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The Great Reset Is About To Shit On Your Face!

The Great Reset Is About To Shit On Your Face! published on

Eeeeew! Even i thought twice about using that title! But it is what it is. Anyway, by now most politically active folks have heard of The Great Reset. For those who haven’t, it’s a massive corporate power grab that makes the TPP look downright angelic. It’s a bone-smashing machine of class warfare about to be set loose by this thing called the World Economic Forum, run by a German called Klaus Schwab…

Whoops, sorry, that’s a Bond villain. Below is the real Klaus Schwab…

This warmed-over Blofeld talks a lot of pretty crap about wanting to reform capitalism so that it is fairer to everyone. Sounds good to me, and to any decent person. Problem is, it’s almost a certainty that what Klaus and the WEF are really going to do is make capitalism even more profitable for the rich and even less so for the rest of us. The first piece of evidence i saw for this is a WEF video in which some guy is portrayed as owning nothing and loving it…

Right wing liars like Sargon are, of course, claiming that this means the WEF are a bunch of commies, which for most of the Right is basically just a way of saying they lie slightly to the left of Benito Mussolini. Heh…heh… Actually, the real problem here is that these right wing clowns are actually benefiting the WEF by misidentifying the enemy as the commies instead of the Plutocracy. As i like to put it, if you’ve been bitten by a rattlesnake you don’t tell the doctors trying to solve your problems that you’ve been bitten by a black widow! But the Loony Right don’t care, what matters is vilifying the Left, even when the Left have nothing to do with the problem.

But back to the video. Look at the words carefully. The guy doesn’t “say” he owns nothing and everything – as would be the case in communism – but ONLY that he owns nothing. The article (note the disclaimer inserted after she realized she had said too much!) upon which the video is based also mentions that “everything you considered a product, has now become a service.” So that’s why the poor schmuck in the video owns nothing, because he rents it when he needs it. In other words, our corporate overlords are trying to set up a world in which we the people own nothing and in which all private property is in THEIR hands! Personally, i saw this one coming a few years ago when i found out you can no longer buy Photoshop, you can only rent access to an online version. What i didn’t see coming was the Chinese Virus and the way it’s being used to accelerate us into this nightmarish neo-feudal dystopia.

But the main thing supporting the idea that this is a truly evil project is who makes up the WEF. One could suppose that there are a few well-meaning corporations out there that may actually want to make things better for the peasants. Problem is, there can’t be many of them and certainly not a thousand. Because that’s what the WEF is made up of, about one thousand massive corporations that pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for an annual membership. So it’s not exactly the kind of thing that your neighbor’s little LLC can join. It’s for the big boys, and the minnows can fuck off. And then one looks up the list of companies involved. The WEF, in its impunity and arrogance, kindly provide a big list on their own website.

So i decided to look up the obvious villains and sure enough, virtually every evil fucking corporation i can think of is on their list. It’s like a club for psychopaths in there! Funnily enough, the only notorious corporate villain not present seems to be Rupert Murdoch. Somehow, they put together a team of super villains and they forgot about Thanos!

But all the other greedy, narcissistic dirtbags that we all know and loathe so well are in there. All the control freak tech giants are in there, including the ones who helped to bring down Trump with their constant censorship and lies…

So it won’t be long before anyone searching the web for the details of this evil plan will be met by a puzzling paucity of articles critical of The Great Reset.

Some mainstream media companies are in there as well, so don’t expect to see much criticims of the WEF on the MSM…

Massive fossil fuel companies and notorious polluters are also part of the club. That’s right, BP and Shell want YOU to stop using their products! LOL!

And this one really surprised me. You would think that for the sake of appearances a bunch claiming they want a better world would leave out the world’s two biggest arms manufacturers, but nope. That impunity again.

So there’s all the evidence we need. Would The Joker team up with Lex Luthor to make the world a better place? No, and neither would Lockheed Martin team up with British Petroleum to turn the world into some sort of pastel-colored Utopia filled with puppies and kittens and cute cartoon ponies singing funny songs about happiness and rainbows!

Proud Democrat Takes A Dump On The Poor

Proud Democrat Takes A Dump On The Poor published on

This is why the lower classes hate the Democrats. Check out this Twitter turd’s sidebar. All the usual IdPol crap. But the poor? Fuck ’em. The gays, the blacks, they matter but the poor are there to be crapped on, to be mocked, to be derided for clinging onto the tiny sliver of hope offered by the Trump administration. This is what Democrats are now, and have been for at least twenty years, since they realized it’s cheaper to keep the lower classes under control by psychologically attacking them rather than by raising wages and welfare.

For most of those twenty years the attacks have been veiled as attacks on whites and males since, when you throw in the white females and the colored males, that’s the majority of the poor right there. But since Trump and Brexit they have become increasingly open in their class hatred, and this is what you get. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if in ten years these scum were openly calling for the culling — or at least the sterilization — of the lower classes. So fuck you, James, i hope you get an exotic strain of the Chinese Virus and die coughing your lungs out.

The Great Replacement IS Real!

The Great Replacement IS Real! published on

The Great Replacement IS real, but it’s not about race, it’s about ideology. The Western Plutocrats have had enough of liberals messing with them so they are replacing us with illiberal people from the Third World. THIS is why multiculturalism is the norm — there’s no point in replacing a bunch of white liberals with brown and black liberals. And keep in mind, by WORLD standards Western conservatives are liberals too! We are ALL in the Plutocracy’s crosshairs.

Jill Biden Is Literally A Retard

Jill Biden Is Literally A Retard published on

At least Joe waited till he was almost 80 before letting his brain turn to mush! His wife has no such excuse as she was only in her fifties when she wrote a desecration…er…i mean a dissertation… that somehow got her a doctorate in edumuhcation from the University of Delaware — despite the fact that it’s full of badly written, and even illogical, claptrap. It’s like an Alice In Wonderland version of a dissertation, written by a Down Syndrome person on a bad LSD trip!

Here we go, down the rabbit hole that is Jill Biden’s mind…

“The needs of the student population are often undeserved, resulting in a student drop-out rate of almost one third.”

You hear that, kiddies? Your needs are undeserved, you undeserving bastards. Other typos follow…

”When asked to read out loud, many refuse or stumble over work pronunciation.”

“He makes taking the test and option for students wishing…”

Jill’s not too good at capitalization, either. And this one can’t be blamed on bad typing, it’s just plain stupidity…

“Could I ask, How did you increase your numbers?”

“He Sporadically visited The Writing Center.”

But just in case we feel inclined to forgive what may simply be bad typing skills and occasional ignorance, the good doctor very quickly lets us know that, yep, she’s a genuine dumb-ass…

” Three quarters of the class will be Caucasian; one quarter of the class will be African American; one seat will hold a Latino; and the remaining seats will be filled with students of Asian descent or non-resident aliens.”

That’s right, folks! “Doctor” Biden lives in an alternate reality where something can consist of MORE than four quarters!

She also has a strange – and exhausting – idea of how long a study week should be…

”Many faculty offer good, workable suggestions that the administration may want to consider in future planning: a reading specialist, an eight week study week…”

She’s also rather lacking when it comes wording things. I’m sure there’s a technical term for “wording things,” but i don’t know it and i suspect that neither does she…

“Students need to feel that Delaware Tech exists and revolves around them…”

I have to agree with that one – it would, no doubt, be distressing to be studying at a school that does not actually exist.

“This lack of how to study and organize hinders…”

Well, I’M no doctor, but i think that the educated way of saying that would be more like “This lack of study and organizational skills hinders…”

Now, WHY would anyone one assessing this crap at the University of Delaware decide that she deserves a “doctorate”? Because she didn’t get the thing decades ago when she was a young nobody, she got it AFTER she married a famous politician. A politician who himself went to… the University of Delaware! That’s why a bunch of liars signed off on this thing, declaring that “it meets the academic and professional standards required by the University as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Education.” LOL! I’ll bet they are all registered Democrats, as well! The fact is, Jill Biden is an idiot, a clown, a retard, and a dunderhead who makes her husband look like Stephen Hawking with a hair-sniffing fetish. Biden simply doesn’t deserve her doctorate. In fact, you might say she undeserves it. Heh, heh…

Full document here. Oh, and all the quotes above are from just the first half! I am told that there are also some hilarious math mistakes in there, but since i’ve always sucked at math i’m not qualified to comment on those. But hey, at least I know how many quarters there are in a whole!

Mystery person suspended from Twitter for, well, nothing really…

Mystery person suspended from Twitter for, well, nothing really… published on

It’s almost as if Twitter is moderated by SJW psychos who don’t like people spreading truth. OR by racist psychos who don’t like white people telling black people where their real problems are as that would, you know, lead to less dead black people. Things are so crazy now, that it may very well be a combination of the two!