Posts categoriezed as Popular Culture
The Happy Clown Song by Velvet Lizard
Yes, it’s a clown world and it gets clownier every year. But one man was ahead of the curve. One man saw it coming and did everything he could to hasten its arrival. Folks, your friend and mine — the Joker…
Feminist Loon Creates Petition to Investigate Sexism Against Female Horses!
Or, as he calls it, hipo-misogyny! There it is, folks — the Seventh Sign of the Apocalypse!
The petition (click here for a good laugh) seems to have been triggered by the article, “Horses saddled with gender bias: mares seen as ‘bossy‘” in which some other feminist loon argues that sexist views of mares as willful, feisty and too likely to eat all the cheesecake, may be leading people to treat them more harshly than they do male horses, who generally are seen as absolute sweethearts.
It’s all falling apart, folks. The ancient Romans had to put up with a lot of crap as their civilization went to hell, but i’m pretty sure complaints about sexism towards horses wasn’t part of it!
Facebook — “Threats of violence are bad. Unless we hate you, that is.”
Liberals — just when you think they’ve taken it too far, they take it further. Turns out Facebook forbids threats of violence — UNLESS they are against people on their shit list! I swear, when i first saw this i thought it might be a right wing hoax, but nope, it’s the real deal. I went to Facebook and took this screenshot myself.
That’s it, Facebook are now officially evil. Apparently making threats that could lead to the death of the few right wingers still permitted on their platform is perfectly okay. Hell, they don’t even bother to dog-whistle it by making jokes about throwing acid on guys like Sargon, they straight out tell you it’s fine to call for Alex Jones to be shot in the head or blown up!
There’s been a lot of talk about regulating Facebook, but with this one they have crossed the line between being naughty boys that need rules to being hardcore Antifa types who need to be permanently shut down. You know, in Australia we can’t access Bitchute because they host video of the Christchurch massacre. Time to do similar to Facebook. If they think it’s okay to call for people to be killed, it’s time to make sure nobody can access their vile site.