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This Aint No Upwardly Mobile Freeway…

This Aint No Upwardly Mobile Freeway… published on

From Chris Rea, here is “The Road to Hell,” a prophetic song about where we were headed in 1989 and where we are now. Like the man says, “You must learn this lesson fast, and learn it well.” Apparently we didn’t.

This is the extra-creepy version, with his old mom (so old she’s dead) giving him some advice from beyond the grave. This preamble to the actual music is a bit dull, but it does make the meaning of the song clearer.


Dumbass woman can’t tell Queen from Gordon Brown

Dumbass woman can’t tell Queen from Gordon Brown published on 1 Comment on Dumbass woman can’t tell Queen from Gordon Brown

She may have left the political arena, but Sarah Palin’s stupidity is still loose in the world, continuing to build a legend that will ultimately make Dan Quayle look like a great choice for VP. Today we learnt that the poster child for Republican affirmative action was under the impression that decisions regarding the UK’s involvement in “Operation Blood for Oil” were being made not by PM Gordon Brown but by the Queen!

The woman who can’t tell east from west and who was under the impression that the US was an ally of North Korea, was also convinced that Saddam Hussein was the one who ordered the September 11 attacks, and that gay marriage should stay illegal lest the Easter Bunny get hitched to the Trix rabbit!

Apparently once the depth and breadth of Palin’s idiocy became known, the elephant brigade went into action, trying to cram as much knowledge as possible into what can best be described as a brain the size of a thimble, and even though Mama Dumbass was initially a willing pupil, she eventually went into what her tutors referred to as “a catatonic stupor,” a change which was confirmed only when experts from Bellevue were called in!

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“With religions, corporations, proud of blood they’ve shed…”

“With religions, corporations, proud of blood they’ve shed…” published on

From little-known Australian band MaxQ, here we have 1989’s Way of the World, a prescient little ditty about the way we all get screwed over by the psychopaths in charge of this ball of mud. I loved this song when it came out, and the more politically aware I’ve become the more pertinent it seems than back in ’89, a time when most people saw all this talk of evil corporations as the ramblings of a demented hippie.

MaxQ was a short lived group headed by Ollie Olsen and Michael Hutchence of INXS, and even though the single was a minor hit the album tanked and hasn’t been re-released since. So if you like it, get it on YouTube cos the CD is an expensive rarity and iTunes doesn’t seem to carry it — but what can you expect from acorporation that originally gave iPods batteries that died in 18 months and couldn’t be replaced except through the purchase of a new iPod?


Lyrics below video


You are born into this world
Looking down the barrel of a gun
And those who hold the gun
Want you to work fast and die young
And if you don’t work
If you don’t obey
They’ll make you live in fear till your dying day
Those who govern hold the gun to your head
With religions, corporations, proud of blood
They’ve shed
Whether it’s God or the bomb
It’s just the same
It’s only fear under another name
And the corporate snakes coming in to feed
On that pathetic fact known as human greed
Skin and bone being raked over those hot coals
This dump never seems to give time for human soul
And all those things that we have learnt
No time for questions, you’ll just get burnt
You’ll just get burnt
And those words crush you flat
Like your skull’s under a brick
And the fear’s so damnned strong
That it makes you sick
And you can see right through those eyes
That make you fear, that make you lie
And you’re taught to hold high
Yet you wonder why
Dumb values forced upon you by the
Living lie

Corporate Mouthpiece Theatre — Coming Soon to a Country Near You

Corporate Mouthpiece Theatre — Coming Soon to a Country Near You published on

Here is a fine example of why what happens in Amerika matters to everyone, not just to the denizens of the Land Of Sour Honey. The psychopaths who run the U.S try a new type of bastardry in their own country, and when it succeeds, the psychopaths who run Australia try it on us. For example, corporate interests in the U.S buy up media organizations so that the media will spin things their way, and a few years after those actions are shown to be successful over there, our corporate bastards set about doing the same thing over here.

Many of us already know this of course, but it’s not often the powerful are stupid enough to say it in front of a camera….
Video below (view it before the U.S government finds a way to destroy YouTube)


American Cops Tasering School Children

American Cops Tasering School Children published on 2 Comments on American Cops Tasering School Children

So it’s come to this – school children being tasered for minor infringements. Anyone doubting just how barbaric the US is becoming should check out these surreal situations…

17 year old Jonathan Villareal likes to do that thing where his pants are almost falling off. This fashion choice turned out to be not too popular with the cops at his High School, who decided that his refusal to hitch up his trousers justified dragging him to the ground, breaking his arm and firing a taser at his chest.

Another 17 year old, a little miscreant by the name of Zahrod Jackson, wanted as part of his free lunch – known in the US Department of Education as “The Wall Street Special Except Cheaper” – not only a slice of pizza but also a beef patty. A verbal dispute ensued, resulting in the intervention of two brave members of the Connecticut filth, one of whom threw the greedy little bugger to the ground, the second of which proceeded to taser the kid five times!

What the hell cops are doing inside schools is anyone’s guess. The popular excuse is the fear of  a Columbine repeat, but it’s safe to say that a taser is going to be of little use against a couple of psycho kids with automatic weapons. Tasers are however, pretty good at creating a climate of fear in which kids are scared to step out of line in even the smallest of ways, lest they get a dose of the old battery juice to the chest.

Contrary to popular myth, being shocked with one of these pocket sized cattle prods isn’t all fun and games. Despite the device’s makers touting them as largely harmless, about four Americans die every month thanks to this “non-lethal” device, and most of them weren’t even armed…


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