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The Pigman’s Twitter Account Has Been Terminated

The Pigman’s Twitter Account Has Been Terminated published on

Yes, in a move that does not surprise me in the least, the fascists at Twitter have finally gotten around to kicking me off the platform. Why? Because i told a black, racist piece of shit that she would be happier if she moved to Zimbabwe, a country RULED by black, racist pieces of shit. Basically, she told Sia Furler ( the infamous Aussie SJW who adopted two NEGRO boys despite there being no dearth of Aboriginal boys up for adoption ) that she should not interfere in some retarded feud between some woman-child and her equally dimwitted nemesis. And why should the middle aged person who knows more than a couple of brats not interfere? BECAUSE SHE’S WHITE!

Then i got locked out of my account and received this email, so i KNOW that’s the tweet they used as an excuse to get rid of someone who is too politically balanced for their liking…

I filed an appeal, explaining why i thought she would be happier in Zimbabwe, and they very quickly told me to get stuffed…

You’ll notice they don’t even bother to discuss the issue, they just repeat the same crap as in the first email. That’s today’s fascist “liberalism” for you.

Anyway, i just thought i would put this out there, partly for the record and partly in case anyone is wondering where the hell i went. So now, i am finally using my Gab account, and i gotta tell ya, that place is wacked out! Every second comment is either, “Niggers are monkeys” or “the hollowcaust didn’t happen!” It’s like the Bizarro version of Twitter. Either that or Twitter is the Bizarro version of Gab. But, hey, it’s not like there’s any other choice, is there? LOL! Now, here’s the thing. I’m too smart and independent to fall for all this far right propaganda, but what about all the other exiles who aren’t? Is it not obvious that the retards at Twitter are sending a lot of center right types who say naughty things over to Gab where they can be radicalized by far right rhetoric? Am i the only one who sees where this is leading? That’s right, AN INCREASE IN FAR RIGHT LOONS! LOL! Oh, man, shit is fucked up beyond redemption.

Anyway, end of swinish rant.

For anyone interested, here’s my page at Gab…

EDIT: and here’s my page at Parler...

The Shocking Truth About Nathan Phillips!

The Shocking Truth About Nathan Phillips! published on

nathan phillips and elizabeth warren
Nathan Phillips, seen here with his daughter Elizabeth Warren

For the minority of readers who don’t already know, Nathan Phillips, a.k.a Nathan Stanard, a.k.a Nathan Berkowitz, a.k.a Wayne Newton’s Cousin, a.k.a Chief Shifty Bastard, a.k.a Spongebob Squarepants, a.k.a Taylor Swift, is the elderly man who recently caused a media storm after accosting a group of adolescent boys wearing MAGA hats at a rally celebrating the 450th birthday of Pocahontas, a Native American woman famous for leading Lewis and Clarke into a Louisiana swamp and starting the annual camel races in Topeka, Kansas. Readers will also remember that Mr. Phillips made many claims about the above encounter which were later contradicted by full footage of the confrontation, which showed that the boys did not, as Phillips has claimed, chant “Build the wall” but rather “Bill is small,” a reference to a rumour started many years ago by Paula Jones.

It will also be remembered that Mr. Phillips lied about having been in Vietnam during the war, and that he is not, as he has also claimed, the midget who played the main Ewok in The Empire Strikes Back. But now, thanks to some clever investigative work by yours truly, it can be revealed that Mr. Phillips is not even a Native American! He is, in fact, a white insurance salesman named James Fotherington the 3rd!


James Fotherington before picture
James Fotherington the Third before his radical transformation

While never taking part in any actual wars, federal records show that Mr. Fotherington was in fact in the armed services, and stationed in Petaluma, California where he fixed refrigerators and air conditioning units. It was here, in 1973, that his problems began. During one of the few days when he wasn’t AWOL and hanging around with hookers in Vegas, Mr. Fotherington was ordered to fix some refrigeration units in the base’s kitchen. It was then that a carelessly balanced refrigerator fell on his head, knocking him senseless and putting him in a five month coma. When he awoke, Fotherington was now convinced that he was a Native American man who had once been Crazy Horse’s valet. Nothing that he was told or shown could dissuade him from this delusion, not even a mirror or photos of his white family, both of which he insisted were optical illusions conjured up by a Republican PR firm.

Obtaining an honourable discharge on the basis of permanent disability and incurable stupidity, Fotherington then proceeded to use the trust fund left to him by his grandfather, feather pillow magnate James Fotherington the First, to transform himself into his vision of the perfect “Indian.” He travelled to Mexico, where he claimed to be a descendant of Pancho Villa and the inventor of Chilli Con Carne. “Before i came along it was Chilli Con Piedras,” he told one local. It was while in Mexico that Fotherington had cheek implants put in place and had his ears enlarged. He then moved to Michigan, where he took out a lifetime membership at Blisters Galore, the state’s most popular chain of tanning salons, and purchased a lifetime supply of “Chief Fake Red Man’s Sunless Tanning Lotion.”

By the mid 1980s, having wasted what was left of his trust fund on unwise investments – Fotherington was the primary investor in a driving school for Chinese women – and now firmly entrenched in his “Native American” persona, Fotherington just barely managed to support himself by selling used teepees to hippies left over from the 1960s. In the early 2000s, as his customers started dying out due to so many decades of too much marijuana and not enough protein, Fotherington realized that there was more money in activism than in second hand camping gear so he joined the local tribal council, got a Facebook account, and started going on about the problems of Native Americans, something of which there is no shortage. In 2016, while serving a community sentence over a scuffle with an Italian whom he suspected of  being a descendant of Christopher Columbus, he told his supervisor “If only someday i can take my little drum and stir up a really big fuss and get my face all over the media, then i can set up a GoFundMe page, and finally start raking in some real dough.” And the rest, as they say, is fake news.

Donald Sutherland is ashamed of being male. And white.

Donald Sutherland is ashamed of being male. And white. published on

Strangely enough, he seems quite proud to be Canadian. Go figure.

Needless to say, this Donald, unlike the other one, is a massive, massive pussy. And a total embarrassment to both his sex and race. Here’s an idea, you senile old coot — why don’t you start identifying as a black woman? Because we sure as hell don’t want you over here.

And how about Helen Mirren, hey? Who is it that, worldwide, is more privileged than a rich white male like Sutherland? Yes, it’s a rich white female like Mirren! Utter scum, this woman. It’s like a rich white man telling some black guy in the ghetto that he, the black guy, is the privileged one!

Today’s Left — Assaulting The Homeless Instead of Beating Up The Plutocrats

Today’s Left — Assaulting The Homeless Instead of Beating Up The Plutocrats published on

Over the last few years, my disdain for my own side of politics has grown to the point where, if Trump gets in and turns out to not be a fake like Warren or Sanders, i may very well dump the Left and join the populist Right.

There are many reasons for my anger at what used to be the working man’s side of politics. The Left wing political establishment’s continuing slide towards the side of the plutocrats is part of it, and so is the fact that they cover up their evil new allegiance with a lot of PC crap about how awful whites, males, and especially white males are. Then there’s the fact that even the left wing “independent” media has turned plutocratic – how else to explain places like Reader Supported News supporting, even endorsing, the more right wing of the presidential candidates? That is no surprise from long-suspect publications like the NY Times and the Guardian, but when even the outlets supposedly controlled by real lefties are siding with the neo-liberal, neo-conservative Clinton, you know the rot has gone all the way down to the roots and it may be time to cut down the old apple tree.

If one looks back at recent history while searching for a symbolic moment that shows the Left for the evil creature that it has become, one will be presented with many distasteful options. Was it Bubba D Raper passing NAFTA? Was it Tony Blair getting Rupert Murdoch’s endorsement? Was it Bernie Sanders turning his back on his supporters and kissing the ass of the woman who destroyed his campaign? No. Bad as those were, there is something even worse, something that shows that the rot has indeed gone all the way to the roots, that it is no longer just the political Left and the “independent” left wing media that work for the plutocrats, but the common leftists themselves. Folks, i give you the face of the modern Left…

Isn’t that great? Some big mother fuckers verbally assaulting, destroying the property of, and possibly even physically assaulting a homeless black woman and acting as if they are righteous for doing so! If these bastards had been whites back in the old south, there would be one more strange fruit dangling from a southern tree. It’s the same mentality as the KKK and their ilk, just with a new, more fashionable target. And, needless to say, in typical SJW fashion, they justified their crimes against her by accusing the victim of “spewing hate.” And did you spot the anti-white racism? Yeah, the bit where someone dismisses a guy trying to get them to take it easy by calling him a “white boy.” There’s also a fine attempt at equating “hate speech” with committing a robbery. Good thing these guys weren’t cops, or they would have shot her dead and then claimed she was the one who killed JFK!

So there you have it, folks, the moment that best encapsulates what the Left has become – a bunch of bullies and thugs who will not tolerate anyone speaking out against their plutocratic masters. Kinda makes me want to take them all and dump them in very large volcano, but that’s the kind of thing that only happens in beautiful dreams…