Posts categoriezed as Race
Why I Shit On The Right And Piss On The Left
Yes, folks, it’s all due to an anatomical anomaly – I have a brain that’s larger than a hamster’s bollocks…
There was a time when the Left Wing was worth supporting, but that time is long gone. Nowadays, the Left does little for the poor, little for the environment, and nothing for men. But let me start with the many reasons why the Right is even worse than the Left.
I shit on the Right because it is the primary accomplice of the plutocracy. These people know fully well that they are working to make the rich richer. Indeed, doing so is the modern Rights’ raison d’etre ( and no, that’s not the name of a French breakfast cereal). With the right wing, it’s all about the so-called free market, all about deregulation, while paying lip service to their idiot base by making occasional complaints about gays getting married and Mehicans taking jobs from the white folks. You’ll notice that they don’t actually get round to doing anything about the latter problem, but why would they when their plutocratic masters clearly appreciate the cheap labor? While the Left does nothing for the poor – or at least, so little as to be inconsequential – the Right goes out of its way to shit all over them. This is not really a matter of different intentions, it is simply part of the game – to maintain the illusion that there is a genuine choice the Left has to act a bit less assholish than the Right. Stop doing that and even the dumbest amongst us will realize that both sides are nothing but zombies at the beck and call of some capitalist voodoo priest. I suspect that this rampant right wing support for the plutocrats is mostly the doing of plutocrat-owned leaders – trickle down and all that crap – rather than the doing of the right wingers on the ground. After all, it’s not just the liberal constituencies that are losing jobs to mechanization and the third world, and, surely, not even the average right winger could be so stupid as to consciously and knowingly aid and abet in his own economic castration. Or could he?
The Right is also where you find the majority of homophobes, anti-black racists, warmongers, and irrational nutjobs convinced that the world was made a few thousand years ago by some senile old bastard who lives in the sky. And the first two can be blamed on the average right winger, not simply on their leaders. I doubt that the owners of the Right really give a shit about supporting things like racism and homophobia, but they pretend to in order to keep the Right’s bigoted base on their side. As for religious excess, I have no doubt that the plutocracy does support it as irrationality breeds irrationality. Most people are not smart enough to be irrational in Area “A” while staying rational in Areas “B” to “Z”. For most people, irrationality is a disease that spreads from one part of life to the others, and that is exactly how the plutocrats want it. Make people irrational about God, the meaning of life and all that other crap, and soon they will be irrational about politics, the climate, disappearing jobs, and their rapidly vanishing freedoms.
And on that point – irrationality – let me start in on the Left. The Left has been so contaminated by political correctness and other College-borne, pseudo-liberal viruses that they can no longer tell shit from chocolate, black from white, up from down, and male from female. That’s right, the same people who scream “Right wing loonies!” at those who think the Bible is the word of God are the same people who cheer loudly when Bruce Jenner claims to be “for all intents and purposes” a woman! Of course, if he were to come out tomorrow and claim that the rapture was just around the corner, it is these same people who would be taking to their Twitter accounts to blither out, “Holy shit, Caitlyn Jenner has lost her mind!” I’m not a religious sort ( in case you haven’t figured that out yet ) but even i can’t help but think of that biblical bit about the splinter and the log. And this is one of the greatest sins of the Left, its abandoning of the thing called reason — if there has to be a God, that God should be Reason. But the Left does not see it that way, to them Reason is something to be loathed and disrespected. It is something that oppresses people, even though most Left wing ideas are based on it. And even worse than that – it is something that stops people feeling good about themselves! To the illogical, touchy-feely types that dominate the Left, there seems to be nothing worse than people (their people, of course ) feeling bad about themselves. So they must support Bruce when he claims his penis, his bollocks, and his having at least twice inseminated a woman are in no way evidence of his maleness. And if someone who is as white as he is black decides they feel better about themselves “identifying” as black, then the 50% of their DNA that says “white” must be ignored – especially when that someone is a plutocratic stooge trying to get into the White House. Next thing you know, claiming to be a duck will be perfectly PC as long as you stick some feathers on your ass and occasionally go “Quack, quack!”
Then there is the Left’s unwavering support for multiculturalism and the Islamic invasion. In other words, the Left’s unwavering support for the Right! After all, it’s not as if the liberal West is being flooded with socialists and progressives, is it? That’s how batshit crazy the average leftist has become – they are supporting a far right invasion of the liberal West simply because the conservative invaders are kind of swarthy, eat kebabs instead of hot dogs, and scream “Allahu Akbar” instead of “Jesus Is Lord!” Sheer lunacy! And in the long term, the worst sin of the Left – they are destroying the left wing ideologies that have made the last one hundred years something close to a Golden Age for the common man, and they are doing so in the name of Leftism itself! For a mind as logically inclined as my own, this is truly incomprehensible. Shit, at least the right wing Christians have a life time of conditioning and a very prestigious best seller telling them all the shit that fills their heads! What the hell is the excuse of the Left?!?!? A couple of decades of propaganda and academic chicanery do not compare to a life time of brain washing – it takes a far crazier person to believe the former than it does the latter.
Then there is the matter of character. While the Right deserves to be reviled for accepting the opportunity to hate on the poor, the blacks, and the gays, the Left is just as deserving of contempt for its eagerness to shit all over whites and, especially, men. In the same way that the average right wing asshole does not have to say, “Yes!” when asked if he wants to hate the niggers, the faggots, and poor white trash, so too could the average left wing asshole have said, “Fuck you!” when offered the opportunity to hate on whitey, the menz, and those who can still tell a cock from a cunt. But, no. Just like the bigots on the Right, the bigots on the Left saw the opportunity to treat a huge group of people as inferior, and they grabbed it with both hands. The offer to be bigoted we can blame on the plutocrat-owned leaders of the Left – the accepting of that offer can only be blamed on the followers themselves.
So, for these and other reasons that i am too pissed off to think of right now, I hold both sides of politics in the highest contempt and hope they both go down in flames and are replaced by something decent and humane. It ain’t gonna happen, of course, but we can always hope – and if we can’t hope, we can always rant about it on our blogs!
Rich White Woman Shot Dead By New York Police Officer
Ms Lilly Weiss, 34, of Manhattan, got lost on her way to the Hamptons and made the mistake of stopping off at a Harlem 7-11 to ask for directions. While there she also decided to buy, for undisclosed reasons, a sole cucumber. When she returned to the parking lot, Ms Weiss was promptly blown to kingdom come by Officer Lee Whey, who was deeply dismayed to find out the race, class, and sex of his victim.
Speaking through his legal representative, Officer Whey stated…
”I am deeply sorry for this tragic mistake. As Ms Weiss was sporting a dark tan and it was Harlem, I thought she was black. Furthermore, someone up the street had told me there was a homeless,black drag queen called Rastus hanging around and as you can see from the autopsy photos, Ms Weiss wasn’t the prettiest of women. This, combined with the fact that she was at the time wielding what appeared to be a loaded cucumber, led me to mistake Ms Weiss for a black man. Also, she had a really mean look on her face, which further convinced me of both her maleness and her blackness.”
When it was pointed out that, according to eyewitness accounts, Ms Weiss was smiling broadly when shot, the officer claimed “Er…I thought she was eating watermelon?”
While the matter is investigated by his brother officers, Officer Whey has been put on leave. He is believed to be spending it in the Riviera, in the company of several Playboy playmates.
Miami Storm Troopers Attack Boy ( And His Dog )
The kid was, not surprisingly, black but the dog was white so I have to believe he was only an accidental victim.
Some members of the Miami filth have thrown a kid to the ground, choked him and then arrested him. Supposedly there had been a report of 14 year old Tremaine McMillian fighting with some other kids, but after the Neanderthals In Blue spoke to the boy ( who was at the time offending every sensibility of civilized society by bottle feeding a puppy ) they realized the so-called fight had instead been just a friendly rough-house with some buds. Still, the filth insisted on talking to the kid’s mom, as anyone young, male and black poses a threat to the peace and must be turned over to mommy for the good of the community. Somewhere along the way, as the kid was leading the dirtbags to the parent in question, they decided to tackle him to the ground and choke him, injuring the puppy’s leg in the process.
In a logical world it would be the two large, burly men who would be in trouble, but this being a world illogical enough to make Alice’s Wonderland look like the personification of reason, it is the scrawny kid who has been charged with a crime. And what is that crime? Resisting arrest with violence! Strictly speaking that is indeed what was happening – they were trying to arrest him with violence and he resisted. Amerika being what it is I’m surprised they didn’t also charge him with bottle feeding a puppy in public…
The cops claim the kid – shock, horror – clenched his fists and pulled his arm away when they tried to arrest him, and this justifies the officers’ brutality. Some asshole Police Detective called Alvaro Zabaleta tries to explain his fellow officers’ behavior with this bit of blithering…
“All of that body language alone is already letting the officers know that this is a person that is now obviously getting agitated and can become violent.”
Great, next time someone clenches his fists in my presence I’ll knock him to the ground and choke him out. Also, if there is a dog in the vicinity I’ll be sure to give it a kick for good measure.
More here
Also, there is a petition asking the police to drop the charges here.
And then people wonder why songs like Cop Killer get written…
( Check out the Laugh Out Loud moment at around 4 min 20 secs — Ice-T, singer, actor and comedian!)
Human Clay Pigeons
That is assuming that the Amerikan authorities consider Mexicans human, of course. Let’s face it, they don’t treat their own people as human, why would they do so with “wetbacks”? Apparently sick of shooting black people, Amerikan stormtroopers are now firing across the border in order to kill Mexicans minding their own business. No reason needed, just a little target practice…