him. Then both pigs stood around doing nothing as he lay dying. And why did he have a gun with him? Because the pigs knocked on his door and then stood off to the side so that he didn’t know who was out there. And in today’s world, you never know, it could be a psycho. Or a cop. Not much difference these days. But you see, Ryan was just a white man so society isn’t going to care any more than they cared when Daniel Shaver was murdered. Strange, given that America is run by whites. It’s almost as if the rich whites are privileging black lives over white lives to get Whitey feeling resentful towards Blacky…
Ryan Whitaker: Arizona Man Shot & Killed By Police After Noise Complaint